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    Usa "bereft" in una frase

    bereft frasi di esempio


    1. Why, indeed? Maybe because all those friends I've found during this period are rather bereft persons

    2. completely bereft of spirituality, or a being so in tune with

    3. It was Irene, the bereft little mother with the large, sad eyes

    4. Ours was a bereft household

    5. Zardino brought the craft to a halt two hundred kilometres from the temporal field device; it was now almost totally bereft of any moon remnant, just a fragment of rock under its dark conical form

    6. Yet seeing see the room so starkly bereft of everything that personalised their home left a lingering sense of violation

    7. I have it on reputable authority that, without understanding the Etruscans, you will not be able to understand the Romans, which inability to understand will leave you bereft of the understanding of the rise of Western Civilization

    8. What remained of his environment was a cold reminder that he was in no more than a computer generated reality, the basic framework that wasn't even real, only a conceptual background bereft of an image-feed

    9. So events spiraled out of control to a point where humans, bereft of power and force of numbers, depended on these supreme beings

    10. suddenly bereft of both

    11. He was bereft of the things he valued most: Truth, honor, friendship

    12. These were men bereft of spirit, their faces drawn and pale; seeing their ends approaching fast for all they did was accept their fate, which one way or another seemed to hold nothing for them

    13. What did I lose? In truth, I am bereft

    14. My mother, by the time of my arrival, already burdened with my older brother and sister, and still bereft of any clear understanding of the physical processes that produced us, seemed to oscillate uncertainly between self and the servant-hood thrust upon her by circumstances beyond her ability to comprehend or knowingly accept

    15. “However, perhaps the answer lies not in a morally bereft man, but in the corrupted ideals of an entire faction

    16. 40 O king, how long do you make trial of us, as of men bereft of reason? This is the third time that you have ordered their destruction

    17. “Yazadril had Silaran, Relgemit, and our more experienced officers among the Atoned stay with us, so that we are not completely bereft of military experience

    18. 39 His kinsmen who were reclining with him wondered at his instability and so expressed themselves 40 O king how long do you make trial of us as of men bereft of reason? This is the third time that you have ordered their destruction

    19. At the start of the wars, it had been bereft of any leaves, but as they progressed, some growth had come to it, starting with the one leaf she’d seen there after Johan and Isabella – poor Isabella! – had begun their journey to Lammas

    20. One week-cycle later and he still felt bereft

    21. "She was bereft after Timmy died

    22. It was that most of the time they were penniless students, bereft of female company for that reason

    23. For Matthew in those first few hours it was too quiet, bereft of all the comings and goings of his family that he strangely missed

    24. In time, in man, the urge to gain became bereft of the purpose to gain and the need to retain lost the sense of the need itself

    25. to those in need, to those bereft!

    26. for of his son he'd be bereft

    27. Though I be of sons bereft

    28. at the waitress, bereft

    29. have the prospect of an entire generation bereft of work

    30. Elra now bereft of her

    31. ' Saddlebrook's voice was bereft of emotion

    32. 'He has made enough money to purchase four Minion Droids, and they, in turn, have consolidated his reputation as a businessman one does definitely not want to do business with unless bereft of alternatives

    33. and bereft of the truth

    34. The UPS paused for a moment, then answered in a voice entirely bereft of emotion,

    35. In those bereft years after he died, she'd believed he stood over her while she slept, like a guardian angel, to keep away those awful, gory dreams

    36. Now bereft of any sensible ideas, we hit rock bottom and dragged ourselves kicking and scratching over to the English Consulate

    37. The city streets were now bereft of traffic, most

    38. would leave their own smug and low yielding investments bereft of initiative,

    39. When Roopa returned from her bath, finding her waist bereft of the chain he gave her, said a disappointed Raja Rao, ‘I thought you liked it

    40. Whatever, after the initial fanatical momentum, the Arabs, bereft of any political culture to name, began to yield the pan Islamic temporal ground to the very peoples - the Turks, the Persians and the Afghans - they had coerced into their faith

    41. However, the roots of the Islamist separation of Hindustan lay in the political ambitions of the Mohammedan aristocracy and the economic interests of the middle-class Musalmans, who wished to have it easy in a country of their own bereft of any Hindu competition

    42. So, bereft of Allah’s ayat and Muhammad’s hadith, the muftis and the Musalmans alike have reached the dead end of the Islamic guidance, or so it seems, as they are unable to find a bend to steer them clear of the mundane quagmire

    43. Going back into the Islamic history, bereft though they were of the Ariel support from Allah’s War Birds, the Mohammedan infantry of yore with the sword in one hand and the Quran in the other conquered much of the old world

    44. capacity for action; they are bereft of resolve for the true action that is a prerequisite of contemplation of the worshipped God

    45. life of men bereft of yagya be happy when even their life in this world

    46. how can the next world bring happiness to men bereft of yagya when

    47. so because men who are bereft of discernment are, as we have seen in the

    48. ing to the chronicle of Ram is bereft of sentiment

    49. But if it drew far from Him, it would be bereft of those lofty manners, therefore it will behave wrongly and act badly

    50. dus were bereft of their dharm by mere touch

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    Sinonimi per "bereft"

    bereaved bereft grief-stricken grieving mourning sorrowing lovelorn unbeloved