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    Usa "become detached" in una frase

    become detached frasi di esempio

    become detached

    1. He was scared witless, this had been the first close encounter with the Germans and they were in deep shit, they had become detached from their unit and they were hopelessly lost

    2. You become detached from the earth

    3. ” The point is: the news media no longer reports the news: it creates it, it makes its own news, it has become detached from the reality it is supposed to report, and that is very dangerous because it is now only propaganda that is reported and covered, not what is really going on, not the issues that are really important

    4. And that's why, if you'll become detached to a fearful condition instead of being afraid of it, you'll change forever your relationship with fear

    5. Likewise when we say that enlightened persons become detached to all physicality it does not mean that they are not available to the physical forces that affect a common or unenlightened man

    6. It requires that you cut and yourself off from the suffering of others and become detached from all human suffering including your own

    7. Worried about his reputation, he had become detached from the

    8. We dug about ten feet down and then, as the hole filled with water as fast as we could pump it out, we gave it up, the tail, which had become detached a few feet down, being the only reward of our efforts

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