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    be likely to frasi di esempio

    be likely to

    1. If Sheila was the cook, she’d hardly be likely to have put whatever it was in the food

    2. If it is very low indeed, he will be likely to manage his dairy in a very slovenly and dirty manner, and will scarce, perhaps, think it worth while to have a particular room or building on purpose for it, but will suffer the business to be carried on amidst the smoke, filth, and nastiness of his own kitchen, as was the case of almost all the farmers' dairies in Scotland thirty or forty years ago, and as is the case of many of them still

    3. In consequence of these alterations, the courts, both of the proprietors and directors, it was expected, would be likely to act with more dignity and steadiness than they had usually done before

    4. ) In this manner, awareness, whose condition is less certain or problematical, perhaps; that is to say more intuitive than substantial, necessarily applies to material arguments whereby an individual may be likely to feel the presence or awareness of that ―something

    5. I suspect that political competition would be likely to force percentages lower in future elections

    6. So, the 2000 Florida chad debacle notwithstanding, the benefits of voting would in almost all cases be smaller than the costs…I think people only vote to legitimize their complaining later on!” Charles chuckled, “But, yes, since the voter can be more potent, have a real say in what will happen after the winner takes office, I think voter turnout would be likely to jump pretty dramatically

    7. With pressure from the media, and proper auditing assured, I think the party first willing to take responsibility for its spending promise would be likely to win a close race—and it will know that prior to committing to that spending promise

    8. What, we might ask as a matter of common sense, would the likely effect be if some percentage of that small percentage of emissions were eliminated? Would such an amount be likely to justify anything like the sacrifices the global warmers call for? Man made global warming, says writer and scholar Peter Ferrara, “is a hoax developed to serve powerful special interests

    9. What Obama’s rush to legislation says is that if the content of his “urgent” bills were widely known and understood the legislation would be likely to fail

    10. I had a sick feeling that Dave would be likely to find the body of

    11. would not be likely to have any strong affectionate feeling, unless the anger

    12. sentiments on the physical plane will be likely to exhibit those characteristics in a very marked manner

    13. He was making toward the temple of Set, where he knew he would be likely to find the priest he sought

    14. her rant and give you time to enter the conversation, you‘ll be likely to wait

    15. As long as he was not seen leaving, no one would be likely to notice his absence

    16. was not accepted as sufficient proof that I would not be likely to abuse my patron privileges again

    17. What they must _earn_, the grand ones, to be so confident and high-handed! And she found time to wonder, in the middle of much confusion of mind, whether one of Miles's sisters, while in the full blast of her prosperity, would be likely to accept either his ministrations or her own help

    18. No one would be likely to stand up and shout, “Hot dang! That ain’t no woman!” One would hope so, at least

    19. This is because according to the Laws of Attractions the more you think about a certain unfortunate event the more it will be likely to actually occur in your or your child’s life

    20. How would that look? Would things be likely to have a different meaning?

    21. “A Hindu would not be likely to have written the Ten Commandments

    22. Nothing like it would be likely to happen in the northern latitudes

    23. Rafferty had agreed that Llewellyn should kill two birds with one stone, as it were, by going to see the Melville-Briggs's son at his business—not that it seemed likely that Timothy, as so graphically described by Gilbert, would be likely to have any doings with a prostitute, leastways, not a female one

    24. Besides, he had stayed in the pub till he had been chucked out at one in the morning, not that Melville-Briggs would be likely to trust his sly porter with the task, anyway

    25. And what will a man such as he is be likely to do under such circumstances, especially if he be a citizen of a great city, rich and noble, and a tall proper youth? Will he not be full of boundless aspirations, and fancy himself able to manage the affairs of Hellenes and of barbarians, and having got such notions into his head will he not dilate and elevate himself in the fulness of vain pomp and senseless pride?

    26. Can you guess how he will be likely to behave towards his flatterers and his supposed parents, first of all during the period when he is ignorant of the false relation, and then again when he knows? Or shall I guess for you?

