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    Usa "binary" in una frase

    binary frasi di esempio


    1. Whole new ways of converting to binary and getting it written somewhere would have to be devised

    2. out of binary switches and threads of energy?

    3. She starts the ball rolling with a binary word,

    4. "But the quantum states are usually binary," she said

    5. binary pattern that used letters of the alphabet for numerical values, the words were

    6. there is dialectics, not only binary logic, there is

    7. Next in 2004 radicals in Iraq tried to do so again by exploding an artillery shell but it is unknown if they understood that it contained the binary precursors of sarin

    8. He wondered if there were any binary planets in this proximity to a sun, but hadn’t found any so far

    9. A binary moon-pair

    10. That connection had started the march to this point in time, where the binary numbers of one and zero would intertwine and unlock what was held within the scroll

    11. She exists as a binary relation to a master

    12. we are orbiting the binary star widely known as Behenii-1 in most tourist star maps, also known to some of you colloquially as Persebs or Binary 888

    13. And so they were ploughing on the vastness of space, speeding away from the Binary 888

    14. Sequential photos of binary star systems were used to teach students how all heavenly bodies were swung around a common center of gravity, how everything in the universe

    15. It was erased from the tape with the claim it was a leftover record of another flight, but the binary form of the record will not be yielded up for analysis

    16. binary had taken over the screen, jamming the system as she

    17. The first skill you've got to have in order to work with route summarization is binary

    18. especially with binary and summarization questions

    19. • If other than above, then marking will be binary 11

    20. For example: Assuming A is a female, then the first location will be 01 in binary or 1 in

    21. to digital converter to convert the output into a digital number, often a simple binary digit 0 or 1

    22. I suspect that binary thinkers will have difficulty with this position, but it is possible, with

    23. patterns, where these binary patterns may continue a cascade of pro-

    24. The transferred binary patterns have two general purposes: to replicate the binary patterns within another computer or process, and to act as commands that initiate other processes

    25. One can further interpret replication of a binary pattern as the execution of a particular command (make a copy of this in you)

    26. computers they are most often binary strings

    27. duce ontological reasons for the presence of all binary strings, and reasons for the reasons produced by the algorithm, and reasons for those

    28. computers that exchange binary strings are communicating

    29. ” The environmental directive for life is simple: to reproduce its species, through spores, bulbs, seeds, rhizomes, binary fission, mitosis, division, fragmentation, budding, eggs, or live birth

    30. The binary splitter (identified by Newberg and d’Aquili) would be rendered ineffective

    31. where the binary splitter in the brain is rendered ineffective) has been described by or alluded to by every major religion

    32. In this paradoxical way we can transcend the usual dichotomy (the division into two; the binary split) between emptiness and form, or existence and non-existence

    33. The timer employs a 14-stage binary ripple counter

    34. About 75 percent of all stars are members of a binary system, a pair of

    35. The life cycles of single stars are simpler than those of binary systems,

    36. Binary stars develop from two protostars that form near each other

    37. One star in a binary system can affect the life cycle of the other if the

    38. a white dwarf, an X-ray binary may form

    39. Before we delve into the concept of the binary

    40. Binary uses a 0 and a 1 to compute anything

    41. To translate a regular number like 17 into binary takes a couple quick steps

    42. First, remember that all numbers in binary are just zeroes and ones

    43. Next, think of binary numbers as having a series of slots, in which each slot is some power of two

    44. So back to turning 17 into binary, the powers

    45. linear regression, data marts, binary selection of assumptions, reversion to the

    46. I closed my eyes really tightly and started to see patterns, binary and grids

    47. Feeding in complicated binary code, all from memory, he triumphantly hits the input key

    48. Being robots the language must be based on a binary code, feeding in the sounds of the nearest robot voice the translator starts to assemble a parallel

    49. The binary number 01000100 indicated that the message was in plain text Hebrew with the characters shifted up four in the alphabet

    50. She probably had more binary codes running through her veins than female hormones

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