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    Usa "bishop of rome" in una frase

    bishop of rome frasi di esempio

    bishop of rome

    1. Shaking hands with the bishop of Rome, Charlemagne

    2. Was the “new name” that of the highest Christian leader, the bishop of Rome, which seemed to mysteriously morph into the title of “pope”? And might the “white stone” be metaphorically the headpiece and vestments put upon the newly anointed as he ascended to the highest office in the Catholic (universal) hierarchy, in the name of Jesus? And regarding the “new name that no one knows,” does this explain the many challenges to the later addition of and legitimacy of the “Office of the Papacy

    3. Instead of, in all honest humility, following the titular leader, the bishop of Rome, religious heir of the Apostle Peter, already chosen, according to the Bible, by their crucified leader as head of his church, and by extension any other bishop chosen as his successor; the Eastern leadership, following Constantine’s move of his capitol eastward sought to contest that authority, trying instead to negotiate a kind of co-ruler-ship, similar to that which had brought Constantine to the fore of the pagan, Roman Empire

    4. As bishop of Rome, the Pope was traditionally seen as the successor of St

    5. Later, Roman emperors held the title of Pontifex Maximus, until Emperor Gratian bestowed the title on Siricius, the bishop of Rome, in the year 382

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