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    Usa "armored car" in una frase

    armored car frasi di esempio

    armored car

    1. The Phoenix Armored Car Company was a no-frills operation

    2. "You said somethin' about an armored car terminal?" Bones

    3. rigged his past, and took the job with the Phoenix Armored Car

    4. Satisfied, Ingrid then took the time to procure from Hodge’s staff stocks of local maps before departing the USAFIK headquarters with her officers in their M20 armored cars

    5. As their vehicles were about to cross the bridge spanning the Han River in order to return to Suwon, Ingrid had her armored cars stop for a moment to look at the tall flames in Inchon harbor, easily visible in the night

    6. Shouting orders to her MPs, Dickinson soon left the airfield at full speed with four M20 GREYHOUND armored cars

    7. Those M20 armored cars were part of the materiel that the 99th Wing shouldn’t possess according to official lists, but which had been kept from the vast surplus of equipment and supplies due to be officially scrapped or disposed of at the end of World War Two

    8. Some would have called those M20 armored cars extravagant and unjustifiable for an air wing, but for Ingrid those vehicles only compensated for what was in her mind one of the serious deficiencies in the organization of air units concerning airfield perimeter security

    9. After looking at her watch, Ingrid got up in one of the M20 armored cars and took position behind the heavy machinegun of the vehicle, arming it and chambering a round

    10. As the soldiers looked at each other, undecided, a fourth truck managed to break through the cordon of armored cars of Ingrid’s MPs and rushed towards the helicopters

    11. That officer and his men were now surrounded on three sides by M20 armored cars, with heavy machineguns pointed at the trucks by hard-faced female MPs

    12. In terms of armored cars, small arms and support weapons, her air task force’s inventory would have been qualified by any other general as ‘outrageously lavish’

    13. ‘’General, I can send within two hours to Masan about 400 women armed with automatic carbines and machineguns, plus a dozen M20 armored cars and 24 jeeps mounting machineguns

    14. The personnel of the following units and sub-units will prepare immediately for a ground defense mission beyond the perimeter of the airfield: the armored car and detention platoons of our Military Police company; the first and second platoons of our airfield defense company and the emergency defense sections of all our administrative, logistical and construction sub-units

    15. She also took pictures of an impressive column of M20 armored cars and jeeps mounting machineguns as it rolled by, heading out of the airfield on the road leading west to Masan

    16. Our military policewomen, under Major Dickinson, will on their part hold the town of Masan itself with their armored cars and armed jeeps

    17. The other American armored cars also opened fire while dispersing and searching for cover behind the houses and alleys of Masan

    18. Taken by surprise by the appearance of the M20 armored cars, the first T-34 tank, which was climbing at slow speed the sloped road towards the town, fired its first gun shell more than twenty seconds after the start of the encounter

    19. For the armored cars, the battle was however too unequal and Angie shouted in her radio microphone

    20. Unfortunately, she could only see quickly that there was nothing she could do for the three women of that armored car

    21. By that time, Ingrid had learned by radio that the remains of the 19th Regiment had been reorganized in a new blocking position on the northern road to Masan, in the company of four M20 armored cars from Angie Dickinson’s unit

    22. About twenty minutes later, Lieutenant Norrell left the train station with his four tanks, splitting up from the eight tanks and four armored cars led by Captain Harvey

    23. Some of the soldiers of the 19th Infantry Regiment withdrawing by truck under cover of the night lowered their heads at the angry shout from Angie Dickinson, while others gave her the finger as their trucks rolled past her and her five M20 armored cars and six armed jeeps

    24. Jumping out of her M20 armored car, she ran to meet the lead tank and, stepping in the middle of the road, gestured for it to stop

    25. "Well, They talked about an armored car, I think, and

    26. The infiltrators soon had to call in some heavy support, with a column of armored cars then showing up at the two main gates of the compound

    27. With its armored cars quickly decimated by the assault shuttles, the ISF replied by sending its own assault shuttles and more ground troops, turning the battle into an epic confrontation that transformed the Navy compound into a field of ruins within an hour

    28. Talked him into helping me rob that armored car and, as you know, it killed him

    29. Her fears materialized ten minutes later, when four big armored carriers came rolling to the destroyed checkpoint and started disgorging dozens of ISF soldiers

    30. The nine armed and armored Carolingian men-at-arms and knights occupying the rowboat with Robert Le Fort, Margrave[7] of Neustria[8], tightened their grips on their swords and battleaxes at the command of their leader

    31. Through the shower of hot lead and sparks, she watches as ricochets bounce back and forth between the impacted, armored cars

    32. A fleet of big tanker trucks were also circulating around the cargo planes, refueling them as a long column of jeeps and armored cars mounting machine guns that had rolled out of the transports was forming up on the tarmac

    33. Sergeant Rhonda Stuart, patrolling the port area in her M-20 armored car of the Air Force Police, heard like her three crew members the first shots

    34. The two men firing at the house, not having seen yet the armored car, started running at once towards the ruined house

    35. Rhonda finished off with a short burst a wounded man still holding a STEN submachine gun, then jumped out of her armored car and ran to the jeep to extract as quickly as she could the driver, who was literally roasting up

    36. Jack then called Max on his phone and told him to track the armored car via satellite

    37. The global position satellite coordinates Max sent Jack on his phone indicated that the stolen armored car was headed for the highway

    38. He sped faster when he saw the armored car

    39. Jack then pulled Susan out of the way as the Vanquish crashed into the armored car

    40. Jack then got into Vanquish and reversed it away from the wreckage of the armored car and drove back to the city

    41. Then he set his sights on a betting shop in Blueberry where he held the cashier at gunpoint and stole all the money, Next the thefts become more daring as he disabled a detail of police cars assigned to protect this armored car that was transporting 100 million in cash to the ‘First National bank of New Star’, so far it is estimated that the culprit has stolen over $150 million in only two hours

    42. “Yeah, you’ll have a hay day with my record, I shouldn’t bother to change my clothes, you’ll be sending me back to South Dakota in an armored car

    43. It was peculiar to see troops in sand fatigues manning barricades with armored cars better suited to Iraq, but just as unsettling to be driving out of one of the illuminated districts past a stretch of residential city blocks to which the power had still not been restored

    44. On a road southwest of Kandahar, deep in Helmand Province nine months into his tour of duty, Corporal Carney was riding as a top gunner in an armored car leading a line of trucks carrying supplies for several forward bases

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