Usa "auspices" in una frase
auspices frasi di esempio
1. But this boon to Ireland, it is to be hoped, has been granted under more fortunate auspices than all those to America
2. American arms should only be used under the auspices and control of the United Nations, and then only in multilateral operations
3. Its legalization and subsequent dispensation under the auspices of trained professionals operating in a controlled environment, provides a plausible counter-argument to costly efforts aimed at apprehending and bringing drug dealers to task; not to mention promoting cleaner, safer and healthier communities by eliminating criminal incentives and (profits) associated with its unlawful procurement
4. You shall rule this world together under the auspices of the Titans
5. Thus, he thought of a home for women in distress and wrote to his father to build one under the auspices of Vanaprastham
6. After a new city charter passed in 1925 placed the city under the auspices of a city manager picked by a smaller council, Pendergast easily gained control of the government
7. The subtle manner in which he had approached this delicate subject seemed to have been successful in garnering a truthful answer given willingly rather than a predetermined lie given under the auspices of a formal inquiry
8. And under the auspices of God and country, many slaves were initially taken from the New World as slaves, but as large plantations prospered the trend soon reversed and slaves flowed in from nearby territories
9. At the end, Alex is "cured" of his conditioning under government auspices and begins a new career in government service ("we
10. I can hardly go to the Taoiseach to suggest that he hands over sovereignty of his country to you, whereas you could go to him to suggest that a unified Ireland and a lasting settlement would be possible under your auspices and with your patronage
11. Schwagger’s/Heath Prityard’s palm print, and issued under the auspices of The Rocking Boulders’ official fan club
12. auspices of organisations funded by his government
13. If we can feed the world, but do not, are we innocent or guilty of collective murder? What ethic dictates your answer? Is your principle derived from tenets of the Gilded Age or has it been reconceived under the potentially unfettered auspices of this new Age of Imagination?
14. that is being developed on a global basis under the auspices of the
15. He undertook unique modern scientific research about the operation of cupping which the scholar had taught to his disciples from the right holy Prophetic tradition, and he became the head of the Syrian medical team who carried out a modern scientific study of cupping, where all the requirements of research and the application of cupping rules were fulfilled under his auspices and with his guidance and consultation at every step
16. He undertook unique modern scientific research about the operation of cupping which the scholar had taught to his disciples from the right holy prophetic tradition, and he became the head of the Syrian medical team who carried out a modern scientific study of cupping, where all the requirements of research and the application of cupping rules were fulfilled under his auspices and with his guidance and consultation at every step
17. We worked under the auspices of an American university as volunteers
18. and permitted the Vatican to reassert its dominance over world affairs through the auspices of secret
19. They tell us that their symbology came from Zep Tepi, through the auspices of one or
20. Judaism has been under the auspices and ultimate control of Christian Rome since its inception
21. auspices of hero-worship and religion, but as history shows us, it quickly turned to the quest for
22. Christianity was conceived and formed in Rome under the auspices of the Roman Chief
23. Christianity and under the auspices of the very same Roman Priesthood and Pontiffs
24. 90, under the auspices of the Oxford conspirators, to permit practically of a Roman interpretation; and the gospel of John, under similar treatment, may be regarded as the work of all apostle who was a Unitarian
25. The Nazis adopted the swastika as its symbol, and under its auspices were doing evil
26. When again in private life we see a whole family one by one dropping into the grave under the Ate of some inherited malady, and the parents perhaps surviving them, do our minds ever go back silently to that day twenty-five or thirty years before on which under the fairest auspices, amid the rejoicings of friends and acquaintances, a bride and bridegroom joined hands with one another? In making such a reflection we are not opposing physical considerations to moral, but moral to physical; we are seeking to make the voice of reason heard, which drives us back from the extravagance of sentimentalism on common sense
27. Any one above or below the prescribed ages who takes part in the public hymeneals shall be said to have done an unholy and unrighteous thing; the child of which he is the father, if it steals into life, will have been conceived under auspices very unlike the sacrifices and prayers, which at each hymeneal priestesses and priest and the whole city will offer, that the new generation may be better and more useful than their good and useful parents, whereas his child will be the offspring of darkness and strange lust
28. Aided by Duncan and the younger Mohican, the two latter descended the precipitous sides of that hill which they had so lately ascended under so very different auspices, and whose summit had so nearly proved the scene of their massacre
29. When, however, they gained the flattened surface of the mountain-top, and approached the eastern precipice, she recognized the spot to which she had once before been led under the more friendly auspices of the scout
30. But, in a moment of so many serious and important duties, this single act of juvenile fortitude did not attract the general notice and commendation it would have received under milder auspices
31. In 1904, under the auspices of the Diocese of Milwaukee and administered by the sisters, the school was transformed into the Saint Coletta Institute for Backward Youth
32. 87-838, authorizing the establishment of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development under the auspices of the National Institutes of Health
33. would not have me marry under such sad auspices?"
