Usa "atm" in una frase
atm frasi di esempio
1. it with an ATM card whenever we
2. They laugh at you as being weak and nothing but an ATM (the actual name Nigerians refers to Ex-Pats - automatic teller machine)
4. I am still plagued by the Diners Card and the inability to draw cash from an ATM
5. The ATM won’t let me draw cash from my Visa Gold Card either
6. ‘The consultant will probably take you to the ATM and ask you to insert your PIN’
7. She had to cancel her trip to a local ATM, where she wanted to get some money to pay Angie back for the Obeah oil
8. The Supreme Self, the individual soul, ( atm, belonging to oneself)
9. That was no problem, he’d just stop at the corner ATM and
10. encoded, he drove manually to the corner, stopped at the ATM and
11. Using your credit card at an ATM for a cash advance can sometimes not be convenient, as the rate and cash advance fees can total as much as 24% or higher
12. I put my knife down my trousers again and went out to the ATM on campus
13. Aside from that, it should also be near to a restaurant, an ATM machine, convenience store, and a pharmacy
14. Just make sure to carry your ATM card, so that you can make a withdrawal anytime you need to
15. Using the ATM
16. Using an ATM is also a good idea
17. ATM, the machines can run out of money or break down
18. Hank had just withdrawn a large chunk from the ATM to make a payment on the car he was buying for Toby
19. However, that’s a far cry from “turning your fax machine into an ATM”
20. When I inquired as to what she was doing, she said she was shopping on the Internet and they kept asking for a credit card number, so she was using the ATM ‘thingy
21. Do you think this technician is dating the woman with the ATM
22. Obviously the card is an ATM card but I always felt that it was a debit card as well
23. The statement had a one-dollar charge for using the ATM on December 11, 2007
24. When your money comes out of the ATM, scream, “I
25. To use the ATM, another password is required
26. There could be a charge by your bank if you don’t use their ATM
27. I wish I could have used the ATM
28. It may have been because I asked for $30 but the ATM was out of
29. As far as being tied to the ATM for withdrawals, you may be able to use your credit card for grocery shopping and get cash at the same time, thus avoid using those dreaded
30. correspondunce – relating to many in the press swipeout – an ATM or credit card that has been rendered useless because the magnetic strip is worn away from extensive
31. "account takeovers," passing bad checks, and "busting out" a checking or credit account with bad check, counterfeit money order, or empty ATM
32. Trini observed a man getting money from an ATM machine, embedded into the side of a building
33. “If I had a tricorder, I could have that ATM over there just spit us out enough to get by,” Lenar said
34. As they exited the mall, he went up to an ATM machine and held his
35. Using his implant, via HROV’s tricorder, he accessed the ATM machine and instructed it to empty its contents into his pack
36. “A thief who robbed an ATM in New
37. The customer becomes an ATM,
38. The fraudster didn’t even need to copy the chip, as many ATM machines, especially abroad, only read the magnetic strip
39. I shall effectively have to build the electronics of an ATM machine - I can’t use the real thing, for obvious reasons
40. The increased power and flexibility now available to him, both at Trinity and at the Computing Laboratory in the Keble Road Triangle of the University Science area, saved him hours of work, especially in the difficult task of replicating the workings of the ATM machines themselves
41. Ram Vilas Paswan had been hoping for a ‘wet’ ATM ministry—he was given the relatively lower profile consumer affairs ministry
42. but if you leave your ATM card with a guard, he will
43. it will save me a stop at the ATM
44. ATM in the bank over the road, chubbster
45. ATM is different from that which the bank account is denominated in (e
46. can access his/her bank account at an ATM machine, but others can't
47. There was an ATM of a bank just behind the security cabin of the hotel
48. some tolerable figures on the ATM screen instead of the usual “I’m
49. credit card and ATM numbers, zip codes, passwords, calculations, and many others!
50. She walked over to the "ATM" and touched the screen