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    be down

    1. Some of them might be down here in the Gengee by accident, but many of the crew wanted to deny their origin entirely and stick with the identity Tahlmute gave them

    2. “Mom and Dad will be down in a minute

    3. We’ll be down at Lappranile before I’m ready again

    4. She hadn't probed for it in years, so its guard should be down

    5. I can send a video probe down here and photograph this same scene can't I?"

    6. He'll still be whispering, but he'll be down to the pads soon now that Lurain and Fmaya have started

    7. We got a probe down there and did that

    8. “Could it be down to their age? We’ve been using mostly the same hardware for almost three decades

    9. “That’s good thinking Sergeant but I personally don’t think that there is just one machine gun in the well we will find more and I would hazard a guess at least another three will be down there

    10. This was going to break her apart, and it would be down to him to

    11. But what if they decided that they wanted to be down a hole, that they wanted to be 'in' love! That it was their choice, to be in love or down a hole if both were the same thing? No, Rosemary had said, you don't understand what I mean

    12. Nobody needs to be down a hole! Nobody makes that choice

    13. That had to be down to the bump on the

    14. This isn't the end of the world and you needn't be downhearted at your temporary loss of Canine-ness: implementing the afore-mentioned Training Class Foul-ups at such events should be enough to set you back on the right path

    15. They would both have weapons and it would be down to skill, not deceit

    16. When the wizards were getting above themselves, we secretly buried the globe down a temporary passageway made by the globe, deep in the mountain

    17. Toinette--but where, then, is Toinette? She is used to be down long

    18. Soon it would be down to two men

    19. “Some of the repeater stations must be down,” called Don from his end of the counter

    20. By the end of this treaty, the number of nuclear weapons will be down to less than 2,000 each for the US and USSR

    21. Maybe down in the abyss down there, dear God, could she have gone down there and fallen? He leaned over the metal railing, shouting furiously

    22. I’ll be down there waiting for them when they come around and then give them a good chase all the way to my place

    23. “LP believes that the scroll is required to be downloaded at midnight New Year’s Eve 2010

    24. Mia sang all day long and I have to say, if she practices and keeps up with it, I suspect I may be downloading an album of hers one day

    25. Will be down in the world

    26. And the word of his mouth kills all the sinners; And all the unrighteous are destroyed from before his face; And there shall stand up in that day all the kings and the mighty; And the exalted and those who hold the Earth; And they shall see and recognize How he sits on the throne of his glory; And righteousness is judged before him; And no lying word is spoken before him; Then shall pain come on them as on a woman in travail, and she has pain in bringing out when her child enters the mouth of the womb; And she has pain in bringing out; And one portion of them shall look on the other; And they shall be terrified; And they shall be downcast of countenance; And pain shall seize them; When they see that Son of Man Sitting on the throne of his glory; And the kings and the mighty and all who possess the Earth shall bless and glorify and extol Him who rules over all, who was hidden; For from the beginning the Son of Man was hidden; And the Most High preserved him in the presence of His might; And revealed him to the elect

    27. And the word of his mouth kills all the sinners; And all the unrighteous are destroyed from before his face; And there shall stand up in that day all the kings and the mighty; And the exalted and those who hold the Earth; And they shall see and recognize How he sits on the throne of his glory; And righteousness is judged before him; And no lying word is spoken before him; Then shall pain come on them as on a woman in travail and she has pain in bringing out when her child enters the mouth of the womb; And she has pain in bringing out; And one portion of them shall look on the other; And they shall be terrified; And they shall be downcast of countenance; And pain shall seize them; When they see that Son of Man Sitting on the throne of his glory; And the kings and the mighty and all who possess the Earth shall bless and glorify and extol Him who rules over all who was hidden; For from the beginning the Son of Man was hidden; And the Most High preserved him in the presence of His might; And revealed him to the elect

    28. “Oh, the girls said they would be down in a bit, the kids are playing up this morning, so I thought I'd come down and keep you company till then” Chris said and gave me one of his amazing smiles, the one that I couldn't help but smile back to

    29. “Yes we're going to play tennis with some of the other ladies at the club and what are you doing here? You’re meant to be down in the nursery” Mum said

    30. He’ll be down the pub with his London mates every night, he’ll have a job, money, a family

    31. “I’ll be down in a second, Mo,” Junior answered

    32. It was what used to be downtown of this place

    33. cat to be downstairs, Chantal would have to be as well (since Poes-Woes never comes down

    34. "He will be down there somewhere," Zoe said

    35. You can barely move, atrophy, a translucent tube down your throat, the urge to panic comes quick but you settle down

    36. “I’ll be down waiting by the car Chris

    37. The overpass would allow him to use the ‘vette’s speed and maneuverability and with any luck at all, he could be down an ‘off’ ramp and gone before the police knew where

    38. `I don't care whether you have to drag her out but she better be down here in the next fifteen minute

    39. I didn’t care to be down there as the only one way out was back up the steps

    40. He had known himself to be down,

    41. His words confirm Steve's fears and his mind races as to who is informing on him as Barry's voice interrupts his thoughts; �I'll be down to see you in the morning with Rob and Phil, make sure you are at home

    42. I’ll be down along the south shore somewhere, but how far

    43. He ain’t actually said that he’d be downsizin’ the plant

    44. "You should be fine once you freshen up, we'll be downstairs

    45. “You should be downstairs in the study room

    46. No doubt, a composite of me would be given to police officers and copies would be downloaded into the system

    47. will be down for approximately 48 hours

    48. , said in an interview with the popular cultural magazine “Where the Roots Come From” in 290 that “I am a Uola man from Atileten who loves his culture and history more than anyone else’s, but it would be downright unprofessional of me not to acknowledge that other civilizations had running water centuries ago while my people were still figuring out how to wipe their bottoms”

    49. If she asked you a question, you better not quibble or obfuscate, or the hammer would be down

    50. missing informative instructions of physics will be downloaded

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