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    Usa "biotech" in una frase

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    1. The chemical plants and biotech companies will be split up among the top twenty executives

    2. you also have exposure to many other stocks within the Biotech Index

    3. instead he had stainless steel biotech legs that had microchips that were flashing a pale

    4. They bought biotech suppliers in Sweden and test

    5. over sensitivity to the business cycle occurs with biotech companies that spend a lot for

    6. A high beta biotech will

    7. boom of the 70s and 80s, the internet boom of the 90s and the biotech boom

    8. biotech drug discovery ventures to the conventional retail and manufacturing

    9. timing’ and these things happen only in the internet and biotech sector

    10. ” Her biotech parent, however, went by the more traditional, two generations and counting, blend title of Fatmother – having provided both seed and egg, but not womb

    11. When they owned the food, we became slaves to biotech PharmAg

    12. The CKO readily accepts, and Mary begins work on the much more interesting and company-wide aspects of Knowledge Management in the biotech company

    13. However, in searching for best practices in other biotech firms, the CKO runs into confidentiality and privacy issues, given the competitiveness of the industry

    14. Biotech corporations have launched huge campaigns to introduce ‘patented’ seeds into the market

    15. The new biotech companies are using every legal and illegal leverage and advantage to force farmers to buy ‘G

    16. Million and millions of dollars are spent on political contributions in the Global plot to force people to eat ‘patented’ food; so these biotech companies and all of their affiliated business partners and shareholders can make a quick, easy buck by monopolizing the food we eat by standardizing all plants down to such a low diversity level that if they succeed, there will be global crop failures and global starvation

    17. The latest obscenity concerning genetically altered foods is governments trying to hoodwink school systems into using it to feed their students more cheaply because the Biotech companies give them discounts hoping to get the younger population used to it, accept it as normal… and ultimately addicted to it

    18. I am in Tokyo right now and have been looking at a stock called “Chiome” Bioscience which is a sketchy biotech

    19. What’s important to understand is that AMRN is a biotech with a fair amount of coverage and following but it is not one of the leaders because it did not trade to new 52-week highs

    20. From the Training Room: A Biotech Fade Trade Review with TO

    21. Although, they don’t have to gap up, this can even happen all before the event, before the results from the biotech stock are out

    22. Biotech stocks may rely on the success or failure of just one drug

    23. This is a much better and nuanced answer here from TO than me about using other biotech stocks in the sector as an indicator

    24. A number of biotech stocks had big moves in 2003, including Gilead Sciences (GILD) and Celgene (CELG)

    25. One of my favorite sectors during the past few years and looking ahead at the next bull market is the biotech stocks

    26. Biotech is the new haven in bear markets and has taken the place of the large pharmaceuticals

    27. By having strong pipelines and the medical technology and expertise to find the next big drug, the biotech firms have the upper hand

    28. I am not the only person to realize this, and that is why there will be a noticeable number of biotech firms that are acquired by large pharmaceutical firms in search of the next big drug

    29. It is often less expensive for a large pharmaceutical company to buy a biotech company that has already put the money into the early stage trials versus initiating their own clinical trials of a new drug

    30. The takeover premium is just another reason I believe biotech stocks will be one of the leaders in the coming bull market

    31. Gilead is a growing biotech firm that was founded in 1987 and has since grown to a company that is producing $5 billion in annual revenues

    32. 6 shows the run Gilead made from a penny stock to a worldwide leader in the biotech sector

    33. This is no more evident than in the biotech sector, which is why ETFs are so popular

    34. To make my point, I will give you the numbers to back my argument as to why the average investor should consider a biotech ETF versus an individual biotech stock

    35. Of the 186 biotech stocks I track at my investment firm, Penn Financial Group, only 24 of them closed out 2008 with gains

    36. An investor would have had a 13 percent chance of picking a winning biotech stock in 2008—not very good odds

    37. The odds of picking a biotech stock that lost at least 75 percent, or three fourths, of its value was 30 percent

    38. To put it another way, nearly one in every three biotech stocks fell 75 percent in 2008

    39. An amazing 9 percent, or 17 biotech stocks, lost 90 percent of their value in 12 months, according to proprietary research done at my firm, Penn Financial Group LLC

    40. But Jack Weyland chooses to navigate a course through one of the riskier areas of the stock market, the biotech and medical technology sectors

    41. Weyland may have some difficulty articulating his methodology for selecting stocks, but when probed about specific holdings, he has near-encyclopedic knowledge of biotech companies and the niches they operate in

    42. He is a value investor who buys promising biotech stocks after they have had some bad news, often a temporary setback that the market is overreacting to

    43. Weyland loves to buy beaten-down biotech stocks, especially when he thinks the market has overreacted to bad news

    44. Weyland feels strongly that most of the professionals advising health care investors and biotech funds get lost in their spreadsheets

    45. “The biotech world is the riskiest place, and to be competing with Pharma Ds, MBAs, PhDs, and MDs is not really logical,” says Weyland

    46. Weyland’s approach has produced impressive results, though like most biotech investors he isn’t immune to the occasional stock disaster

    47. Experienced biotech investors know that a drug’s path through testing to market is rarely linear

    48. One of Uyehara’s most successful trades occurred in biotech hopeful Medivation (see Figure 9

    49. To meet this goal, he needed to shift the businesses focus away from herbicides to its more profitable biotech seed business

    50. What if we thought the stock would likely move sideways but that there was a small chance that it would drop substantially? What if the stock had earnings coming out soon or if it was a biotech company that had good long-term prospects but that would have results of an important clinical trial released in the near future? In either case, we might be willing to buy the stock at a really big discount if we could get paid option premium while waiting to see if we buy the stock

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    biotech biotechnology