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    Usa "balusters" in una frase

    balusters frasi di esempio


    1. Memories took the form of ghosts, and clutched at me through the balusters and from behind doors with thin cold fingers; and the happiest memories were those that clutched the coldest

    2. Pointing up the hollow shaft, Connor said, “Those posts; they must have been the balusters that held up the handrail to the stairs

    3. She went up the large straight staircase with wooden balusters that led to the corridor paved with dusty flags, into which several doors in a row opened, as in a monastery or an inn

    4. From this point he beholds the ceiling formed by the central landing; this and the columns sustaining it, built of Echaillon stone, are honeycombed with arabesques and heavy with ornaments; the steps are of white marble, and antique red marble balusters rest on green marble sockets and support a balustrade of onyx

    5. It was dark on the climbing road between ancient walls and many-pillared balusters looming in the swaying

    6. Through the slim balusters, which were made of varying shades of oak in varying stages of newness and oldness, he could see that the workshop door was ajar

    7. On reaching the landing-place, he leaned his back against the balusters and folded his arms

    8. Then, the day having been close and warm, he pushed his chair beside the roasted greenness on the balcony and sat looking down idly, in the early evening, from behind the thick stone balusters upon the square

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    Sinonimi per "balusters"

    balusters balustrade banister bannister handrail