    27. Then I should say, that while he is ignorant of the truth he will be likely to honour his father and his mother and his supposed relations more than the flatterers; he will be less inclined to neglect them when in need, or to do or say anything against them; and he will be less willing to disobey them in any important matter

    28. "He is in safe custody," answered Villefort; "and rely upon it, if the letter is found, he will not be likely to be trusted abroad again, unless he goes forth under the especial protection of the headsman

    29. "And I can well understand," said the countess, shrugging up her beautiful shoulders, as though an involuntary shudder passed through her veins, "that those who have once seen that man will never be likely to forget him

    30. Whatever might be the extent of the self-delusion of his enemies, and however it had tended to assist his schemes, the slightest cause of suspicion, acting on the subtle nature of an Indian, would be likely to prove fatal

    31. It would, therefore, have been fatal to himself to have attempted the experiment; a warrior would have fared no better; but the danger of a boy would not be likely to commence until after his object was discovered

    32. "What is it you want, dear grandpapa?" said Valentine, and she endeavored to recall to mind all the things which he would be likely to need; and as the ideas presented themselves to her mind, she repeated them aloud, then,—finding that all her efforts elicited nothing but a constant "No,"—she said, "Come, since this plan does not answer, I will have recourse to another

    33. Now I am speculating what it would be likely to be

    34. He was then informed of the contents of the letter from the Island of Elba, in which he was recommended to the club as a man who would be likely to advance the interests of their party

    35. Morrel can visit me in the presence of my good and worthy protector, if we still feel that the union we contemplated will be likely to insure our future comfort and happiness; in that case I shall expect M

    36. In Arthur Dimmesdale, thought and imagination were so active, and sensibility so intense, that the bodily infirmity would be likely to have its groundwork there

    37. He had always been accustomed to rely Blackberry's reasoning had been first-rate and Bigwig had at least shown which way any sound-hearted rabbit would be likely to lean

    38. now, would be likely to give them just a little, not unpleasant shock? Suddenly he thought, "Suppose, when they got back, that there were one or two does here already?" And in the same moment he remembered what Kehaar had said about a box full of rabbits at the farm

    39. When you spoke last night of taking precautions I remember that it passed through my mind that this was probably the last parish in England to which the thief or thieves would be likely to turn their attention—which shows that I have still much to learn

    40. He did not stop to ask himself whether they would be likely to do him any harm, but bolted incontinently along the jetty, saw a lighter lying moored at the end, and threw himself into it

    41. “I don’t see where that would be likely to have any downside,” Cayleb said after a moment

    42. So he invented just the sort of Jay Gatsby that a seventeen-year-old boy would be likely to invent, and to this conception he was faithful to the end

    43. Casaubon had never put any question concerning the nature of his illness to Lydgate, nor had he even to Dorothea betrayed any anxiety as to how far it might be likely to cut short his labors or his life

    44. There were hardly any wives in Middlemarch whose matrimonial misfortunes would in different ways be likely to call forth more of this moral activity than Rosamond and her aunt Bulstrode

    45. would be likely to yield a larger proportion of their book values than the ordinary property account

    46. If he can act as a cold-blooded weigher of the odds, he would be likely to favor the low 25% stock component at this time, with the idea of waiting until the DJIA dividend yield was, say, two-thirds of the bond yield before he would establish his median 50–50 division between bonds and stocks

    47. ” Tolle advocates moving into the painful emotion, embracing it, surrendering to it just as Ed Seykota’s TTP would advise; otherwise you will be likely to repeat it by way of the subconscious mind, re-creating the same situations over and over again

    48. This attribute identifies moments when current trends begin to weaken, the first sign that the trend will be likely to reverse in the near future

    49. Specific signals revealing that the current price trend is moving away from dominance by one side, with the expectation that the other side will be likely to take over

    50. And the inheritors, being remote, would not be likely to abandon their just rights, for sentimental reasons regarding an entire stranger

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