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    Usa "backhand" in una frase

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    1. Her answer was a crunching backhand to the jaw

    2. Now that he owns me, the backhand to my jaw and the six strokes with his staff were only a foretaste of my life here in this The Maiden’s Odyssey

    3. One tried to run, but Kestides stunned her with a backhand blow, then carried her over his shoulder

    4. gave the poor idiot such a horrific backhand even my blond neighbour winced as the boy collapsed

    5. I hit a few to her backhand

    6. She had a classic hard backhand

    7. Mostly I served deep in the corner to Ben’s backhand on the add court and down the service line to his backhand on the deuce court

    8. I served one deep but not too hard to his backhand corner

    9. I served down the service line to his backhand

    10. He moved on it with his backhand, hit a nice shot down the middle, and came to the net, and I hit a perfect lob to the backhand corner

    11. Without breaking eye-contact with his opponent Titus’s backhand slash smashed the projectile in midair before it could hit its mark

    12. ’ Immediately ignoring his own words Bellack made one of his controlled beasts backhand a man through a wooden fronted building, his smile widened

    13. The enraged beast quickly chopped downwards, its backhand blow, smashed the shaft of the weapon and then frantically clawed at the trident’s embedded head, eventually pulling it free, sending a glowing red fire spraying out of the wound where blood should have been, Sorus was caught in the radius of the flames and was badly burnt before he could bring his magic protection to bear

    14. The baby wails uncontrollably when it hears the loud bickering, making the princess backhand her servant, as she frequently does, though usually not with such force

    15. The few times he couldn‘t comply were acknowledged by a backhand that left hand sized red marks on the subdued rancher‘s face

    16. Karit quickly silenced the black haired man with a backhand slap, still keeping his gaze and smug smile on the Rakai

    17. demon retaliated with a backhand to the cowboy"s temple that

    18. It hits me in the face like a backhand from Dad

    19. Caesar's forearms rippled for the backhand Johnny was about to receive, but the little Jack Russell, having already bounded up from the road to rest in Johnny's arms, set something off in Caesar's heart that stayed his hand

    20. Caesar flipped the cleaver to its blunt edge and wound back his arm for a backhand

    21. With the puck on my backhand, I cut in towards

    22. I came in with the puck on my forehand, coolly pulled it to my backhand,

    23. With a level backhand, he struck D’ata hard across the face

    24. Williams stepped forward and hit the man, backhand, across the face

    25. moments before he was knocked to the ground by a backhand from Kyle

    26. A backhand blow hammered into the dragonlord's wrist, sending the dagger arcing away towards the ground, and another caught the man full on the chin

    27. He wrote me an anonymous letter in prentice backhand when my husband was in the North Riding of Tipperary on the Munster circuit, signed James Lovebirch

    28. Mother, she prefers tennis – Father says she has a wicked backhand

    1. and the one in front of me backhanded my arm and ripped my chest with those

    2. With a backhanded sleight of hand,

    3. I myself had been backhanded before numerous times; it’s

    4. one dropped and cracked him backhanded across the back of the head with my left hand clutching

    5. Instead, Ramrod got backhanded in the face with an open palm as Ironbristles finally cleared his windpipe and stood up

    6. An ―Enlightened Conservative‖ is a backhanded compliment much in the manner of a ―Rational Liberal

    7. He backhanded her a good one across the mouth

    8. Some Saigon cowboy groped me and I backhanded him silly

    9. She knew for certain she hadn’t been successful when the soldier backhanded her, knocking her to the ground and spattering her clothes with mud

    10. "What a stupid thing to say!" Reinhardt sprang up from his chair and backhanded her with his pistol

    11. He backhanded her again with the hand that held his gun, the butt of the pistol striking her in the side of the head, and laying the skin open above her eyebrow

    12. Before the words finish leaving her mouth, her mother backhanded her

    13. The man backhanded one of the bully boys across the face

    14. As soon as he released her she backhanded him in the jaw and instantly melted, apologetic for having hurt him

    15. "That's a backhanded compliment," replied Rory

    16. Shawn’s Account - April 11th, 2026 - When hateful Dad came into the room, he backhanded Mom across the room, so that she fell and hit her head on the floor

    17. Chao Min frowned darkly, before one hand reached out and backhanded her

    18. Manuel backhanded Max across the face and through teeth clenched with pent up anger, he growled, “don’t mess with me, I have chased after these damned stones for years

    19. I just backhanded him across the face

    20. With her free hand she backhanded Jeff across the face and started whipping him with the used catheter

    21. Dennis took a swing and backhanded the creature across his head knocking him to the cave floor

    22. The monster screeched angrily and then backhanded me, sending my body flying across the road

    23. Pierre took offense to the comment and backhanded the young prisoner, sending him across the bed where he threatened to tumble off the other side onto the wood plank floor

    24. He backhanded her so hard that she again fell to the floor

    25. Before I could regain my feet under me I was backhanded so hard that my feet left the ground and I flew backwards to crash through the door of a closed room

    26. The backhanded slap caught me unexpectedly and I fell backward to the floor my head ringing

    27. Talaric was completely surprised by it and started to say something again, when Larc backhanded him again so hard that he was knocked to the ground

    28. One of them stepped forward and backhanded her again hard

    29. Asia grabbed her by the throat and backhanded her hard repeatedly and viciously

    30. Without warning Iya viciously backhanded Rocco so hard that he broke his nose and knocked him to the ground

    31. He moved back angrily and then backhanded her, “You’ll behave, or I’ll have your head

    32. He was too fast and suddenly backhanded her to the ground

    33. “Shut up,” and with that Alice backhanded Chester

    34. Maybe it was for every rape, every brutal backhanded slap, every other Perry that had come before this one

    35. Her older brother Rehgnyld and her mother Rose had already died; Rose on the nightmare trek from Sarkyn and Rehgnyld when he’d been foolish enough to attack the camp guard who’d sent Stefyny sprawling with the brutal, backhanded cuff which had cost her three teeth and broken her nose

    36. Philander, with a mildly puzzled expression on his face, turned to pursue Professor Porter, and in his mind he was revolving the question of whether he should feel complimented or aggrieved at Miss Porter's rather backhanded compliment

    1. I grabbed the hand with the rock and knocked it away, before backhanding her across the face splitting her lip in the process

    2. in and sealed the deal by backhanding her across the room

    3. her repeatedly into the bedroom wall, and then Maleth backhanding her

    4. A beautiful black girl in an Afro and a shirt the size of a moist towelette slid past without appearing to see either of them, but Charlie had no time to feel upset about not having been invited; they were already out back, Nicky backhanding the door of the little garage

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