Usa "barber" in una frase
barber frasi di esempio
1. He was always telling the guys at the barber shop that enough duct tape and you could send a man to the moon
2. As I turned I saw the barber again, this time in his role as official photographer
3. I heard the whir of the lens as the barber focussed in
4. unit barber when they were in the army
5. bought new clothes and had a barber cut his hair
6. The first was to have our mandatory weekly haircut, so we marched to the barber
7. 00 (70 US cents in today's money) was deducted from our accounts to pay for the barber
8. Our RSM, bless his soul, really enjoyed being a barber in his spare time, and fancied himself mightily with the barber shears
9. I don’t know how he acquired that interest, but there was no great skill involved from his side or the official barber
10. When my turn came, I had the exceedingly bad luck of having the RSM as my barber
11. Stuart walked along the empty track whistling away to ‘The barber of Seville’
12. After about sixty kilometers, Colling suggested that they might begin asking along the way for the Krazinskys, and with every village and town, they would find a tavernkeeper, barber or shopkeeper, and Colling would ask earnestly about his fictitious relatives
13. barber inspected the feet of Shri Swami Maharaj and removed twenty
14. He became his owner’s barber and servant
15. You know how they laugh at Mamie Warren for her striped stockings and call her barber pole and yours are far worse
16. 1986; Rosell, Miller, & Barber, 1995)
17. That included all barber shops, American Legion, VFW, and Jackson County’s largest property management (apartment leasing) company, which just coincidentally was run by a Navy civilian woman in Personnel
18. “He is simply more in need of a barber than anyone else I have ever seen! Nemia has agreed to perform that service for him, which I am sure will leave him in a far more presentable state
19. Then my barber asked me if I was
20. Where's your barber?"
21. Bill the barber was seated in his barber chair with the Des Moines Register newspaper
22. Two hours later, with a tablet full of information and stories, I bid barber Bill farewell
23. the trimming the barber did, and the dark growth mirrored how he
24. Joe Barber, agreed with him
25. Before the sun had risen to burn off the morning dew, he was back with the man I had met before – the doctor for the Governor and his staff, not the barber used for the enlisted men
26. Winston Barber had been assigned to head the review of the final data, along with four other department members
27. looked as if it had not been washed or seen a barber in
28. He did not receive any visits except that of the barber every three weeks, He fed on anything that Úrsula brought him once a day, and even though he kept on making little gold fishes with the same passion as before, he stopped selling them when he found out that people were buying them not as pieces of jewelry but as historic relics
29. A moment later, indeed, when the barber knocked at the workshop door, Colonel Aureliano Buendía awoke with the impression that he had fallen asleep involun-tarily for a few seconds and that he had not had time to dream anything
30. That afternoon the Army barber sheared off all his hair
31. Barber Shop, just in case I had to flee the area back to the
32. patrons told me that cats weren’t allowed in the barber shop
33. Instantly, the barber brandished his scissors at me and then
34. It was then that I saw my own reflection in the barber shop
35. Stealing and receiving stolen or lost property; buying from a son or slave of another man without witness or contract; harboring a runaway slave; owning a tavern in which conspirators met but weren’t delivered to the court; improperly constructing a house which falls in and kills the owner; stealing the minor son of another; not paying a mercenary that took one’s place in the army; and convincing a barber to cut the sign of a slave on a slave not to be sold were all acts for which the prescribed punishment was death
36. A man is in a barber shop reading the front cover of another newspaper with a headline that reads: A CASE OF MISTAKEN IDENTITY AS A MYSTERIOUS DIANE D LOOK-ALIKE CAUSES A STIR!
37. A week later, a few men inside a barber shop are reading an article with a headline that reads: DIANE D'S COUSIN DANA IS RELEASED FROM JAIL AND ON HOUSE ARREST UNTIL COURT DATE! One of the men turns to the other one and says, “Did you see this article about Diane D's cousin Dana being released from jail and on house arrest until her court date?”
39. A man is sitting in a barber shop reading a newspaper with a headline that reads: DIANE D'S MOM FURIOUSLY CANES THE DIANETTES FOR THE SAVAGE BITING AND THE SAVAGE ATTACK ON MADILYN LEWIS AND HUSBAND!
