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    Usa "bored" in una frase

    bored frasi di esempio


    1. Herndon had looked almost bored till then but snapped to attention with that revelation

    2. "I thought I bored you with my stories of Zharvai

    3. Before that and the Wild Catch, I was afraid I could get bored here

    4. They hid and watched him but got bored quickly

    5. We are mentally dull and bored

    6. The men seemed bored as the therapist chatters away in an animated way

    7. "Alan, are you hiding in there?" she bored into the woman's eyes

    8. The Al-Harron's main section appeared to be a thousand-foot chunk of heavy rock with a hundred foot hole bored thru it that twinkled with containment fields

    9. "So you are bored with houris because they have no soul, because there is no 'mutual pleasure' but just a heavenly spirit performing its natural function

    10. Nevertheless, I often suspect -from askance looks, certain phrases, bored movements- that Aphrodite doesn't really like such discussions

    11. I wonder again, because Aphrodite doesn't seem to be bored or sulky now, she looks cheerful and lively

    12. After a while, he looks bored and nervous: “We shouldn't have come here! You should have invited me home, so as to spend a nice night together!” he snorts

    13. the bored and the beautiful from the caravans of Bude,

    14. Brancettrabble would be interested in his findings but was too bored with the exacting detail of the work to follow his daily observations

    15. for several years may be worried that their partner is growing bored with these typical gifts

    16. among the most bored people in temples

    17. even during pauses in the conversation you can look at them and not get bored

    18. Instead of taking the broad steps up to the main floor, they approached a smaller door to the side where a single military man leaned against the wall looking bored

    19. He was content to watch most of the time, most of the crew were housekeepers and he would have to be pretty bored to volunteer for that duty

    20. “You went all the way across henarDee while I slept?” She had driven at least a third of the journey, he’d been bored with it before they got that far

    21. ‘Well, there’s nothing else for me to do, is there?’ she asked, sounding bored just as he would expect her to be

    22. without allegiance, I mean,’ her eyes bored into his

    23. Tania, at first and soon after her Poly, grew increasingly bored with the lack of excitement the 'boat training' offered as compared with the at least changing chores at the house

    24. Finally bored with exploring the castle, Tom found his way back

    25. Shaun sounds flat and bored, but his eyes give away a distinct hint of unease

    26. “Still haven’t gotten bored with the view?” Johnson asked, looking out the

    27. Matt was rubbing his forehead and trying to focus, as Andrew sat around looking bored

    28. As nice as it was to have a man about the house, particularly a man who always did as he was told, she was starting to get bored of it quite quickly

    29. And so, they journeyed onwards through the forest, though Matt was getting quite bored

    30. If it was that far to get here I wouldn’t bother going out, I’d just sit around the still with them and get bored

    31. Alan reported his encounter with this native while Delos got bored, then annoyed

    32. “My intent is not to get bored but to get out of boredom

    33. So often, I end up at a place before they open, only to be bored

    34. The minute John became bored he could feel him—Max stirring in the

    35. By late Saturday night she was so bored she found herself sitting in front of the television trying to brush her hair with her good hand, but when the brush snagged and tumbled to the floor she didn’t even try to retrieve it; instead she found herself weeping hopelessly

    36. I'm getting bored waiting

    37. We had a bunch of crazy and wild students and when they got bored just sitting at the desk they would be playing with the combination lock and if you play enough with a combination lock enough magically the combination lock would unlock

    38. It wasn't supposed to be that way, she wasn't supposed to be able to learn it all, but a hundred year voyage leaves bored and intelligent souls a long time to study

    39. had to sit and listen to Johnny the Killer and act like I wasn’t bored

    40. "Galimoto is bored," the imp said, flicking an acorn into the air

    41. She apparently got bored with his open-mouthed stare and said, "I've come about this picture," and held up one of the pictures of Alan

    42. ever become bored searching the heart of such a magnificent

    43. Solo Ki didn't respond and seemed bored with the female elf

    44. "Death doesn't scare them at all," she bored into his eyes when she told him

    45. He bored right back

    46. So the poor poster sat there bored to tears taking in all that was said

    47. " She could have gone on about how the veron bus was structured but it would have bored him

    48. “Its the algebra all those A plus B divided by the sum of the square root of C makes him, well a bit bored

    49. little bored with the never-changing landscape of the

    50. I came to the bonfire expecting to be bored, feigning interest in a teenage girl, who possessed gifts she didn’t understand

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    Sinonimi per "bored"

    blase bored world-weary indifference apathy monotony ennui doldrums listlessness