Usa "beloved one" in una frase
beloved one frasi di esempio
beloved one
1. Beloved ones, come and enter into the joy of your Lord
2. ' And the Lord said to Michael: 'Go, bind Semjeze and his associates who have united themselves with women so as to have defiled themselves with them in all their uncleanness; And when their sons have killed one another, and they have seen the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the Earth, till the day of their judgement and of their consummation, till the judgement that is forever and ever is consummated
3. Before these things Enoch was hidden, and no one of the children of men knew where he was hidden, and where he abode, and what had become of him; And his activities had to do with the Watchers, and his days were with the holy ones; And I Enoch was blessing the Lord of majesty and the King of the ages, and note! the Watchers called me Enoch the scribe and said to me: 'Enoch, you scribe of righteousness, go, declare to the Watchers of the Heaven who have left the high Heaven, the holy eternal place, and have defiled themselves with women, and have done as the children of Earth do, and have taken to themselves wives: "you have wrought great destruction on the Earth, and you shall have no peace nor forgiveness of sin, and in as much as they delight themselves in their children, The murder of their beloved ones shall they see, and over the destruction of their children shall they lament, and shall make supplication to eternity, but mercy and peace you shall not attain
4. 'To whom are these who hold the scourges going?' And he said to me: 'To their elect and beloved ones, that they may be thrown into the chasm of the abyss of the valley
5. And then that valley shall be filled with their elect and beloved ones, and the days of their lives shall be at an end,
6. 1 Oh my children, my beloved ones, hear the admonition of your father, as much as is according to the Lord's will
7. He felt immensely pleased to admire so many men idly wandering with their beloved ones through their coastal waters
8. ' And the Lord said to Michael: 'Go bind Semjeze and his associates who have united themselves with women so as to have defiled themselves with them in all their uncleanness; And when their sons have killed one another and they have seen the destruction of their beloved ones bind them fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the Earth till the day of their judgement and of their consummation till the judgement that is forever and ever is consummated
9. Before these things Enoch was hidden and no one of the children of men knew where he was hidden and where he abode and what had become of him; And his activities had to do with the Watchers and his days were with the holy ones; And I Enoch was blessing the Lord of majesty and the King of the ages and note! the Watchers called me Enoch the scribe and said to me: 'Enoch you scribe of righteousness go declare to the Watchers of the Heaven who have left the high Heaven the holy eternal place and have defiled themselves with women and have done as the children of Earth do and have taken to themselves wives: "you have wrought great destruction on the Earth and you shall have no peace nor forgiveness of sin and in as much as they delight themselves in their children The murder of their beloved ones shall they see and over the destruction of their children shall they lament and shall make supplication to eternity but mercy and peace you shall not attain
10. 'To whom are these who hold the scourges going?' And he said to me: 'To their elect and beloved ones that they may be thrown into the chasm of the abyss of the valley
11. And then that valley shall be filled with their elect and beloved ones and the days of their lives shall be at an end
12. 1 Oh my children my beloved ones hear the admonition of your father as much as is according to the Lord's will
13. her precious and beloved one,
14. ‘’The Israelis also found the pictures of a man and of a teenage girl that appeared to be beloved ones to Laplante
15. That, my beloved ones, would be a torture
16. Therefore, the endless Godly Compassion with this man is manifested in the extremely precise rules that ensure the good life in this world and escape in the life to come, rather, rising in heavens with the company of Mohammed (cpth), best of creatures and the most beloved one God
17. � We have a responsibility to save that young woman from a death she does not deserve, while at the same time leaving her with her beloved ones
18. “Is my soul eternal? Will it live next to the almighty One in heaven? Will my soul bond with the beloved One in peerless
19. Mother once said that if the departed soul weeps for his own beloved ones, then there would be a heavy rainfall, and sometime it would be continue for a week
20. They only came when their beloved ones didn’t feel their emotions and when they were ignored by their own beloved ones
21. He would fain add you to the number of His beloved ones
22. ‘By way of an example, we can all recall the features of our beloved ones in their absence
23. Was she not a living creature… a human spirit created by Al’lah, who had provided her with life and taken care of her? Does Al’lah not love her? Why should He not, since it was He Who had called her into being? If one plants a seed, he will surely tend to it as it grows and feel sad if anyone harms it; how would it be then, if we talk about Al’lah the most Merciful, Whom all creatures serve: to Him, the most beloved one will be he who renders the most benefits to His creatures
24. When Ishq meets Ishq how can there not be a total consummation? It is the annihilation of Love that makes the Lover and Beloved one
25. A hearty chat with our beloved ones glorifies our character, makes us wipe others’ tears and makes us relieve ourselves from burdens and forget our own sorrows
26. Perhaps one of those beloved ones he had so often thought of was thinking of him, and striving to diminish the distance that separated them
27. And you, their best beloved one, are now to me, flesh of my flesh, blood of my blood, kin of my kin, my bountiful wine-press for a while, and shall be later on my companion and my helper
28. “After you were taken out of the room, my beloved one struggled for a long time, as though some one were trying to strangle her
29. Life exists only outside of oneself, in the service of others, and not in the service of one’s near ones, beloved ones—that is again for oneself—but in the service of those whom we do not love, and better still, in the service of enemies
30. They look for their affection to be returned, and even deceive themselves into believing that it is returned, and are happy accordingly: yet in the reverse case they will still continue to desire happiness for their beloved one, and try by every means in their power—whether moral or material, great or small—to provide it
31. Proudly and strongly holding in his arms his beloved one, the youth said, with gentle pity: "Look at us, Lazarus, and rejoice with us
32. Beloved one! hopeless of relief