40. Barber asked, looking over his shoulder into the back seat
41. Barber walked up
42. In truth, he hadn’t often had time to get it cut on a regular basis at all recently, but the barber who came in to see Lloyd from time to time was taking infinite care to ensure that he no longer looked like the old Professor Barclay
43. He drove through the streets of Old Wachusett, passing by the ranch and cape and colonial homes, the small businesses in the center of the city (Ray’s Music Emporium, Leland’s Chevrolet, IGA Foodliner, Halfrey’s Dry Cleaners) and others tucked away on side streets (Talbot’s Jewelers, Blount’s Meat Market, The Book Nook, not to be confused with the regional bookstore chain The Book Corner at Timpany Plaza), and a half-dozen pizza parlors, package stores, and barber shops
44. Dog-lovers? Hand me a scalpel and turn me loose on all who practice this barbarism and I’ll barber their behinds and ear lobes and see how they like it, fierce-looking or not! What the blankety-blank do all these puppy butchers need scary-looking dogs for, anyway? A beast with sharp teeth and powerful jaws and a built-in stupid loyalty to his or her “owner” can chase away or disable any bad guy just as easily with full-flopped ears and swishing tail as with stubs
45. contact a barber so he can do this for her, if that is all right with you, Mrs
46. arrange for the barber to come within the next week
47. For example, if you are a barber trying to auction haircuts on the Net, your target market is somewhat restricted unless your motto is…
48. You should go to a barber and have it shaved
49. We were painting a barber shop and a bicycle spare shop
50. buddy answers that it’s a barber shop, then you will certainly know in what block you will
51. My father was the local barber
52. He had all the Christian clientele and a Moslem barber all the Moslems
53. He came out of a village in the Said, where as a men"s barber, a shear or two out of place was rarely noticed and where instead of advising the client on what hair cream to use, he usually advised him to soak his hair with kerosene to get rid of the lice
54. No one in Rudgard seemed to know a thing about a body being carried from the hill, though several people admitted to visiting the place where "the whitest light ever blinded me from every star in heaven" as one gent in a basement barber shop described it
55. They get their information from one of the most knowledgeable and financially secure individuals in town - the barber
56. The gem of this story lies in the fact that the barber shows how income is not the biggest factor in planning for financial prosperity - proper planning is
57. The question was addressed to the wood-sawyer, who hurriedly replied in the affirmative: seizing the occasion to add that he was the most ardent of Republicans, and that he would be in effect the most desolate of Republicans, if anything prevented him from enjoying the pleasure of smoking his afternoon pipe in the contemplation of the droll national barber
58. It was as he journeyed from town to town collecting the king's taxes, that he noted down those bits of inn and wayside life and character that abound in the pages of "Don Quixote:" the Benedictine monks with spectacles and sunshades, mounted on their tall mules; the strollers in costume bound for the next village; the barber with his basin on his head, on his way to bleed a patient; the recruit with his breeches in his bundle, tramping along the road singing; the reapers gathered in the venta gateway listening to "Felixmarte of Hircania" read out to them; and those little Hogarthian touches that he so well knew how to bring in, the ox-tail hanging up with the landlord's comb stuck in it, the wine-skins at the bed-head, and those notable examples of hostelry art, Helen going off in high spirits on Paris's arm, and Dido on the tower dropping tears as big as walnuts
59. Master Nicholas, the village barber, however, used to say that neither of them came up to the Knight of Phoebus, and that if there was any that could compare with him it was Don Galaor, the brother of Amadis of Gaul, because he had a spirit that was equal to every occasion, and was no finikin knight, nor lachrymose like his brother, while in the matter of valour he was not a whit behind him
60. "All that is very well," said Don Quixote; "but let the shoes and the blood-lettings stand as a setoff against the blows you have given him without any cause; for if he spoiled the leather of the shoes you paid for, you have damaged that of his body, and if the barber took blood from him when he was sick, you have drawn it when he was sound; so on that score he owes you nothing
61. When it was what seemed to him the proper time he entered the village and went to Don Quixote's house, which he found all in confusion, and there were the curate and the village barber, who were great friends of Don Quixote, and his housekeeper was saying to them in a loud voice, "What does your worship think can have befallen my master, Senor Licentiate Pero Perez?" for so the curate was called; "it is three days now since anything has been seen of him, or the hack, or the buckler, lance, or armour
