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    Usa "associating" in una frase

    associating frasi di esempio


    1. You have to begin to recognize who, what, and where you are associating to know what is

    2. They wanted to know who you were associating

    3. Do you associate with the local bar? How about associating with the gym instead

    4. Associating the ultimate goal to your daily acts will help you avoid serious mistakes

    5. They had complied to a tee with societal norms regarding growing up, getting hitched, securing the blood line, having respectable employment, living in the right neighborhood with the big house and yard, having the latest in autos and technological devices, wearing the right clothing and associating with the proper friends, taking their vacations to the proper places, and…you know how it goes, right?

    6. Several people, including one of the Rothschilds, looked IOS over but either they didn’t have the resources to dig IOS out of trouble or they didn’t like the setup and associating themselves with it

    7. “I don’t make a habit of associating with the Abnegation

    8. So just stick to associating with real good guys that don't try to lure you to be alone with them to harm you

    9. The power of that word enslavement is not diminished by associating it with the modifier 'partial

    10. Ño Josefina crossed herself whenever she was going to begin the arduous task of brushing my hair; therefore, I began associating this act as something malignant to which it was necessary to be accompanied by God's blessing

    11. The family moved to a new neighborhood and she began associating with a crowd of kids that frequently got into trouble

    12. “But research shows that an inluential factor in dating violence is associating with peers who project negative attitudes toward their partners through actions or words

    13. They form the core of a theory, developed in the 1940s by American psychologist William Sheldon, associating body types with human temperament types

    14. start associating their ego with their

    15. Love of life is a broad bi-product to deeper levels such as what he is associating, and attaching ‘loves’ to in his life

    16. What is gleaned from this is what he is connecting, and associating to and ultimately it is these other associations that are triggering, and driving him

    17. “imprint” the memory of it deep into his or her mind, associating it with you

    18. Jesus called this woman, Veronica of Caesarea-Philippi, into his presence to correct two errors which might have lingered in her mind, or which might have persisted in the minds of those who witnessed this healing: He did not want Veronica to go away thinking that her fear in attempting to steal her cure had been honored, or that her superstition in associating the touch of his garment with her healing had been effective

    19. because associating partners with ALLAH is tantamount with

    20. “Jody, this is the second time that I see you associating

    21. associating it with a Church

    22. Acts 10: 28-29 describes the Jewish belief about not associating with Gentiles:

    23. perfectly the word will still go around associating your name with that project that fell over

    24. that by associating with the famous and visiting with saints who knew,

    25. dropped in the search results for associating with such sites

    26. Preliminary inquiries revealed that this chap, Jose and his brother Rafael had been associating with a man known as Manuel

    27. By associating with the big, corrupt landowners, you also repeated the same mistake that Washington did in China, by supporting leaders whose only interest was to enrich themselves at the expense of the general population

    28. Tammas was so concerned about associating with McCoy on the way to Earth

    29. The only other thing I will say about this last verse is that if God is relaying this kind of intense message where He does not want us eating and associating with people who are fornicating, then you know this is a very serious sin and offense in His eyes, and that He does not want any of us engaging in it for any reason whatsoever

    30. By holding up the election symbol designed to look exactly the way it looked on the EVM (in black and white and not saffron) and by associating his face with it (for those voters keen to vote for Modi, if not the BJP), Modi had put into the public space an image both viral-worthy and politically communicative (in fact, Modi would use the black-and-white lotus symbol as a lapel on his kurta in all public interactions from 7 April 2014, the first day of polling, if only to reinforce the party’s logo in the eyes of potential voters)

    31. She’s so laid back, I never even thought of associating her with some of my breakthroughs until I

    32. Well how did they go from being distressed, and in debt, and discontent, now become mighty men of valour? There was a prevailing spiritual atmosphere over David, that being with him, and drawing on that, and associating with him, they were changed by that spirit

    33. In another, they are always forming wrong connections, gambling, getting into debt, associating with bad companions, keeping their friends in a constant fever of anxiety

    34. There is no telling the harm that is done by associating with godless companions and friends

    35. Associating too much and too intimately with

    36. to him, and by associating with him

    37. has the advantage of associating with these sages

    38. In this way, culture wars can be easily managed by simply associating any idea, issue or I'mage a with X – the threat of meta-thwartedness – thus triggering the herd with a desire to act, either out, in, against, or for, without reflection as long as there is instilled direction

    39. because I was associating with the wrong kids at school before I met my new

    40. Thought is pure in-tension, an uncollapsed state smaller than a Planck length of vibrating strings associating via oscillation

    41. Such high intention and elevated purpose is not considered as disobedience, nor does it entail shame or diffidence specially when associating with that first spiritual state which necessitates forgetting

    42. He performs such deeds with the help of the sightless associating devils of jinn who aid the like of him

    43. associating her spirit within you until your destiny is learned and the chosen path is shown to you

    44. And Charlotte was so small, and the world she defied was so big and so indifferent and had such an inconsequent habit of associating all such efforts--in themselves nothing less than heroic--with the ridiculousness of cropped hair and extremities clothed in bloomers

    45. by associating themselves with men-of-

    46. Mafiya has a strong aversion to associating with them

    47. have some association here, yet what benefits can you can by associating animals with

    48. Even before she had begun associating with her fellow co-workers she seemed annoyingly twitchy around him

    49. Could you imagine a man who doesn't want to give farmers the right to vote associating with a demonologist?"

    50. Associating your interests with the subject matter of the ads that appear on your web site

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