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    Usa "bloodcurdling" in una frase

    bloodcurdling frasi di esempio


    1. Then suddenly, my attention cuts to a bloodcurdling scream that pierces above the chatter of the crowd

    2. with a bloodcurdling scream, Moshe, sword held high, raced across the short distance followed

    3. He imagined Zeke still sitting in his contraption, all bloated in the vacuum of deepest space, with his face frozen solid in a bloodcurdling scream

    4. The man let out a bloodcurdling scream and recoiled as Aazuria spat out the tip of his tongue

    5. Next minute Linda heard bloodcurdling screams, and people running out in all directions

    6. As Kathy reaches the top of the second flight, suddenly a big large knife plunges hard, right into her abdominal! Kathy lets out a bloodcurdling scream! The knife, which is being held by a hand wearing a black glove and an arm wearing a long thick black sleeve, then plunges right into Kathy's chest! Kathy screams out in pain again! She is being stabbed! Blood splatters everywhere! The glove covered hand repeatedly plunges the large knife hard and fast into Kathy's chest and abdominal areas several times! Blood is all over Kathy! She continues to let out a horrible scream! The knife then plunges hard and fast into Kathy's neck! It plunges hard and fast into Kathy's neck several times! Kathy falls down the stairs and lands on the bottom of the flight! The glove covered hand and sleeve covered arm suddenly pulls the hallway door on top of the second flight and angrily bangs it open! The glove covered hand and sleeve covered arm angrily goes into the hallway, away from the staircase doorway, still holding the bloody knife as the staircase door slams shut! A second hallway door on that same floor suddenly bangs open, then slams shut!

    7. Dana and Mark continue to violently fight each other! They start to beat on each other real bad! Dana violently fights Mark using kick boxing and Hapkido! She punches Mark! She throws several straight blows to his face again! She elbows Mark! She kung fu's Mark! She knees Mark! She knees him real hard again and again in the groin area! Mark bawls over in pain! Dana throws Mark another uppercut under the chin, knocking Mark down to the floor again! Dana bends down and grabs Mark! She lifts him up and violently shoves him to the wall, banging his entire body hard against the wall! As Mark's body bounces back off the wall, Dana raises her knee and violently bangs her knee real hard against Mark's abdomen! Mark bawls out in pain again! Dana quickly spins her whole entire body around and kung fu kicks Mark's head and body real hard to the floor! Then she bends down and grabs Mark by the neck, putting him into another choke hold! Mark also grabs Dana by the neck, putting her into a choke hold! They both have a choke hold of each other's neck as they both roll all over the place again, knocking everything down within their path again! Then they both race right towards the wall at a very fast speed! At the last second, Dana suddenly pulls back as Mark's head slams hard into the wall! Mark yells out in pain as Dana grabs his head and violently bangs her knee against Mark's head, causing Mark's entire body to flip back real hard against the floor again! Dana bends down and grabs Mark by the neck again! She pulls him up by the neck and grabs his head, putting him into another choke hold! Then she grabs Mark's entire head and violently bangs her knee and fist against Mark's head again, causing Mark's entire body to flip back down to the floor again! Dana bends down and grabs Mark by the neck again! She puts him into another choke hold! Mark grabs Dana's neck again also! They both have a choke hold of each other's neck again as they both race towards the wall again at a very fast speed! This time, Dana's head hits the wall! She falls to the floor! She is sort of woozy! Mark starts to sit on top of Dana's body as she lays face up on the floor! His face, mouth and clothes are all covered with blood as he puts his entire body weight right on top of Dana's neck and chest! Then he unzips his pants and tries to force oral sex on Dana! He tries to jam his penis into her mouth! He tries very hard to jam his penis into Dana's mouth, but is having a hard time doing so because Dana has her mouth tightly shut! Her mouth remains tightly shut as Mark tries to force his penis into her mouth! As Mark tries to force his penis into Dana's mouth, she suddenly opens her mouth wide and bites down real hard onto his penis! Mark lets out a bloodcurdling scream! He is in pain! He tries to break his penis away from Dana's teeth grip, but she will not let go! Mark continues to scream out in pain! He is in agony! He then falls his body to the floor trying to break his penis away from Dana's teeth grip, but she still keeps biting down hard onto his penis, not letting go! Dana then holds her face downwards as she continues to bite down hard onto Mark's penis! She begins to draw blood! Mark continues to scream out in pain! He pleads for mercy! He kicks his legs real hard and starts to pound his fists real hard on Dana's back, but she still will not budge! Mark tries to use any hard object he can find within his reach to slam Dana with, but still, she will not let go! Dana continues to gripe down real hard onto Mark's penis with her teeth, drawing more and more blood! Mark's entire body is shaking! His face is red and sweating in pain! He continues to holler and scream out for mercy! He is in great agony!

    8. Carol: I was cleaning the kitchen when I heard the most terrible bloodcurdling scream

    9. He rode up at speed, and touching my foot with the toe of his boot, asked me for a cigar, with a bloodcurdling laugh

    10. His eardrums cringed under the rolling thunder of that bombardment, and through the sound and fury of the heretic shells, he heard shouts of alarm and the bloodcurdling screams of the wounded

    11. Bloodcurdling Screams rose to Heaven

    12. The noise of some great body crashing through the underbrush so close beside him, and the sound of that bloodcurdling shriek from above, tested Clayton's courage to the limit; but he could not know that it was to that very voice he owed his life, nor that the creature who hurled it forth was his own cousin—the real Lord Greystoke

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