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    battle against

    1. It also produces a constantly updated compendium of current environmental reports providing an essential tool toward understanding the battle against -and alternatives to - polluting chemicals, which is available for free to ClubIG members on his website

    2. It is easy and bracing and is a vital first blow in our battle against bad posture

    3. The chief function of this inverted posture in the battle against period pains lies in the reversal of the influence of gravity upon the internal organs

    4. In a battle against the Philistines, one of

    5. After another year in battle against the ern, he was slain

    6. The wall friezes, tapestries, and paintings were large pieces depicting the ancient armies of the Nordic Kings in battle against the Shadow

    7. His tactics for battle against the farmer armies of the Revolution were bolder but equally as succinct

    8. Both weapons had been enhanced with some of the ki’mera orbs stored from the most recent battle against Nymloc and Jacoulra

    9. It was unlikely they would engage in battle against thousands of potentially mad wielders however

    10. His old man fought, ‘a long and courageous battle against cancer…’ and he had to watch…

    11. Again, she remembered her own feeling from the battle against the karawians at Rantulinoa

    12. She ran with her eyes half-closed and fought a brave battle against the nausea, which now constantly waved up and threatened to overwhelm her

    13. The other knit hat wearing Bboy had feigned using num chucks in his up rock battle against his friend

    14. The battle against the army of the Dark’s soldiers had cost many lives

    15. Soon all in the army knew that the Beings of the Light would come and help them again when the battle against the Dark would come

    16. - This is Elior’s battle against demons of his own

    17. 13 And Joab drew near, and the people that were with him, to the battle against the Syrians, and they fled before him

    18. The Philistines were now going into battle against the Israelites, David's country

    19. His one time ally, Carlos Ausarti of the Ardangori, was killed in battle against the Suizos

    20. 38 And those twelve men maintained a strong battle against Simeon and Levi, and Simeon and Levi could not prevail over them, and those valiant men broke the shields of Simeon and Levi, and one of them struck at Levi's head with his sword, when Levi hastily placed his hand to his head, for he was afraid of the sword, and the sword struck Levi's hand, and it wanted but little to the hand of Levi being cut off

    21. For instance, humanity developed antibiotics in the middle of the twentieth century and then arrogantly claimed that humans had won the battle against bacteria

    22. 13 For we are greatly afraid of Angeas lest he come in battle against us and destroy us, and Turnus your master will not be able to deliver us from his hand

    23. 17 I have heard that Angeas King of Africa is coming to us with his brother for battle against us, and we are greatly afraid of him, for his army is very great, particularly as he comes against us with his brother and his army likewise

    24. 31 And at the end of ten days Angeas renewed the battle against Zepho and the children of Chittim, and the battle was very great and strong between them

    25. 54 And they carried on a great and severe battle against Israel, and the Lord delivered Amalek and his people into the hands of Moses and the children of Israel, and into the hand of Joshua, the son of Nun, the Ephrathite, the servant of Moses

    26. 6 And when they returned, king Arad was still arranging his host for battle against the Israelites

    27. 14 But the children of Benjamin gathered themselves together out of the cities to Gibeah, to go out to battle against the children of Israel

    28. 18 And the children of Israel arose, and went up to the house of God, and asked counsel of God, and said, Which of us shall go up first to the battle against the children of Benjamin? And the Lord said, Judah shall go up first

    29. 28 And Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, stood before it in those days, saying, Shall I yet again go out to battle against the children of Benjamin my brother, or shall I cease? And the Lord said, Go up; for tomorrow I will deliver them into your hand

    30. He thought he could not go on, he was wasting his time, and he was fighting a lone battle against the forces of evil

    31. 38 And those twelve men maintained a strong battle against Simeon and Levi and Simeon and Levi could not prevail over them and those valiant men broke the shields of Simeon and Levi and one of them struck at Levi's head with his sword when Levi hastily placed his hand to his head for he was afraid of the sword and the sword struck Levi's hand and it wanted but little to the hand of Levi being cut off

    32. millions of euros are involved here, the battle against the corrupt structures which are

    33. 13 For we are greatly afraid of Angeas lest he come in battle against us and destroy us and Turnus your master will not be able to deliver us from his hand

    34. 31 And at the end of ten days Angeas renewed the battle against Zepho and the children of Chittim and the battle was very great and strong between them

    35. 54 And they carried on a great and severe battle against Israel and the Lord delivered Amalek and his people into the hands of Moses and the children of Israel and into the hand of Joshua the son of Nun the Ephrathite the servant of Moses

    36. 6 And when they returned king Arad was still arranging his host for battle against the Israelites

    37. 10 In the hundred fourscore and eighth year the people that were at Jerusalem and in Judea and the council and Judas sent greeting and health to Aristobulus king Ptolemeus' master who was of the stock of the anointed priests and to the Jews that were in Egypt: 11 Insomuch as God has delivered us from great perils we thank him highly as having been in battle against a king

    38. They had actually won a battle against the humans

    39. His battle plan had been hatched in his overactive mind after the first night at his new command, he had no intention of seeking glory by marching his force into the open plains below to fight a pitched battle against a mixed force that vastly outnumbered them

    40. She had charged into battle against her father with a horrible cut already sapping her strength

    41. Other days will come, so other nights, as well as other hours, in which we will have to deal with the devastating battle against evil

    42. The battle against primal urges has been won and there is harmony in the heart

    43. Hadn’t he suffered enough as a kid? Was his whole life to be a battle against bigotry and hatred? He was losing the urge to fight

    44. He was suffering from emphysema, a battle against which he would not win

    45. “Tiʄnéræn himself said that he would return to wage the final battle against the others on that side of the wall and end their threat forever

    46. “Let’s look at your battle against the Swordsmen

    47. Three months following the surrender of Germany we contacted Ken to complete an undercover task that might give us an advantage in this battle against real power

    48. The attacks were followed by press releases warning of more such attacks unless the Federation and Swordsmen took up the battle against crime in their jurisdictions

    49. php Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (This Site Helps in the Battle against Child Porn)

    50. We just got word that the battle against Hannibal was going for Luther, and against Maurice

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