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    Usa "artificiality" in una frase

    artificiality frasi di esempio


    1. The realities of the marketplace revealed the underlying artificiality of this approach

    2. Artificiality forcibly attempts to change things according to its own conception and enforces

    3. Yet indeed it was that studied artificiality which constituted her chief attraction

    4. They were seemingly so different and yet I believe it was a lack of artificiality, a quality of earthiness

    5. Their idea of living is: replacing nature with the artificiality of civilization

    6. The cruelty with which he shattered the world she had built up for herself so laboriously to enable her to endure her hard life, the injustice with which he had accused her of affectation, of artificiality, aroused her

    7. Julie had long been expecting a proposal from her melancholy adorer and was ready to accept it; but some secret feeling of repulsion for her, for her passionate desire to get married, for her artificiality, and a feeling of horror at renouncing the possibility of real love still restrained Boris

    8. Evidently she could speak of Russia’s misfortunes with a certain artificiality, but her brother was too near her heart and she neither could nor would speak lightly of him

    9. I am not going to repeat about the artificiality of the education, but how the whole matter has been arranged

    10. 'I tried to throw myself into that kind of life but was still more conscious of my own weakness and artificiality

    11. When a man's whole life is held in bondage by laws whose injustice, cruelty, and artificiality he plainly discerns, and yet is compelled to obey these laws under penalty of punishment, he must suffer; it cannot be otherwise

    12. Both, moreover, were quite lacking in naïveté, sincerity, and simplicity, and both overflowed with artificiality, forced originality and self-assurance

    13. Among his innumerable hasty productions written to order, there are, notwithstanding their artificiality of form, works of true art

    14. His face took on the stupid artificial smile (which does not even attempt to hide its artificiality) of a man who is continually receiving many petitioners one after another

    15. Julie had long been expecting a proposal from her melancholy adorer and was ready to accept it; but some secret feeling of repulsion for her, for her passionate desire to get married, for her artificiality, and a feeling of horror at renouncing the possibility of real love still restrained Borís

    16. He has the fancy of Carew, without his artificiality; he has Carew's sweetness, without his grossness of suggestion

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