62. He told him, and the nonsense he had talked when found and on the way home, all which made the licentiate the more eager to do what he did the next day, which was to summon his friend the barber, Master Nicholas, and go with him to Don Quixote's house
63. The simplicity of the housekeeper made the licentiate laugh, and he directed the barber to give him the books one by one to see what they were about, as there might be some to be found among them that did not deserve the penalty of fire
64. "Nay, sir," said the barber, "I too, have heard say that this is the best of all the books of this kind that have been written, and so, as
65. "This that comes next," said the barber, "is 'Amadis of Greece,' and, indeed, I believe all those on this side are of the same Amadis lineage
66. "I am of the same mind," said the barber
67. "This that follows is 'Florismarte of Hircania,'" said the barber
68. "This," said the barber, "is The Knight Platir
69. Taking down another book, the barber said, "This is 'The Mirror of Chivalry
70. "Well, I have him in Italian," said the barber, "but I do not understand him
71. To all this the barber gave his assent, and looked upon it as right and proper, being persuaded that the curate was so staunch to the Faith and loyal to the Truth that he would not for the world say anything opposed to them
72. "Nay, gossip," said the barber, "for this that I have here is the famous
73. "With all my heart," said the barber; and not caring to tire himself with reading more books of chivalry, he told the housekeeper to take all the big ones and throw them into the yard
74. In carrying so many together she let one fall at the feet of the barber, who took it up, curious to know whose it was, and found it said, "History of the Famous Knight, Tirante el Blanco
75. "As you will," said the barber; "but what are we to do with these little books that are left?"
76. "This that comes next," said the barber, "is the 'Diana,' entitled the
77. "This book," said the barber, opening another, "is the ten books of the
78. He put it aside with extreme satisfaction, and the barber went on, "These that come next are 'The Shepherd of Iberia,' 'Nymphs of Henares,' and
79. "This large one here," said the barber, "is called 'The Treasury of various Poems
80. "The 'Galatea' of Miguel de Cervantes," said the barber
81. "Very good," said the barber; "and here come three together, the
82. The curate was tired and would not look into any more books, and so he decided that, "contents uncertified," all the rest should be burned; but just then the barber held open one, called "The Tears of Angelica
83. One of the remedies which the curate and the barber immediately applied to their friend's disorder was to wall up and plaster the room where the books were, so that when he got up he should not find them (possibly the cause being removed the effect might cease), and they might say that a magician had carried them off, room and all; and this was done with all despatch
84. In that neighbourhood there were two villages, one of them so small that it had neither apothecary's shop nor barber, which the other that was close to it had, so the barber of the larger served the smaller, and in it there was a sick man who required to be bled and another man who wanted to be shaved, and on this errand the barber was going, carrying with him a brass basin; but as luck would have it, as he was on the way it began to rain, and not to spoil his hat, which probably was a new one, he put the basin on his head, and being clean it glittered at half a league's distance
85. The barber, who without any expectation or apprehension of it saw this apparition coming down upon him, had no other way of saving himself from the stroke of the lance but to let himself fall off his ass; and no sooner had he touched the ground than he sprang up more nimbly than a deer and sped away across the plain faster than the wind
86. "Thou art right," said Don Quixote, "and in the same way thou mayest carry thy barber with thee, for customs did not come into use all together, nor were they all invented at once, and thou mayest be the first count to have a barber to follow him; and, indeed, shaving one's beard is a greater trust than saddling one's horse
87. "So it is," said the licentiate, "and that is our friend Don Quixote's horse;" and if they knew him so well it was because they were the curate and the barber of his own village, the same who had carried out the scrutiny and sentence upon the books; and as soon as they recognised Sancho Panza and Rocinante, being anxious to hear of Don Quixote, they approached, and calling him by his name the curate said, "Friend Sancho Panza, where is your master?"
