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    Usa "arrogantly" in una frase

    arrogantly frasi di esempio


    1. Smiling to himself he thought arrogantly that nothing could stop his ascending the Throne of Aura

    2. Promptly, the fox declared to the tiger, "How dare you kill me!" On hearing the words the tiger was surprised and asked for the reason" The fox raised his voice a bit higher and declared arrogantly: "To tell you the truth, it's I who was accredited by God of the forest as the king of all the animals! If you kill me, that will be against the God's will, you know?" Seeing that the tiger became suspicions, the fox added: "Let's have a test

    3. You don't have the courage to sacrifice yourself! You couldn't even kill the girl who killed your parents when you had the chance! You are nothing more than a coward, Matt, and no matter how much you achieve, no matter what you do, you will always be a coward!” Justice said arrogantly

    4. The man just stood there arrogantly and didn’t say a word, his silence doing his cause more harm than good

    5. office block rose heavenwards arrogantly

    6. ‘Move your car!’ he snapped more arrogantly than the first time

    7. And what of those institutions, with the myriad discoveries during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, upon whose elephantine backs were transported the hopes, the expectations, and the problems of the societies of the whole world it would seem? Some of those institutions’ members would now arrogantly protest the need of even a co-regency in the sourcing of the answers that ought to be addressed concerning the solutions applied to all life

    8. tobacco, he arrogantly clicked his fingers, motioning for the

    9. of severe alcohol abuse, while others strolled arrogantly through

    10. He arrogantly admitted being a part of the revolt, called the Mongols vultures feeding on the corpse of Mexica-Tolteca culture and denounced his own father as a lackey of the Mongols and a traitor to his mother’s people

    11. For instance, humanity developed antibiotics in the middle of the twentieth century and then arrogantly claimed that humans had won the battle against bacteria

    12. ” He said arrogantly

    13. selection’, being done by the one species arrogantly choosing

    14. The review in the newspaper supplement reporting on Festival events wasn’t so complimentary; ‘Sassenachs arrogantly bringing Scotland to Scotland in a somewhat hysterical production, rendered absurd by needless nudity

    15. “That would be fine,” Von Cruyt sat in a chair and folded his legs then slouched back in his chair arrogantly

    16. “So what is this to do with us?” Von Cruyt said arrogantly

    17. The fool was not even close to our target destination and when he found himself lost he arrogantly decided to do the same thing he did on our first voyage and that was enter the Earth's atmosphere

    18. Mosley was behaving as arrogantly as ever, now neither admitting nor denying anything, giving the police the run around

    19. arrogantly before God and prayed that he would not be like

    20. For those who shrink at the idea that Paul arrogantly calls the Gospel of Grace “my

    21. The hosts said that the United States overdramatized the issue and arrogantly stated that their nuclear plants were flawless and in need of no worry about accidents

    22. A gasp escaped from everyone in the room, Quetzalcoatl was indeed a most ancient god, known far and wide, and a major part of every religion throughout the land, I had not known that Coatl had heard of him until this minute, surely he could not get away with this deception now, who was going to believe such a monstrous lie, I was answered almost immediately when our two guests flung themselves on their bellies in front of him, to keep up the deceit, mother and I also lay down in front of him, Coatl told us to rise and be seated, our guests looked ready to faint, so mother bowed to Coatl and asked permission to escort her guests to the door, he waved a hand arrogantly toward her and our visitors bowed, and hurried themselves from the room, Coatl had his hand over his mouth, holding in the laughter, he was turning a red colour, mother closed the door behind the two stunned guests, and as she stepped back into the room, we all exploded with laughter, when the laughter subsided, mother said

    23. We then entered the village and went directly to the square, the elder was there with the high priest, very few villagers were present I asked the priest to blow the temple horn to call the people to the square, arrogantly he refused

    24. Sergei arrogantly looked at my father

    25. My terror must have shown on my face, he started to laugh, low and to me very menacing, to think yesterday I arrogantly thought I was protecting him, what in the name of all the gods; what kind of beast was he; turning he went to the Mixteca meal that he had interrupted and brought back two fish each one as big as your hand, two corn cakes and a gourd of water he laid the food next to me and untied my hands and feet, handing me one of the fish and the corn cakes he sat next to me and began to eat the other fish, all this in silence, in fact the only noise I had heard him make was when he was using the sticks, truly a terrifying warrior, then the thought struck me, there must be a nation of such warriors somewhere, then I had another thought, please let the gods have mercy on us and keep this white tribe friendly towards my people

    26. “Now hold on, boys,” he said arrogantly,

    27. With a perfunctory laugh, Wickland replied rather arrogantly, “It is a delicate situation that is for certain

    28. “Nothing has been touched,” he said arrogantly

    29. The ANC arrogantly expelled the previous incumbents only to hire them

    30. “I doubt it,” Gunnar retorted arrogantly, staring Ailia down

    31. “And how far ahead is this science compared to modern knowledge?” Nikolai Andreevich asked arrogantly, crossing hands over his chest

    32. aries who arrogantly moved into the Norbulingka under the

    33. Otho arrogantly spat at his opponent, "You are no match for me; I was trained by the best of the Cavalli

    34. clouded with vanity thinks arrogantly that he is the doer

    35. This cooperation of the collective to perpetuate itself we arrogantly call compassion

    36. Roth leaned back on his heels and stared at her perversely, grinning arrogantly

    37. Ulysses expresses all of his hybris when after he manages to get out of Polyphemus’ cave he arrogantly makes fun of him

    38. He never was able to hold his head up so arrogantly again on campus after that…

    39. And yet again, when Ulysses must face the violence of the Suitors, who have settled in his house and arrogantly devour his goods, Ulysses is at first in a state of powerlessness and he must withstand all the humiliations that the Suitors wish to inflict on him, without any possibility of reacting to them

    40. foolishly and arrogantly locked up

    41. And would she then, he wondered, have told a Prime Minister, as arrogantly as she told the really far nobler priest, to come along?

    42. This was his claim as he arrogantly ambled away

    43. Eugene must’ve acted arrogantly toward him in the past, or maybe Caleb is just a sadistic prick

    44. Now I see that the face of our dear Uksstukkullur has an expression of obvious perplexity and I imagine how arrogantly and haughtily all physicists will object my statement saying that even schoolchildren know that sound and color have different nature: sound is longitudinal oscillations of dense-material medium, which propagate in the form of sequences of as if “moving” bunches of this medium (as waves at sea), and color, that is, electromagnetic radiation, is the propagation of an electromagnetic Field

    45. People automatically separate themselves into different skill levels and only play with those most ‘equal’ to them in ability while sneering arrogantly at anyone less skilled and humbly kowtowing to anyone more skilled

    46. What was the big deal? Were they any different from any other shopkeepers? Yes! They were more surly, more ill mannered, more rude, and only wanted their customer’s money so obviously, so crassly, so arrogantly, so antisocially…

    47. He duplicated almost exactly what ancient rulers had done to the Chinese masses for 7,000 years… only he did it even more stupidly, more arrogantly, and more destructively

    48. Answered Teya rather arrogantly thought Cherish

    49. Tempting as it is, keep it quiet (but by all means smirk arrogantly) regarding the Feng Shui Jews who believe Jesus was the offspring of Buddha, Jezebel and the robot aliens

    50. Adams moved around him arrogantly and

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