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    Usa "aug" in una frase

    aug frasi di esempio


    1. “The Papal Curia opened an ecclesiastical trial against him (Aug

    2. RT, Aug 17, 2013 – Christina Consolo, Nuked Radio: We have three 100-ton melted fuel blobs underground, but where exactly they are located, no one knows

    3. occurred in the jail cell block on Aug

    4. Aug 2009 by researchers from The University of

    5. waves is the Touchable Hologram method, demonstrated on 6 Aug 2009 by researchers

    6. Aug 13, Lunch, The Courtyard

    7. -Launching of ‘Direct Action Day’ by the League (17th Aug

    8. as we can see in the August 2011 report for the Aug 25th video: How to Publish a Book on Lulu

    9. I sell the Aug 40 call at 1

    10. 35 and the Aug 35 put at 2

    11. I wish I could tell you I was a market genius and somehow rolled my Aug options out to September, but I was happy to be out with a not-as-big loss

    12. Then July comes around, YHOO is still trading in that range, so I roll the Jul 15 calls out to the Aug 15 calls out for a credit of 0

    13. “By the way, the regular 3rd Friday Aug options have already expired and my broker is still showing some August options that expire on Aug 24 (the fourth Friday)

    14. These Aug 24 options are “Weeklys” options and there is nothing weird about the expiration date

    15. A quick Google search tells me that quarterly earnings for Salesforce will be announced after the close of trading on Thursday, one day before these Aug 24 options stop trading

    16. 18, the Aug 27

    17. On the other end of the spectrum, the Aug 27

    18. This principle has been broadly confessed by some naturalists to be the true one; and by none more clearly than by that excellent botanist, Aug

    19. — — —, May and Aug

    20. 20, 1888, to meet expenses of year ending Aug

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    aug august