88. "Nay, nay," said the barber, "if you don't tell us where he is, Sancho Panza, we will suspect as we suspect already, that you have murdered and robbed him, for here you are mounted on his horse; in fact, you must produce the master of the hack, or else take the consequences
89. Seeing this, the curate and the barber asked him what had happened him that he gave himself such rough treatment
90. "How is that?" said the barber
91. "Repeat it then, Sancho," said the barber, "and we will write it down afterwards
92. "It cannot have said 'scrubbing,'" said the barber, "but 'superhuman' or
93. "Be not uneasy, friend Sancho," said the barber, "for we will entreat your master, and advise him, even urging it upon him as a case of conscience, to become an emperor and not an archbishop, because it will be easier for him as he is more valiant than lettered
94. They left him and went in, and presently the barber brought him out something to eat
95. carefully thought over what they should do to carry out their object, the curate hit upon an idea very well adapted to humour Don Quixote, and effect their purpose; and his notion, which he explained to the barber, was that he himself should assume the disguise of a wandering damsel, while the other should try as best he could to pass for a squire, and that they should thus proceed to where Don Quixote was, and he,
97. woman-fashion on his mule, while the barber mounted his with a beard down to the waist of mingled red and white, for it was, as has been said, the tail of a clay-red ox
98. But hardly had he sallied forth from the inn when it struck the curate that he was doing wrong in rigging himself out in that fashion, as it was an indecorous thing for a priest to dress himself that way even though much might depend upon it; and saying so to the barber he begged him to change dresses, as it was fitter he should be the distressed damsel, while he himself would play the squire's part, which would be less derogatory to his dignity; otherwise he was resolved to have nothing more to do with the matter, and let the devil take Don Quixote
1. “Hey, that’s not too bad at all! I look a lot different since I last saw myself freshly barbered
2. recently barbered and had a new suit
3. He was freshly barbered, shaved and massaged and he was sober, but his eyes were bloodshot and his face puffy from drink
1. Nemia carried a large basket of barbering and tailoring supplies
2. Nemia waited for that as well, her basket of barbering supplies in hand, sensing something was amiss, and missing Dalia with all her heart
3. “There you go!” Talia brightly smiled, and she and Nemia stepped down to replace the barbering tools in their cases, while he stood and stretched, and rubbed his bare face for the first time in months
4. He picked up a mirror from the barbering kit and inspected himself
5. “It’s quite amazing what a transformation a barbering has made of you
6. He couldn’t turn his back on an elderly man who’d learned barbering from his own father, rather than from a licensed trade school
7. He wanted his forehead shaved, a standard barbering practice in Japan
8. His hands were big, his hair wanted barbering, and his moustache was unkempt
1. A big effort was made by all of them to look their best for the occasion including Patrick who had his hair cut at the Barbers
2. Barbers convicted of cutting the sign of a slave on slaves not to be sold, without the masters’ consent would have their hands cut off
3. Later that evening Paul, Cathy, and Wayne went with the Barbers to visit the Johnson’s, the Howerton’s, and Mrs
4. Before the Barbers reached the Johnson’s and Howerton’s, Paul overheard his Sunday school teacher tell her husband that both families were victims of the latest recession
5. He spoke to two possible barbers before the third impressed him as being willing to enter the spirit of the thing: a temporary hairstyle
6. For hundreds of years: this butchery was a side-practice of lowly barbers
7. Of the curate I say nothing; but I will wager he has some spice of the poet in him, and no doubt Master Nicholas too, for all barbers, or most of them, are guitar players and stringers of verses
8. Sancho went along saying to himself, "We, tortolites, barbers, animals! I don't like those names at all; 'it's in a bad wind our corn is being winnowed;' 'misfortune comes upon us all at once like sticks on a dog,' and God grant it may be no worse than them that this unlucky adventure has in store for us
9. The estate agent's clerk and the insurance agent, though excluded from the higher circle, belonged to another select coterie from which they excluded in their turn all persons of inferior rank, such as shop assistants or barbers
10. —They're all barbers, says he, from the black country that would hang their
11. About fifty miles short of Barbers Point, a base on the leeward side of Oahu, his crew spotted something
12. 5 million people donate annually, with the help of 600 barbers, and the temple auctions the hair to wig-makers and chemical and fertilizer factories
13. He called his species of work, for which he possessed special aptitude, "shaving barbers
14. The regimental barbers lathered our skulls with cold water and soap, and scraped us afterwards with their saw-like razors
15. Many of the prisoners were his customers merely to avoid the military barbers, yet these were not men of weak nerves
16. With that end in view expert painters, barbers and artists were secured who worked the whole night on Lazarus' head