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    Usa "bilateral" in una frase

    bilateral frasi di esempio


    1. barbell or doing bilateral moves on cables

    2. later on when doing bilateral moves, as im-

    3. When you don’t have the opposite muscle to help with a movement, the supporting muscles nearby are called into play to a greater degree than with bilateral moves

    4. Yesterday‘s (November 8th) historical off-year elections resulted in the Republican Party seizing bilateral control of the House of Representatives and Senate for the first time since 1954

    5. Conservatives need to provide (viable) economic alternatives to bilateral assumptions whose differences are oftentimes formal rather than essential

    6. They were bipedal, with bilateral symmetry, binocular vision, hair on top, five fingers, what else could you say? They were slightly green in colour, but it wasn’t displeasing

    7. After its unsuccessful bid to put the issue for regional discussion among ASEAN members, Cambodia is now seeking a multilateral solution to this longstanding bilateral territorial dispute, threatening to put the United Nations Security Council on the spot

    8. Therefore, we will explain some actions that clear the bilateral economic relations of payment transactions between agreed organizations and external suppliers or between agreed organizations and external customers

    9. The solution of the payment of the foreign debt: The technique consists of transforming what is globalized in a relation of bilateral interests among the juridical organizations (public and private) of the creditor country and of the debtor country

    10. In the case of the foreign debt, there is the need of Bank3Sector to exist at the creditor country and other in the debtor country to accomplish the bilateral relationship

    11. military naval vessels on the Great Lakes has been limited since the signing of the bilateral Rush-Bagot Agreement of 1817, but on-going negotiations have modified that agreement in time of war and since the terrorist attacks of 9

    12. as being unaware of their rights and privileges, provided by the bilateral treaty

    13. Bob said he liked the arrangement since it gave him more time to concentrate on bilateral relations and important matters of state

    14. My feline diagnosis: BILATERAL MASTECTOMY

    15. bilateral radical mastectomy thing is worse than the gang-rape

    16. bilateral radical mastectomy very soon! Your cancer is the kind

    17. While they may not participate directly in the debates unless invited to, I encourage the various delegates to hold talks with them on a bilateral or multilateral basis during this conference

    18. By developing and maintaining bilateral relations Polish diplomacy has placed dialogue at the top of the European security agenda

    19. “We demand of our governments that they should untie and reverse all bilateral connections with Zulimistan at once and beg pardon of Muslims at once for inflicting brutalities on them, and reverse all relation with Zulimistan that has put entire world in intense confusion and fear and created warfare in entire world

    20. Winner of numerous awards, among them Israel's Council of Culture and Art Prize for Maiden Prose (1997), The Rotary Club Award for Social Studies (1976), and the Bilateral Relations Studies Award of the American Embassy in Israel (1978)

    21. ‘China would like to continue measures to increase imports from Kenya and promote a balanced growth of bilateral trade’ the President had said

    22. Because without saying outright what that conspiracy might be—Noseweek seems to believe that its fans are sly enough to know how to read between the lines, having lived in a Banana Republic since 1994 and all—the best we can make out is that Beijing and Pretoria are in collusion, with Pretoria turning a blind eye towards illegal Chinese immigrants and shopkeepers who aren’t registered with SARS, so that the bilateral relationship can continue apace

    23. The paradise of good relationship and bilateral deals is gone

    24. Multiple and divergent mutually-supporting cultures prohibit the dominance and control of a single monoculture of unilateral dominance or bilateral polarity

    25.  Usually leads to redness of unilateral eye but may have bilateral involvement if

    26. That is to say, there would be bilateral dependencies between things, with respect to

    27. This is the beginning of the bilateral interqualitative Synthesis, which we continue in the Forms of the 3-4-dimensional diapason

    28. Usually, this bilateral synthetic process appears between different-qualitative Proto-Forms with approximately the same creative potential, that is, in a common (to them) but very narrow frequency range of manifestation of their typical Aspects of two different Qualities

    29. wife and husband hereby agree that such listed issues shall be brought to bilateral

    30. is also known as line or bilateral symmetry

    31. - and the bilateral shock effect

    32. Many men with congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens do not have

    33. But senior political and military people before, during and after wars are renowned for making senseless, unintelligent and irrational decisions, including the ability to implement benign bilateral interpersonal relations in regard to human-to-human diplomacy, mediation and negotiation at individual, national and international levels

    34. This bilateral relationship is a relationship between the Creator and the created

    35. This bilateral relationship may sometimes be based on, and expressed, through anger, disbelief and frustration, etcetera

    36. The national security adviser recommends saying that Nixon “would be prepared to work out a bilateral arrangement” with the North

    37. In his memoir, Nixon does not even acknowledge that Kissinger made a proposal for such a “bilateral arrangement,” and writes that he categorically rejected such a concept and would not even entertain the thought

    38. Of course this was contrary to Kissinger’s favored course—“a bilateral arrangement”—as outlined in the portion of the cable that Nixon did not acknowledge

    39. ” But he makes no mention of his willingness to make “a bilateral arrangement” with the North—something both Nixon and he assured the South Vietnamese president would never happen

    40. Both he and Nixon leave out any reference to a separate “bilateral” arrangement with the North that would be a sellout of their longtime ally

    41. ” Nixon then bluntly surfaced the idea that he would make a bilateral agreement with the North if necessary

    42. tobacco smokers had significantly lower D2/3 receptor availability in the bilateral

    43. appears to be reduced in the bilateral OFC in cocaine-dependent men and in the

    44. in the bilateral caudate and putamen

    45. subjects showed significant decrease of DAT uptake in the bilateral putamen, but

    46. not in bilateral striatum

    47. However, DAT uptake in the bilateral caudate was

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    bilateral two-sided bilaterally symmetric bilaterally symmetrical isobilateral collective common mutual joint cooperative