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    Usa "be exposed to" in una frase

    be exposed to frasi di esempio

    be exposed to

    1. We have also the responsibility to help our less fortunate brethren, at least in their old age, to be exposed to spiritual thoughts and service to others instead of self-preservation

    2. shall not frequently be exposed to public sale

    3. themselves to be exposed to this oppression without a remedy

    4. The larger the continent, the easier the communication through all the different parts of it, both by land and by water, the less would any one particular part of it ever be exposed to either of these calamities, the scarcity of any one country being more likely to be relieved by the plenty of some other

    5. And for security reasons (again the risk of Elusiver infiltration into the base) only he could know what the numbers meant, how they translated into the amount of temporal erasure he’d be exposed to

    6. will the flock be exposed to heresies which will confuse

    7. In this reality his mind may well be exposed to agents, be they a known enemy or other entity, keen to explore his psyche

    8. He didn't want them to be exposed to the outside world and the panic spreading among the people

    9. They don‘t need anyone else, or be in a place where they would be exposed to germs

    10. be exposed to the market

    11. They let children be exposed to lethal amounts of

    12. “You understand that if the level increases further you’ll be exposed to a lethal dose of

    13. A covered call writer will not be exposed to losses in respect

    14. By giving this content away for free, your prospects will be exposed to your skillset, which could ultimately lead to meaningful opportunities

    15. ” I had fallen for the TV ads urging listing with a so-called national chain so that our home would be exposed to people who were relocating to East Bay but had not yet arrived

    16. be exposed to review

    17. Rather than be exposed to the temptation of competition and emulation, Mann insisted that each person in either family be allowed to exercise his or her muscles without any reference to what the muscles of another had accomplished

    18. important to him that I be exposed to these types of things, I guess

    19. Joseph from having to be exposed to all of the reporters

    20. Later that evening Metatron said Marjie had not been allowed to see the crop circle because it was too soon for her to be exposed to them

    21. Children and teenagers should not be exposed to such anachronistic displays of male aggression and supremacy

    22. will not be exposed to excessive losses

    23. Like the pillars of Hercules, the mythical point for the ancient Greeks that was not to be passed, in order not to be exposed to the rage of the Gods

    24. There are certain makeup items, which should not be exposed to open air for a long period of time, since it can become brittle or are reduced in terms of quality

    25. Lorries chicken skin, which in short is just something you shouldn't be exposed to

    26. “Spacecraft designers assumed that the ships might be exposed to a variety of radiation sources and used the older TTL technology in those systems

    27. Because it is heavier than air, hydrogen sulfide tends to sink, and children are more likely to be exposed to larger amounts than adults in the same situations

    28. can actually become immune to catnip if they are constantly be exposed to it

    29. feathers onto its own body; once the condor trembles a bit, its ugly body will certainly be exposed to public

    30. the physical place in order to be exposed to the cosmology that had

    31. He was convinced they would not be exposed to the RAF who would surely sink them as had the Japanese to "Repulse" and "Prince of Wales"

    32. were too young to be exposed to it

    33. It was only through the compassion of the Archduke’s wife Sophie, that Ferdinand would be exposed to a follow-up attempt on his life after Sophie suggested they go to the hospital to visit with those injured in the grenade attack

    34. Another problem is that our convoys would be exposed to air attacks by German planes based in Italy, but carrier-borne fighters could counter at least partly that threat

    35. Consequently, the warp core would slide out, and the tube would be exposed to vacuum, killing everyone in the tube

    36. I'd much rather put up with some physical discomfort than be exposed to Jim Carrey movies at high volume

    37. They also must be exposed to situations where they need to exercise temperance and perseverance so they will not indulge to depression and any acting out behaviors which can be detrimental to their total functioning

    38. Indeed, firing a shot that missed would definitely make his situation worse, since at that time rifles were designed to hold only one bullet, and loading another one would take time; unless he could kill the animal with one shot – an almost impossible feat in the darkness – he would be exposed to the danger of a fierce, wounded beast grown even more ferocious because of a painful wound

    39. To be exposed to certain experiences before the child is ready can do irreparable damage

    40. The sort of thing her ladyship ought never to be exposed to

    41. To commence meditating you will need to accept that you will be exposed to your

    42. "We were not prepared for her to be exposed to blood yet

    43. A believer should have a portion of the book of Allah to have a divine balance and not to be exposed to the problems of this life and not to be attacked by mental and psychological diseases, so Allah ordered us to recite the Koran during prayers

    44. Parents will be exposed to the mental duress, emotional turmoil, and deviant behaviors of their children

    45. Parents will be exposed to the insecurities of their children who suffer inner conflict, anger, and turmoil

    46. Parents will be exposed to the loneliness, isolation, and socially inept behavior of their children

    47. Parents will be exposed to hateful, tumultuous, negative, and despairing expression from their children

    48. obviously allows one to be exposed to all they want, when they want, this nonetheless does

    49. There was a new building to be built that required all structural steel beams be coated to specific manufacturer’s instructions to insure their soundness because at times they would be exposed to water, which we have learned is paints biggest enemy

    50. There is no preparation, no education, no standards, no guides, no comparison, no evaluation, and no experience in how to raise our young… except the pure blind luck of which family-culture-set of values you happen to be exposed to

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