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    Usa "boldly" in una frase

    boldly frasi di esempio


    1. Heb: 13:6: So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my

    2. Henry was going to have to assert himself a bit more; he was going to have to open the door and go in boldly

    3. balding crown of the man’s lowered head, and then walked boldly up to the boy’s

    4. integrity and high moral character, inflexible principles, and the ability to speak out boldly with the truth

    5. without repenting, then we boldly declare that he repented

    6. He too stepped boldly forward, held out both of his arms, grabbed Aban in a huge bear-hug and yelled out pure joy at the very top of his voice

    7. The Countess smiled at the balding crown of the man’s lowered head, and then walked boldly up to the boy’s table

    8. where green and gold cloth once hung boldly

    9. ‘What do you expect to find?’ Andy asked boldly, climbing out of the car and stood waiting as Mrs Brown extricated herself and then fussed around looking for her handbag, twittering at the constable driver who went to her aid

    10. He walked boldly into that portal, but when he was out of the lantern light he jumped back into the stairway, almost falling onto a woman he would have been delighted to be on top of

    11. They boldly stand by faith in God’s promises

    12. They helped the poor, loved the unloved, and boldly preached the gospel from town to town

    13. Francis, their leader, boldly preached the gospel to the Sultan of the Muslim armies during the crusades

    14. If you have great faith, then speak boldly, but if you have little faith be honest about it

    15. She fainted away, but Aladdin, snatching the lamp, said boldly:

    16. David took his stones and boldly faced the giant, risking

    17. marched boldly into the choir

    18. He kicked boldly whenever Nerissa

    19. " The red pins stood boldly on their rightful districts

    20. “I…what?! I’m not even!” Lightly tanned cheeks awash with new ruddiness boldly contradicted such words

    21. He was the picture of ease, the way he stood there looking at her, not too boldly, certainly not shyly, but with a strong sexiness that brought a tingling sensation to her crotch

    22. When your “inner ears” and the “eyes of your spirit man” can hear and see what God’s word is saying, and then you believe with faith in your heart that God word is true, then you can boldly say that the word dwells in your heart – Colossians 3:16

    23. He was confident of God’s backing and boldly took on the giant that had harassed the army of Israel

    24. The wild dogs were gathering around the circle of light now, and two of them boldly began to devour Penny

    25. He continued along a corridor until a door marked boldly with the words PRIMARY INTERFACE STATION

    26. facing the King said boldly:

    27. Each was a photocopy of a page of the classifieds and had the date and one ad boldly circled

    28. It is difficult to think of a more un-Christian sentiment, to boldly proclaim you are not your brother's keeper and hold the poorer half of the nation in contempt

    29. “And the big one is for you,” the note stated boldly

    30. I was starting to feel drunk and stumbled after him as he boldly strode off

    31. Stinger paused to gather his thoughts and then boldly

    32. Still, he tried to rescue me, didn’t he? But the way that he had been staring, so boldly

    33. So he was not all untouched by it? She smiled and with Ebira's laughter in the back of her head, she said boldly:

    34. I bolted up to my feet and boldly exited the circle and slipped away from center stage

    35. They had spoken out boldly at a time when the priestly class had thought these men had been threatened into silence by the example made of their beloved Rabbi

    36. Pauly G said, “Yay man, that’s the plan, we want in your crew – add us and the rest of the crews are through, we will be the proud few; NEIGHBORHOOD STREET ROCKERS, “he screamed boldly as if he was already one of us

    37. Without further ado my boy who was always in a big hurry to get somewhere fast, boldly started us off

    38. the time, i said nothing in response, but today i would say boldly, fast-

    39. To-night, as she sidled boldly enough up to the manse girls, she looked as if she had never been warm since she was born

    40. And we are going to say, boldly and truthfully, to all critics and sympathizers, 'We are PROUD of our minister and his family

    41. Down at the manse Una Meredith, warm, rosy, triumphant, marched boldly into her father's study and laid a letter on the desk before him

    42. I rode the men boldly through the town

    43. They lived in double lean-tos covered with hides from which an unsavory odor emanated boldly even through the sense-dulling cold

    44. breaking look at his childhood friend, and began boldly up the

    45. mountain, but stand you now against our enemies, and overcome them, and after this you may boldly take the spoils

    46. the former times, when they mingled not themselves with the Gentiles, he had been accused of Judaism, and did boldly jeopard his

    47. 14 And having boldly discovered the fountain,

    48. I’m going boldly where no man has gone before

    49. Obama boldly stated that he wants “my judges”

    50. The revolutionary credo of the Constitution, almost unthinkable in its time, was boldly set forth in the first three words of its first sentence:

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