Usa "augmentation" in una frase
augmentation frasi di esempio
1. He found they were engrossed in speculatory simulations on ways to gain the maximum possible economic benefit from the introduction of their latest augmentation achievement, which they really didn’t even have deliverable yet
2. When the lease comes to be renewed, however, the landlord commonly demands the same augmentation of rent as if they had been all made by his own
3. There was a third event which occurred in the course of the same period, and which, though it could not occasion any scarcity of corn, nor, perhaps, any augmentation in the real quantity of silver which was usually paid for it, must necessarily have occasioned some augmetation in the nominal sum
4. An augmentation of fortune is the means by which the greater part of men propose and wish to better their condition
5. Neither their employment nor subsistence, therefore, can augment, but in proportion to the augmentation of the demand from the country for finished work ; and this demand can augment only in proportion to the extension of improvement and cultivation
6. The attention of government was turned away from guarding against the exportation of gold and silver, to watch over the balance of trade, as the only cause which could occasion any augmentation or diminution of those metals
7. Consumable commodities, it is said, are soon destroyed; whereas gold and silver are of a more durable nature, and were it not for this continual exportation, might be accumulated for ages together, to the incredible augmentation of the real wealth of the country
8. We do not, however, reckon that trade disadvatageous, which consists in the exchange of the hardware of England for the wines of France, and yet hardware is a very durable commodity, and were it not for this continual exportation, might too be accumulated for ages together, to the incredible augmentation of the pots and pans of the country
9. So very heavy a tax upon the first necessary of life-must either reduce the subsistence of the labouring poor, or it must occasion some augmentation in their pecuniary wages, proportionable to that in the pecuniary price of their subsistence
10. Accumulation is thus prevented in the hands of all those who are naturally the most disposed to accumulate; and the funds destined for the maintenance of productive labour, receive no augmentation from the revenue of those who ought naturally to augment them the most
11. Over and above what is destined for their own subsistence, their industry annually affords a neat produce, of which the augmentation necessarily augments the revenue and wealth of their society
12. So great a revenue might certainly have afforded an augmentation of £680,000 in their annual payments ; and, at the same time, have left a large sinking fund, sufficient for the speedy reduction of their debt
13. By increasing the duties upon malt, and reducing those upon the distillery, both the opportunities and the temptation to smuggle would be diminished, which might occasion a still further augmentation of revenue
14. Supposing that the sovereign should have, what he scarce ever has, the immediate means of augmenting his revenue in proportion to the augmentation of his expense; yet still the produce of the taxes, from which this increase of revenue must be drawn, will not begin to come into the treasury, till perhaps ten or twelve months after they are imposed
15. The adulteration of the standard has exactly the same effect with what the French call an augmentation, or a direct raising of the denomination of the coin
16. An augmentation, or a direct raising of the denomination of the coin, always is, and from its nature must be, an open and avowed operation
17. But a simple augmentation is an injustice of open violence; whereas an adulteration is an injustice of treacherous fraud
18. The coin, after any considerable augmentation, has very seldom been brought back to its former weight ; but after the greatest adulterations, it has almost always been brought back to its former fineness
19. That liberation, it is evident, can never be brought about, without either some very considerable augmentation of the public revenue, or some equally considerable reduction of the public expense
20. A more equal land tax, a more equal tax upon the rent of houses, and such alterations in the present system of customs and excise as those which have been mentioned in the foregoing chapter, might, perhaps, without increasing the burden of the greater part of the people, but only distributing the weight of it more equally upon the whole, produce a considerable augmentation of revenue
21. The most sanguine projector, however, could scarce flatter himself, that any augmentation of this kind would be such as could give any reasonable hopes, either of liberating the public revenue altogether, or even of making such progress towards that liberation in time of peace, as either to prevent or to compensate the further accumulation of the public debt in the next war
22. By extending the British system of taxation to all the different provinces of the empire, inhabited by people either of British or European extraction, a much greater augmentation of revenue might be expected
