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    Usa "be alive" in una frase

    be alive frasi di esempio

    be alive

    1. When the Soul enters the body formed as a result of laws of nature, the body is considered to be alive

    2. We seem to be alive when in the morning we open our

    3. He knew he was lucky to be alive

    4. Afternoonday wasn't yet underway by the time they finally set off for the distant horizon to the northeast, but they didn't worry about the time, they were just glad to still be alive

    5. “So they could still be alive?”

    6. She is lucky to be alive

    7. “I shouldn't be alive,” Steward Albescu said

    8. He was glad he said it that way and hadn’t thought she might still be alive

    9. Not that there was ever much chance that Tdeshi might still be alive

    10. You could have chosen to be somewhere else, in which case you would still be alive - but you didn’t

    11. If Khafre had been on this planet he might still be alive today

    12. "Remember how I found you? I was shocked you could even be alive

    13. IMagined what it was like to be alive

    14. If I hadn’t knocked the lid off, those people would still be alive

    15. Izzy’s mother would be alive

    16. If only he hadn’t convinced her to assist with the training of the exiles, then she would still be alive

    17. How was he ever going to live without her? This was all an ugly nightmare! He’d wake up soon and his Xonia would still be alive

    18. “I found his ring on his middle finger,” he said, knowing it was the final blow that would dash any hopes she may have had that he might still be alive

    19. She might still be alive when the grandchildren arrived

    20. Through the remote connection, displayed in a series of graphs showing heart and neural activity levels, it informed him that Dr Fredrick Lichman had ceased to be alive precisely eighty-four minutes ago

    21. I knew that although Charlie and Walter Cole were dead Sgt Dawson could still be alive and trying to make his way back to us he might be attached to another unit and this thought alone bucked me up no end

    22. I guess I’m lucky to be alive, really

    23. Deanna’s conviction that Scott must still be alive had become a source of anguish for Colleena and awkwardness and

    24. Perhaps Roidon was lucky to be alive, given what the Elusivers – or their acolytes – had done during a deep-memory trawl

    25. Most of the time I don't want to be alive

    26. infant land on the rubbish heap and had known him to be alive

    27. Now that we have established the word of God has to be alive and resident in your heart before it can have any effect in your life

    28. you would be—and whether or not you would be alive or dead

    29. part of him that was thankful to be alive

    30. We were not allowed to shoot and kill indiscriminately and I assure you if we were Apartheid would still be alive

    31. I did not know a body could drain itself of so much energy and still be alive, gloriously alive!

    32. He was grateful to be alive, at that point

    33. I saluted him with it and took a long gulp, glad to be alive

    34. thankful for what I had seen and grateful to still be alive

    35. In spite of the fact that Osama bin Laden seems to be alive, in reality he is hiding and his offensive impotence limits its effectiveness to threatening tapes, videos and Web pages in the Internet

    36. It didn’t matter that I turned a half century; I was happy to be alive, no matter what the age

    37. nose and face, I’m elated to be alive

    38. So, it must be! A face such as the guards had seen could only be his! Raul’s cousin must indeed be alive and, for unknown reasons, here in Costa Rica, visiting two men in San Sebastian prison

    39. The village would soon be alive with activity and they would surely find her

    40. He must be alive, somewhere

    41. If he was being kept alive, reason would dictate that they’d somehow manage to know as they usually did and perhaps hope he would still be alive when the uprising began in earnest; which if all had been carefully arranged, was a matter of days

    42. I certainly did not intend to be alive, and submission to their will was always the easiest course

    43. She stated to me that it was her intention that she would not be alive when they reached Koltraskow

    44. ‘They obviously haven’t found the secret to your Cloud or you wouldn’t be alive now

    45. My parents would be alive

    46. She is eager to leave, to escape this place where her brother was murdered and she rose to prominence only to be thwarted by a factionless woman who wasn’t supposed to be alive

    47. He was thankful to be alive and for the blessings of every day

    48. You wouldn't have toothache if you were dead, but still, wouldn't you lots rather be alive than dead? I would, a hundred times

    49. Some people will still be alive during the resurrection

    50. It also happens from time to time that the body contacts and appears to sit in an upright position, arms and legs start to contract and makes the body appears to be alive

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