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    Usa "auditing" in una frase

    auditing frasi di esempio


    1. He was her boss at the auditing company

    2. The job will involve auditing all types of activities

    3. He is either part of the big four auditing firms or he is out

    4. Auditing is nothing but an additional tool to assist the investigation or indeed compliance action

    5. Thus it cannot be classified under forensic auditing at all

    6. But I can’t really see why passage of a law enforcing the mechanism would be necessary, if verifiable, nonpartisan auditing procedures are put in place and agreed upon

    7. With pressure from the media, and proper auditing assured, I think the party first willing to take responsibility for its spending promise would be likely to win a close race—and it will know that prior to committing to that spending promise

    8. “Yes, Michelle, the auditing function is quite important and might be conducted by the nonpartisan General Accounting Office,” said Charles

    9. They, too, had not done any recent auditing of PSL

    10. notify the competent authorities by request for auditing the compliance with

    11. The trustees may audit annually the Defense Fund's Financial Records or engage the services of an independent outside auditing organization

    12. The expenses of an independent outside auditing organization shall be borne by the Defense Fund

    13. One business group, “The Circle”- an Auditing and Private Investigation Bureau, in particular, used his services regularly and this provided him with an ongoing income

    14. The company that he works for is an Auditing and Private Investigation Bureau called “The Circle” – Hamilton being their Accountancy and Tax specialist – he is evidently a member of the illustrious Collett Family…his mother is a 50% shareholder of “The Collett Corporation”…

    15. There is a lot more of my auditing experiences at the Equity Bank, but I believe in letting sleeping dogs lie

    16. I have been involved in many auditing engagements, but this was the first time I was ever asked whereby the President and the Chief Operating Officer said to me that they wanted me to tell them if their bank was well-run

    17. accountability auditing, resources and evaluation services to

    18. If they are recounting them, put them in Auditing

    19. rehabilitated in the Auditing Fraternity by using my

    20. auditing hotel accounts; I could ask around, they wouldn’t have to know it was for a gay

    21. Also, one can consider detailed auditing of the formulae through this tool

    22. The boss had been pressing him and his people for months now to take more interest in System auditing

    23. a high level of security will also offer auditing options

    24. auditing is to be of any use since a program can potentially bypass the

    25. But meditation through the process of jhana is about auditing such personal defilements through internal investigation, analysing, and experiencing and understanding the true nature of each defilement through applied and directed thought, sustained thought, neutral feeling and one-pointedness achieved through instigating the fixation of the mind on the meditation object to eliminate and reduce the defilements

    26. For instance the auditing procedure in Dianetics is referred

    27. that passing the auditing procedure that is practiced in Dianetics shal

    28. On the fourth day the auditing of the marshal’s accounts took place at the high table of the marshal of the province

    29. Sviazhsky comically imitated the tearful discourse of the marshal, and observed, addressing Nevyedovsky, that his excellency would have to select another more complicated method of auditing the accounts than tears

    30. The auditors’ report is normally a pretty routine affair, saying the company has abided by the accounting standards, Companies Acts requirements and other rules; that the directors are responsible for the accounts and the auditors merely take samples and tests as required by the Auditing Practices Board; and that as far as they can tell the accounts represent a true and fair account of the state of play

    31. Auditing has been a notoriously unprofitable profession in this country, given the legal developments in accountants’ liability

    32. Independent auditors of the statements of companies with publicly traded securities are usually very careful in comporting with not only GAAP rules, which cover what is to be disclosed in financial statements, but also Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS), which cover the procedures to be followed in preparing an audit

    33. Balashev found Davout seated on a barrel in the shed of a peasant’s hut, writing- he was auditing accounts

    34. It was the accent of Castlereagh auditing France's bill at the

    35. Balashëv found Davout seated on a barrel in the shed of a peasant’s hut, writing—he was auditing accounts

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