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    Usa "be killed" in una frase

    be killed frasi di esempio

    be killed

    1. But two witnesses are a must (assuming that they too won't be killed in action or go under)

    2. Everything is set up in the way that every gladiator would be killed

    3. Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day

    4. They would be killed by predators sooner or later

    5. I waived goodbye to them, deciding within a few seconds that I wasn't going to be killed, as we drove towards the road leading out of the facility

    6. "What if it was us? We could be killed in this war," she said, "really killed

    7. 5 She will be killed in the siege!

    8. 5 These legions are here to kill and be killed

    9. Originally Gnomes hollowed parts of it out secretly, but they would be killed in the collapses

    10. is to be killed with the sword, with

    11. the sword they will be killed

    12. For a soldier to be killed by a wild animal, after surviving years at the frontline of battle, seemed like a humiliation

    13. I was hiding in the dusty ceiling of a grocery store, knowing I was about to be killed

    14. When he received the message, Herod issued a new edict that said all Jewish babies under two years old were to be killed

    15. They would be killed

    16. the boy would be killed or crippled

    17. All sorts of thoughts ran through your head you asked yourself if tomorrow you would be killed or maimed and left to lie in terrible pain suffering limbs blown off or blindness or a thousand other wounds you could receive

    18. “This caused a number of his comrades to be killed but not content by the travesty he then saved his own skin and ran leaving his comrades to fight on this Sir is cowardice in the face of the enemy and must be punished by the correct sentence which is death

    19. The rest would follow, filled with rage, and Raven would be killed within moments, dying as Khan was avenged

    20. Among his other reprehensible beliefs is that a baby, until it can process information and think like a child can, with impunity be killed up to thirty days after its birth

    21. European culture is going to be killed, country after country, due to the fact that the leaders hide their collective head in the sand and tax their people to death in order to provide social services for an invading army of which they are terrified, and of course do not bear children enough to propagate themselves, let alone catch up with their Moslem additions to their populations

    22. Naively he'd wondered how those people could be so reckless as to allow themselves to be killed when shelter was available to anyone who was prepared to make the effort

    23. I did realize that I may gain a slight element of surprise by feigning unconsciousness when the trunk was finally opened, but it would do me no good, as I was sure that I would be killed the instant the trunk was raised, conscious or not

    24. They would kill or be killed

    25. “Fight or be killed

    26. If I was, I was to be killed quickly, if not, I was to be led along and see what I could dig up

    27. Bandages became loosened, haemorrhages re-started, and men who had gone forth to bravely fight for their country a few hours previously, begged piteously to be killed to end the agony entailed by official negligence

    28. Some pleaded to be killed rather than left to the enemy; several, with blood spurting from their wounds, started to run through the mud; others called for rifles, swearing that they would die like men, not like dogs

    29. In spite of this very eloquent explanation we knew that terrorists may be killed after arrest and tacitly approved for the reasons mentioned above

    30. Doing that, where hostages may be killed, is a lot more difficult in my eyes anyway than clearing a bunker where you had no such fears

    31. Any badger unlucky enough to be standing below at the time would be killed instantly

    32. There was no way of bypassing these two without being seen, so they would have to be killed

    33. He is not to be killed

    34. Why was he waiting? What could happen? He had come too far to be killed by a bullet

    35. Your driver and body guard may be killed in front of you

    36. 500,000-600,000 Cambodians would not be killed by US bombs or troops

    37. maybe killed by

    38. Staring into his eyes, Gordon was well aware that a man could be killed for as little as one hundred US dollars in San José, but considering Frazer’s thirty years of experience: with him doing the job, it would be accomplished, and Gordon wouldn’t be implicated

    39. She had made it perfectly clear that Novorski, the demon, was to be killed and burned, but not before she had a chance to ask a few very important questions

    40. Yet, that June thirteenth on the night of his young cousin’s wedding when he looked into Truman’s eyes and saw there not love, but the cold fury of Comandante Cobra, he knew that to save him, he would have to have Truman arrested, if he didn’t, one horrible day there would be the inevitable battle and in a hail of bullets, he would be killed

    41. But then, the world, including Raul, had presumed Truman to be killed in action; what now, that he was resurrected? Portraying himself as blameless had come easily but, would it remain that way after he located Truman and heard what he had to say? Several more thoughtful puffs soothed him

    42. Whether or not they would be called upon to act, to kill or be killed in service to the Gods, they would train with sword and spear, shield and horse until the ailings of old age would force them to continue serving by training others of their kind

    43. They would probably all be killed, but to die while fighting is a far better choice than as victims of deranged brutality

    44. Something that could appear out of a metal floor in such a place in such an astounding way, did not leave the impression it could be killed with a mere sword

    45. Some small animal, trapped out here? It’ll die or be killed by some hunger-starved thing

    46. - He will be killed if you tell your secret? That was what Ryato and Alaric said

    47. “He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed” (Rev

    48. Calras was afraid that you would be killed if it were revealed so of course you did not, Ebira thought out loud

    49. him to be killed by the enemy

    50. 6 And Saul listened to the voice of Jonathan, and Saul swore, As the Lord lives, he shall not be killed

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