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    Usa "be definite" in una frase

    be definite frasi di esempio

    be definite

    1. Soberly I realized that if the owners of the restaurant are taking advantage of patrons in this manner, unbeknown to them there will be definite karmic consequences at some time in the future – they too will suffer, and to a greater degree than I was in consuming my child's portion meal when I had paid for an adult plate

    2. We realize that without fail, that particular karma is going to ripen, that it will be definite, and that it will be heavier

    3. Her career of pleasing Germans does seem to be definitely over

    4. The question we are interested to ask here is: are there particular sentiments connected with the different relations of quantities, their proportions, as we found there were in connection with different arrangements of lines and masses? Have abstract proportions any significance in art, as we found abstract line and mass arrangements had? It is a difficult thing to be definite about, and I can only give my own feeling on the matter; but I think in some degree they have

    5. “Some years ago—to be definite, in May, 1884—there came to Lee a gentleman, Neville St

    6. It is obvious that there cannot be definite laws and rules for this fulfillment of the teaching

    7. They should be definite where not sufficiently defined and explained by drawings, and every distinctive class of work to be included in contract should be mentioned and placed under its appropriate heading

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