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    Usa "beehive" in una frase

    beehive frasi di esempio


    1. With that, the cafeteria turned back into a beehive

    2. and hundreds of small bees, trapped in some sort of man-made beehive

    3. It was over the beehive box that he stood now, shirtless, with his back

    4. The next instant the dining room became a beehive of activity as slaves brought in platters of food and fruit, decanters of wine and jugs of juice and milk

    5. Carlos’ home had been a beehive of activity throughout the feast, with daughters, sons-in-law, grandchildren, neighbors, friends and who knows who else, involving them in cooking, cleaning, serving, eating, bouncing babies on knees, explaining their lives, and Truman and Raul going down to defeat – six-eight – in a boisterous football match cheered by all

    6. The encampment, a beehive of activity late into the night, stirred anew in preparation for a resumption of their travels

    7. The encampment, a beehive of activity late into the

    8. Over time, with the assorted pursuits of the Prabhu clan, as they came to be known in time, Misty Nest became a beehive of activity

    9. This was an awesome thing, and it caused tongues to wag excitedly in palace and beehive hut

    10. The girl looked thin and drawn, her clothes were almost rags but she had carefully brushed and lifted her dark brown hair into a small beehive type hairdo which highlighted her high cheekbones and large brown eyes

    11. An old beehive burner had collapsed

    12. She didn't know what Fawlty Towers was and Monty Python to her was something like the Beatles or the Goonies: something from the distant past, when TV was fuzzy and women had beehive hairdo's

    13. The beehive has already been rattled

    14. As he approached the kitchen that was only a few doors down from his own office, he noticed Captain Higgins’s secretary, June (affectionately nicknamed Junebug by the entire force) with her trademark beehive hairdo perfectly arranged as if bonded with shellac, filling a cup at the water cooler

    15. “I’d say you’re about ready to whack a beehive,” Higgins offered

    16. It is called the Beehive Cluster

    17. fasinated with them the same way a child might be fascinated by a beehive

    18. buzz in a beehive, how easy it would be

    19. To be one with the GlobalMind, we – the working beehive – cannot know where IT's thoughts might flow, for we are but the conduits, our wills the neurons synapsing, our acts IT's body directing

    20. Let me get a hold of the BeeHive Net that has a major population

    21. All of a sudden, our country home metamorphosed into a beehive of sort, with many vehicles frequently moving in and out

    22. They soon found themselves back in the "Beehive"

    23. Dragonfly to Beehive, the transmission came half an hour

    24. What are your instructions, Beehive?

    25. In contrast, animals behave instinctively, for example, bees have no choice other than to make a beehive and birds have no choice other than to make a nest, etcetera, whereas humans can choose what they do or not do, think or not think, feel or not feel and say or not say

    26. Lesson: The Lion with the beehive in its belly sleeps and is forever forgotten, but the Green Lion who devours the sun, is remembered and the gold it shits out is forever worshipped

    27. He saw another that looked like a beehive with eyes

    28. Confederacy, and work was going forward night and day toward turning an agricultural Atlanta was humming like a beehive, proudly conscious of its importance to the section into an industrial one

    29. Under her window there was a beehive, and sometimes the bees wheeling round in the light struck against her window like rebounding balls of gold

    30. I’ve just run through a tunnel chased by a criminal beehive you kicked over

    31. And if we don't move the whole street'll be a beehive

    32. “A beehive of talent

    33. He saw the skin peel from the rocket beehive, men thus revealed running, running, mouths shrieking, soundless

    34. The psychiatrist moved in the beehive of offices, in the cross-pollination of themes, Stravinsky mating with Bach, Haydn unsuccessfully repulsing Rachmaninoff, Schubert slain by Duke Ellington

    35. He saw the skin peel from the rocket beehive, men, thus revealed, running, running, mouths shrieking, soundless

    36. And out in the middle, and partly on top of the dam was a funny little house shaped rather like an enormous beehive and from a hole in the roof smoke was going up, so that when you saw it {especially if you were hungry) you at once thought of cooking and became hungrier than you were before

    37. Unappalled by the massacre made upon them during the night, the sharks now freshly and more keenly allured by the before pent blood which began to flow from the carcass—the rabid creatures swarmed round it like bees in a beehive

    38. While still in the yard Nekhludoff could hear the din of voices and general commotion going on inside as in a beehive when the bees are preparing to swarm; but when he came nearer and the door opened the din grew louder, and changed into distinct sounds of shouting, abuse and laughter

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