34. A most interesting discussion took place in the ancient hall of Brian O'ciarnain'sin Sraid na Bretaine Bheag, under the auspices of Sluagh na h-Eireann , on the revival of ancient Gaelic sports and the importance of physical culture, as understood in ancient Greece and ancient Rome and ancient Ireland, for the development of the race
35. Because the family of a Temple Guardsman had been involved, the investigation, as Vicar Stauntyn had known it must, had come under the auspices of the Office of Inquisition … whose agents inquisitor had quickly determined what had actually happened
36. I trust we shall meet under less melancholy auspices
37. A few days afterwards—it was already the end of August—there was an occasion which caused some excitement in Middlemarch: the public, if it chose, was to have the advantage of buying, under the distinguished auspices of Mr
38. was the hapless owner of this wreck? In what land? Under what auspices? My eye involuntarily wandered to the grey church tower near the gates, and I asked, “Is he with Damer de Rochester, sharing the shelter of his narrow marble house?”
39. But not content with this good deed, the indefatigable house again bestirred itself: Samuel and all his Sons—how many, their mother only knows—and under their immediate auspices, and partly, I think, at their expense, the British government was induced to send the sloop-of-war Rattler on a whaling voyage of discovery into the South Sea
40. They were anxious that he should enter society under the auspices of this lady, whose patronage was the best of recommendations for any young man
41. In the year 1717, the famous West India Company sent inhabitants to the Isle Dauphine, and found some of those who had been settled there under the auspices of D'Iberville
42. And allow me to suggest, whether, under the auspices of our learned societies, some men of science might not be employed and supported in exploring the country, with the prospect of greatly enlarging the science of our country, and of enriching our Journals and Cabinets of Natural History
43. Chairman, at the favorable circumstances, and hail the auspices under which we now meet this question; we are no longer left to erring speculations, to uncertain reasoning, but have under our eyes the sure and infallible test of experience, of practice in war with a naval force
44. If, sir, under such auspices, such overwhelming evidence of the efficiency of a navy, this question is to be put by, I shall despair of a navy; we may rank with Algiers in a force of frigates, but shall do nothing worthy of a community of eight millions of souls, placed by Heaven in a situation most favorable to commerce and naval power
45. The Canadian, while he knows your power, distrusts your wisdom and your capacity to conduct the war; he dares not commit himself, his all, to such auspices
46. Look at the war undertaken under the auspices of Gen
47. It was also said by the opponents of the law of 1806, that Great Britain would not negotiate under its operation, and that arrangement, attempted under proper auspices, could not be difficult, from the known interests and inclinations of that nation
48. That instrument had been negotiated under the auspices, and received the sanction of Washington, the father and benefactor of his country
49. The Secretary of the Navy, I mean the late Secretary, in whose veracity and integrity I have the highest confidence, who carries to his retirement the best wishes of my heart, and under whose auspices this gallant exploit was achieved, and Commodore Hull, whose disinterestedness seems only equalled by his valor, have informed us that "the Guerriere" when she went into action was worth two hundred thousand dollars, and that she had articles on board to the value of one hundred thousand dollars
50. The missionary work has been under the auspices of the Protestant Episcopal Mission, who sent last year two native clergymen to labor here; one died in September, 1877