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    Usa "be apt" in una frase

    be apt frasi di esempio

    be apt

    1. He would be apt to abandon the country in which he was exposed to a vexatious inquisition, in order to be assessed to a burdensome tax ; and would remove his stock to some other country, where he could either carry on his business, or enjoy his fortune more at his ease

    2. So sudden and so great a bankruptcy, we should in the present times be apt to imagine, must have occasioned a very violent popular clamour

    3. ‘What you are about to see,’ came a voice that would be apt for a British news reader, ‘is a true account of someone who dared to find the truth

    4. If you have a Creative Mind which leans toward the negative side, you wil be apt

    5. If there were more to surface later, she would be aptly prepared for any such surprises

    6. For whatever that might suggest to the Musalmans, the skeptics would feel that given the strife in his life the practice could be apt

    7. So beware what you say to it, for it will be apt to give credence

    8. And analogy would lead us to believe that the young thus reared would be apt to follow by inheritance the occasional and aberrant habit of their mother, and in their turn would be apt to lay their eggs in other birds' nests, and thus be more successful in rearing their young

    9. During that long interval Starbuck would ever be apt to fall into open relapses of rebellion against his captain's leadership, unless some ordinary, prudential, circumstantial influences were brought to bear upon him

    10. But this was very far North, be it remembered, where beer agrees well with the constitution; upon the Equator, in our southern fishery, beer would be apt to make the harpooneer sleepy at the mast-head and boozy in his boat; and grievous loss might ensue to Nantucket and New Bedford

    11. " That is to say, after the sixteenth (or so) success of the red, one would think that the seventeenth coup would inevitably fall upon the black; wherefore, novices would be apt to back the latter in the seventeenth round, and even to double or treble their stakes upon it—only, in the end, to lose

    12. Speaker, what would be your conduct on such an occasion? Would you be apt to look as much at the nature of the propositions, as at the temper of the assailant? If you did not at once return blow for blow, and injury for injury, would you not at least take a little time to consider? Would you not tell such an assailant, that you were not to be bullied nor beaten into any concession? If you settled at all, might you not consider it your duty in some way to make him feel the consequences of his strange intemperance of passion? For myself, I have no question how a man of spirit ought to act under such circumstances

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