23. If it should be found impracticable for Great Britain to draw any considerable augmentation of revenue from any of the resources above mentioned, the only resource which can remain to her, is a diminution of her expense
24. With some help from an engram augmentation program as well as a scanned peripheral environment, something could be created to allow the interactions of an unlimited number of people
25. What an augmentation
26. hands, and with profane hands pulling down the things that were dedicated by other kings to the augmentation and glory and honour
27. There was a pause, then they heard Yazadril privately, without the augmentation of the Command Link
28. 15 Yet was he not content with this but presumed to go into the most holy temple of all the world; Menelaus that traitor to the laws and to his own country being his guide: 16 And taking the holy vessels with polluted hands and with profane hands pulling down the things that were dedicated by other kings to the augmentation and glory and honour of the place he gave them away
29. An online press release strategy should be viewed as an augmentation to an
30. should be viewed as an augmentation of this service
31. “Soul,” begins to see changes in his personal qualities and augmentation on all
32. In a breast reduction, some of the fatty tissue is removed to help reduce the size of the breasts, while in an augmentation; the surgeon will insert an implant between the breast tissue and the chest muscle wall
33. , that the new landlord gave them their choice of any of the rooms in the house, without the least augmentation of rent, upon condition of their giving instant possession of the two small chambers they at present inhabited
34. The augmentation of the establishment, with its crowds of clerks, an office in town, the old office in the harbour, the division into departments—passenger, cargo, lighterage, and so on—secured a greater leisure for his last years in the regenerated Sulaco, the capital of the Occidental Republic
35. How does pinning happen? Real (and spectacular) or with some augmentation? And by augmentation, I mean manipulation
36. The top five surgical procedures were: breast augmentation, liposuction, eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty, and abdominoplasty
37. The company offers products for skin care, eye care, obesity, urologics, and breast augmentation, all areas that tend to need more care as humans age
38. Even more important is the company’s products, which are ranked as the number one surgical and nonsurgical procedures based on the 2008 statistics mentioned earlier—Botox and breast augmentation
39. After a life of love, an eternity of love is, in fact, an augmentation; but to increase in intensity even the ineffable felicity which love bestows on the soul even in this world, is impossible, even to God
40. The possibility of hurting should inspire an augmentation of respect
41. Through this simple act, the entire social community will experience a diminution of misery and an augmentation of health
42. The previous example demonstrates that the increase in the number of layers leads to the decrease in the average profit due to the augmentation in the number of selected combinations
43. Note that the negative aspect of this seemingly positive process of profit augmentation is the reduction in the portfolio diversification
44. How much weight to attribute to these several considerations I will not pretend to say; but conjointly they must limit in each country the tendency to an indefinite augmentation of specific forms
45. Mivart remarks that if it "had once attained such a size and development as to be at all useful, then its preservation and augmentation within serviceable limits would be promoted by natural selection alone
46. If, for instance, it could be proved that every part of the organisation tends to vary in a greater degree towards diminution than toward augmentation of size, then we should be able to understand how an organ which has become useless would be rendered, independently of the effects of disuse, rudimentary and would at last be wholly suppressed; for the variations towards diminished size would no longer be checked by natural selection
47. The service of mankind is divided into two parts,—one, the augmentation of the welfare of mankind; the other, the continuation of the race
48. It is obvious that in this path of the augmentation of the comforts and the pleasures of life, in the path of every sort of cure, and of artificial preparations for the improvements of the sight, the hearing, the appetite, false teeth, false hair, respiration, massage, and so on, there can be no salvation
49. They could not, upon any other conditions, agree to so great an augmentation of the force under the direction of the Treasury Department
50. But, it is also worthy of observation, that the increased value of the public lands in each district, arising from the public institutions which would be permanently fixed in each, to comport with the convenience of the inhabitants, and the augmentation of emigrants, all of whom must become immediate purchasers of these lands, would far exceed the amount of expenditure produced by the contemplated temporary government