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    Usa "brahman" in una frase

    brahman frasi di esempio


    1. the power of Brahman the Supreme Being)

    2. If he instead released his soul from his ego’s clutches, it would be free to become part of the universal soul, the mighty Brahman

    3. Maybe in their next life, their soul could reach Brahman, the divine collector of souls

    4. (atman) and of the Absolute (brahman)?

    5. Brahman in its aspect of limitless knowledge, the expanse of awareness,

    6. the realization of the unity of all things in Brahman

    7. resent the Absolute truth of the Brahman

    8. (the Self is Brahman)

    9. Turiya The superconscious state of samadhi, ( turiya, fourth) the fourth state of soul in which it becomes one with Brahman, the highest awareness

    10. Nididhyāsana – the contemplation on above questions leads to deeper and deeper understanding of mind, ego, and the divine reality (Brahman)

    11. Ultimately it may lead to the destruction of individual ego and union with the Brahman (the universal force)

    12. The mind is still aware of its separate existence from the object of meditation ( Brahman)

    13. In the final state of meditation the individual looses her individual ego and feels one with Brahman (God)

    14. Brahman is the universal energy or God

    15. One who remains conscious of Brahman (God) and acts accordingly is the one who practices Brahmacharya

    16. The Master Kuthumi wears the body of a Kashmiri Brahman, and is as fair

    17. Above means that there is ONE GOD, Brahman; He is TRUTH, the cosmic existence which exists in all forms, inorganic and organic, the plant and animal creation

    18. Brahman is the spirit that is found in everything living

    19. 1) Brahman: This is seen as God similar to the father of all

    20. It is not really said that Brahman has a physi-

    21. similar to the concept of Brahman, Atman, and the Maya

    22. of karma, which is the originating law created from Brahman and the

    23. It was found by a Hindu Brahman two centuries prior and placed in a temple in honour of the gods

    24. Pure, absolute and eternal Reality: such is Brahman and “Thou art That

    25. world is regarded as real, Brahman is spoken of as its omnipotent and omniscient Creator, Preserver and Destroyer

    26. as for instance in deep meditation, then one experiences Brahman as the

    27. One worships the conditioned Brahman in the ordinary

    28. Note: “Yoga” is a means or path to unite with Brahman

    29. Note: Most Hindus worship one deity, chosen from the various aspects of Brahman

    30. Sri Sankaracharya, the greatest exponent of the Advaita philosophy, that India has ever produced says in his famous commentary to the Svetasvatara Upanishad: “The mind whose dross has been cleared away by Pranayama, becomes fixed in Brahman; therefore Pranayama is prescribed

    31. Imagine that OM is the bow, the mind is the arrow and Brahman (God) is the target

    32. Aim at the target with great care and then, like the arrow becomes one with the target, you will become one with Brahman

    33. Give up that also and being fixed in Me (as Brahman) think of nothing at all

    34. In this state the Jivatman gets absorbed into Brahman

    35. What else shall I desire, when everything is pervaded by the Supreme Consciousness! The seven mountain fabled to hold up the globe of this earth are but the foam over the waters of this vast, mighty and pure ocean of the all-pervading Brahman

    36. She holds her tail in her mouth and covers the mouth of the Brahma-dvara (the gateway to the Seat of Brahman) with her head

    37. White when pure and effulgent represents the Spirit or Brahman or GOD

    38. MAYA—The illusory power of Brahman

    39. However, the very fact that Mahmud raided the temples of Mathura, Thanesar and Kannauj before plundering Somnath would leave one wondering whether it was not a Muslim rationalization of the gruesome killing of over ‘fifty thousand’ souls, possibly, including a thousand Brahman priests, in the temple of So-Manat? But, what is relevant is the reported hope of Mahmud that once the idol of Somnath was captured and destroyed, the Hindus would become Muhammadans, a la Meccans

    40. Even in the earlier Ramayana times, Parasurama, the Lord’s avatar as a Brahman, emphasized the Brahmanic ethos of the Vedic times thus:

    41. So, when Mahmud’s father was building border roads in Afghanistan to enable his son to war his way into Somnath, there was no Chanakya in the Brahman ranks then to build the political bridges in India

    42. If the Islamic faith became a dogma of the Musalmans akin to paranoia, then the Brahman haughtiness was transformed into the Hindu insensitivity

    43. The fate meted out by the insensitive Hindu polity, molded in Brahman orthodoxy, to those of their ilk taken as prisoners by the Musalmans in the battles for the Indian domain would illustrate the tragedy of the times

    44. And it was not long before Muhammad’s Arabic socio-religious mix, facilitated by the Brahman follies and abetted by the Rajput foibles, made the land of the Hindus the most populous Muslim part of the planet

    45. The aborigines, the original titleholders of the land, made outcastes by the Aryan settlers in later years, became ready pickings for the Islamic tabliq, and being the victims of the Brahman social suppression besides the Aryan cultural oppression for so long, those native souls might have felt avenged by the Islamic intrusion into Hindustan

    46. Whether the chandaals, living on the Hindu fringes, became Buddhists or embraced Islam, was not something to disturb the Brahman sleep, and it was owing to their intellectual apathy that failed to foresee the demographic catastrophe in the making that the political cross of Pakistan was eventually crafted in the karmabhoomi of the Aryans

    47. And for another, either owing to their inability to rope in the Brahman ministerial talent or being intellectually apathetic towards them, and/or both, the Turkish Sultans and their Afghan minions brought in nobles from their, or the Persian, lands to administer their Indian fiefdoms

    48. With the advent of the Sultans and the eclipse of the Rajas, short of royal patronage, the Brahman intellectual pursuits took a back seat

    49. Besides, the overall downtrend of the Indian economy, brought about by the profligacy of the Musalman rulers, dried up the wells of charity affecting the Brahman well-being

    50. Moreover, their self-imposed taboo for undertaking any economic activity contributed to the Brahman financial gloom, which eventually led to their intellectual decay as well

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