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    Usa "black out" in una frase

    black out frasi di esempio

    black out

    1. ‘But it’s pitch-black out there

    2. Large winged creatures flapped across her vision causing momentary black outs

    3. But she couldn’t let herself black out, because she’d drown in the trough’s filthy, blood-streaked water

    4. “Pitch black out there and the rain has finally stopped

    5. Bosco knew he was about to black out when he became aware of another shadow—this one big and angry

    6. It was still black out, but dawn wasn’t too far off; she could see streaked glimmers of grey on the horizon

    7. But my recipe would cause him to black out and later come to in a strange, dreamlike state for a few hours

    8. It’s pretty black out,” noted Bernie

    9. Unfortunately I didn’t black out, but the sliced gash on my forehead profusely bleeding at the forefront took about a total of five seconds to heal over as I tried to watch my non-existent reflection in the mirror

    10. I saw Levi black out with the sheer strength of us melting into one, his eyes closing as he fell on top of my body, only to be followed by me shortly afterwards

    11. Far below she could see the black outline of the skyscrapers of L

    12. “Alex?” Sean in a black outfit with a dark mushroom colored waistcoat stands at the door

    13. A white apron with the letters, VB, printed in gold hang around his neck, over his black outfit

    14. The black outfit he wears matches his gloomy face

    15. Have any of you noticed any headaches, back pain or black outs?”

    16. Then something in his mind cleared and his eyes travelled over the black outline of the mountain, the few scrubby trees clinging to nothing with their thin roots, then downward over the dark grey stripes of strange lizards, the reality of them heightened in the dry air and the wind’s cry

    17. When we arrived at the cross it was pitch black out and windy

    18. about the peak, as he could see a black outline perched above

    19. As he neared Bigley, Tenney exited the car and insolently sauntered toward him, wearing a skin-tight black outfit Trask contemptuously labeled a leotard, but was probably someone's idea of a martial arts uniform

    20. commission in order to black out the security monitors

    21. Without the suit’s support, the G forces of the sudden acceleration and the transition would cause them to black out if the blood in their bodies flowed away from their heads

    22. Without the suit’s support, the G forces of the sudden acceleration and the transition would cause her to black out if the blood in her body flowed away from her head

    23. It was a total black out and they now were going back to Earth with more urgent questions

    24. “Did we have a black out?”

    25. I think I need to land before I black out

    26. The doctor explained that pressure from the old injury might have caused Pete to black out at the top of the stairs, causing him to fall

    27. You may have hit your head on something, or your oxygen supply was reduced due to the extended duration of time spent in your Life Belt, or you may have even had a black out from all the stress…” Kletsova stopped herself, realizing too late that she shouldn’t have mentioned the Life Belt

    28. "The digital timer will completely black out and then it will be

    29. The power grid black out was a pretty simple thing though

    30. moments when you have a complete black out; when

    31. “Once the Romulans attack, this whole area will have a communication black out due to all the jamming

    32. black outfit was never going to bring out the best in him

    33. the day, it will become pitch-black outside when the sun suddenly turns as

    34. very theatrical in his all black outfit; gone were the nasal tones and his arm was

    35. There were no streetlights on this stretch of road, and it was impossible to see anything beyond the Expedition’s headlights other than the black outlines of the woods only a few feet away

    36. There was a man in black outside the hall and in his hand was a red color

    37. As Sue and I entered the woods, it was pitch black outside the glow of

    38. The night is so black outside my window, and somewhere through that blackness you are travelling at this moment, disappointed, across the endless frozen fields and forests that you must go through inch by inch before you reach Berlin

    39. Doug held Max’s arm still and started the black outline

    40. They are a brilliant blue color with a black outline along the bottom of the dorsal fin and around

    41. She stared at his black outline helplessly

    42. It was pitch black out and the stars shone like I have never seen them shine again

    43. Once it started, and knowing there was nothing she could do to stop it, she wished and prayed that the pain and shock would enable her to black out

    44. She at numerous times during the sawing prayed that she would black out and drift into painless darkness, a coma that would never end, one that would allow her to die and escape the horror

    45. ‘I hope that light doesn’t black out when I reach the bottom of the stairs

    46. I was already dressed in the black outfit that I had picked out and I was eager to get going

    47. He looked toward the center of the cemetery, toward the large monuments that were black outlines within the darkness, and knew, as I did, that the hellhounds would soon return

    48. It is pitch black outside and I can't see a thing

    49. It was pitch black outside when Jess got all the horses into the barn and blanketed

    50. Jason thought he could see the black outline of the caretaker

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