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    Usa "be present" in una frase

    be present frasi di esempio

    be present

    1. Poisons have no effect on egg cases and must be present when bugs hatch to be effective

    2. sus did not allow mourners to be present in the place where God’s

    3. I washed dutifully because I wanted always to be presentable

    4. children had to be presentable

    5. Nevertheless, she asked me to be present

    6. ’ Chrissie put in, relieved to be presented with a straw she could grasp at

    7. One thing she was sure of, that she most certainly would be present as maid of honor for her closest friend on the occasion of her wedding

    8. “You will, of course be presented with all accolades attendant upon a Malvern graduate, and special note made of your own achievement of Double First Honors with Distinction for those subjects which you have already completed entirely

    9. It hadn't occurred to him that his plans would, of necessity, be presented by him personally

    10. "He need not be present to overhear you

    11. It was a conversation that Alec would have loved to be present for, but for the life of him, Alec couldn't figure out

    12. Some years ago the different banking companies of Scotland were in the practice of inserting into their bank notes, what they called an optional clause; by which they promised payment to the bearer, either as soon as the note should be presented, or, in the option of the directors, six months after such presentment, together with the legal interest for the said six months

    13. In an attempt to resolve the problem between the two, Ashpenaz arranged a meeting after the midday meal where they would be present

    14. especially since Hesper happened to be present

    15. While observing this object, try to be present

    16. “I am pleased to be present here on this happy occasion to witness the marriage of two young people whom I hold dear

    17. It enables you to be present in the moment

    18. Kynareth would be presented with her prayers most earnestly

    19. What he had intended to say was, "And has that fool Pinscher arrived yet?" but being a gentleman of some foresight, he stopped himself when it occurred to him that the expected person may indeed be present, and may not express any great delight in being referred to as a fool

    20. 3) can be presented as follows:

    21. and in compensation admitted to the same freedom of trade with its fellow-subjects at home; the number of its representatives to be augmented as the proportion of its contribution might afterwards augment ; a new method of acquiring importance, a new and more dazzling object of ambition, would be presented to the leading men of each colony

    22. He set it to max, about 150 times, only to further be presented with an unfamiliar collection of stars

    23. Nothing on the Lead Arrows’ faces indicated that they were honored to be present

    24. Did the Bible provide any information in the Old Testament to the Jews on how to identify their Messiah when he would be presented on that day or where to look for him? In Zechariah 9:9 a clear description is given in another prophecy of how the Messiah would be presented to the Jews, so that they could know exactly what to look for

    25. Can any human pull off something like this? If we compare this information with works from historic figures like Nostradamus, could their works be compared to the design found in the Bible? You would find that, although some similarities may be present, the predictions by Nostradamus and others are in all cases extremely vague and require a lot of interpretation from the reader’s side and are in many cases incorrect or cannot be linked to any events that have occurred or will occur

    26. Salverford officials chose how their fighters would be presented

    27. He knew if this were in fact a dream, these questions would effortlessly be presented

    28. In striking unfairness, a favoured few, myself included, received permission to be present at the ceremony

    29. The budget goes to city staff by the end of the month; and will be incorporated into the city’s draft budget which will be presented to council on Dec 4 and 5

    30. Sharon would be present at this ceremony, and we would all know

    31. “This will be presented through the proper channels,” he began

    32. I had made the necessary reservations to be present at that touching ceremony, but unforeseen circumstances forced me to cancel the trip and had to resign myself to a video

    33. Lucille told her daughter Marguerite of her decision to accompany me to Spain to be present at the inauguration of “Calle Roger Fernández Rodríguez” in Fuentesnuevas, so designated and approved by Ponferrada City Hall officials

    34. That would mean that horses, with qualities such that Caroline had a talent for recognizing, needed to be presented for sale to the Kentucky farm

    35. The agreement also allowed for her attorney to be present and available for interpretations and confidential advice throughout her deposition

    36. Worst case scenario that I wouldn"t be presenting to Mia any time soon – what if she was hooking to make a few bucks? Or maybe the guy could have been a total stranger who grabbed her off the street

    37. “Sooner or later, we have to meet with members of the Council and you simply must be presented to the Emperor, or a member of the Family

    38. Militia bands continued to be present on all the country roads they traveled, and their store of zlotys was steadily depleted as they paid the required imposts at each stop

    39. Another warning, "Do not to walk off the track, unexploded bombs may be present

    40. I’m sure that the lifetime studies of many Hebrew scholars went into these elaborations before they could be presented with any certain authority

    41. Or is history destined to repeat itself at least one more time without a conclusive terminal point? In this, we may be presented with a major problem of prophecy! Events do seem to be the most predictable from the seat of the “Monday morning quarterback”! Will we have to wait until then to know what we should have done? God help us if we are not any smarter than that!

    42. After all, you and Elior are the heirs to the throne of Ivetarlis, and at least one of you ought to be present

    43. One day some of us may be presented with the choice to flee

    44. The agreed organizations present its results to the Area of Activity AUDIT, utilizing the instruments of control of the quality (Items of Control and Items of Verification) that will be presented in dynamical reports and they become available in an on-line way for Internet in total transparency

    45. should never be biased in research or objective opinion, therefore, the subjects to be presented in the future may carry certain overtones that have become attached throughout the ages, but it is the essence and objective truth that will be presented when dealing with concepts and principles, these Universal facts of Life

    46. Here naval members and their partners would be presented to the Admiral and other dignitaries before going into the hall for the dinner dance

    47. 2Cor 5:8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord

    48. All the guests had been members of her old set and there was no intrusive youth to spoil the flavour, for the only son of the bride and groom was far away at college and could not be present

    49. Be present to them; bring your awareness to these impressions held in the mind

    50. · With your awareness and feeling gently focused in the heart, be present and attentive; breathe slowly and evenly

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