Usa "appurtenant" in una frase
appurtenant frasi di esempio
1. The Park and Tilford case illustrates the necessity of relating an analysis of income accounts to an examination of the appurtenant balance sheets
2. All the other workyards were in the fortress itself, or in its neighbourhood; and the fortress, from the earliest days I was there, was the object of my hatred, and, above all, its appurtenant buildings
3. " From this course of interpretation, the gentlemen, reasoning from a supposed analogy, have asked, if Congress can derive the right to erect light-houses and custom-houses from their necessary agency in effectuating the particular powers to which they are said to be appendant or appurtenant, why may it not in the same way derive the right of granting charters of incorporation for the same objects? Or, in other words, if Congress can constitutionally erect custom-houses for the purpose, or as the necessary means of collecting duties; why may it not establish a bank for the same object, &c
4. The sums expended on the militia in Massachusetts, both from the public treasury and by private individuals, is very great—that State has furnished more than sixty artillery companies, with their pieces, ammunition carriages, and every thing appurtenant to them, complete; the artillery and cavalry are completely uniformed and equipped, and are required so to be by law; for the greater part, the infantry are in uniform complete, are well armed, and are equal in all respects to any militia in the world