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    Usa "archives" in una frase

    archives frasi di esempio


    1. 'I’m going to have to see if there are any articles in the newspaper archives about the proposed conversion of the house - there must have been something

    2. There was some knowledge of our civilization in your expedition’s archives

    3. By diligent dredging of the Gnome’s archives his people had found that Kulai had signed out a 600ml bottle of abHg synapsase only a couple years before Ava’s host was brought in

    4. His man had looked thru Gnome archives all Afternoonday and found the paper all agreed with what he found in the data

    5. Those archives are in the crystal that's kept in the deep labs under the southwest corner of the pyramid by the five of the Kassikan

    6. the original preserved in the archives of the

    7. These people who had successfully regressed to their former lives were able to provide past details, which were consistent with archives or historical records

    8. Martin could tell it was an older screening, maybe even from the archives of the U

    9. bi’ o’ digging in the newspaper archives

    10. Historical Center, National Archives and Records

    11. resolution filed and put away in the city archives

    12. city archives, and was never broken

    13. Simon wrote the information down on a piece of paper, called one of the girls over, gave her the note and told her to check the archives for any information

    14. Those writings which José Diego has discovered in the Historical Archives of the Province of León (Caja 2089, Folio 618) and which he has allowed me to reproduce here, show clearly that the “Ermita” existed already in 1662, the date when a carpenter named Blas Varela was contracted, so that he would

    15. Still fuming several days after the incident, he had found his way to the archives of the immigration service where he discovered a very peculiar thing: Michael came from California

    16. “There are literally billions of historical and scientific archives in the files,” Sim informed Brendan

    17. “It’s an unmarked ship, private registration, reported stolen according to archives, about ten years ago,” reported the flight system

    18. The important is to avoid that each organization has products and installations in idleness; also to avoid the burning of money or investment in used resources periodically in diverse departments, such as: computer, software, office table, chairs, archives, fax apparel, stationery and pieces of furniture in general

    19. Berger stole highly classified documents from the National Archives and destroyed some of them

    20. The corridor turned left again leading to first the Khanate’s archives (it held all the official correspondence and documents), then one more storeroom (root vegetables), and a workroom where things were fixed

    21. “I’ve just been in the archives

    22. uncovered something in the archives that had never been

    23. archives searched, and finds that Mordecai saved his life, and that no reward had

    24. service is their extensive archives of survey

    25. Tarazi found the Episcopal archives in Cuenca noted during the period 1584-1588 – the

    26. However, by law, my name as accused of sexual harassment remains in the archives of Sacramento, the California state capital

    27. Next day, he received e-mail from the managerial staff of the weekly indicating that there was no record in their archives of his article

    28. He used to rob banks but would first destroy the archives

    29. That affidavit is on record in New York City Archives

    30. that long Thursday was that the same Archives employees who were

    31. After Berger’s previous visit, in September, Archives officials believed documents were missing

    32. ments were missing from the Archives, or that archivists suspected him in the disappearance

    33. 4, that he was contacted by Archives employees who said

    34. Berger alerted Archives employees that evening to what he had

    35. Several days later, after he had retained Breuer as counsel, Berger volunteered that he had also taken 40 to 50 pages of notes during three visits to the Archives beginning in July, the lawyer said

    36. Berger turned the notes over to the Archives

    37. that he knowingly did not show these papers to Archives officials

    38. for review before leaving — a violation of Archives rules, but not one that he perceived as a serious security lapse

    39. By then, however, Archives officials had served notice that there were other documents missing

    40. This official said an Archives employee

    41. former president Bill Clinton’s liaison to the National Archives

    42. The Archives employee said documents were missing and would have

    43. The government source said the Archives employees were

    44. Berger said, “I deeply regret the actions that I took at the National Archives two years ago, and I accept the judgment of the court,”

    45. equally authentic, in a single copy which shall be deposited in the archives of the

    46. “There have been earthquakes, tidal waves, and volcanoes in the past, but nothing in the archives has prepared me to understand this

    47. archives has prepared me to understand this

    48. stores away in its archives and remembers

    49. The author is indebted to the professionalism, guidance and courtesy provided by UWS-JDHL Maritime Archives Director Laura Jacobs and the library staff

    50. PHOTOGRAPHS are courtesy of the University of Wisconsin-Superior Martime Collections Archives in the Jim Dan Hill Library, and the U

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