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    Usa "break away" in una frase

    break away frasi di esempio

    break away

    1. At this point Ava knew she could break away easily, but where would she go? What would she do? She was stuck in a universe where she didn’t know the language and didn’t have an ID, which is what those bangles must be

    2. He tersely addressed the recruit without even allowing his eyes to break away from those of the red-headed man

    3. One was to repeat the “King's Oath,” a form of declaring allegiance to the sovereign; or the intended victim must break away from his captors and reach a certain spot on the outskirts of the town, which formed a sanctuary or place of refuge

    4. The initial cause of the war was the US annexation of Texas, and “Texans” (most of them had been in the state less than one year) in turn tried to break away to become a US state with slavery

    5. It enables the pilots to break away and not engage if the enemy is vastly superior

    6. He used his newfound stature to break away and become an independent operator

    7. The land was taken after the US Navy helped Panama break away from Colombia

    8. Ruby was exposed; she hadn't anticipated a lone break away beast

    9. Today’s race was expected to last about two and a half hours, with three hours of TV time scheduled before the network would have to break away

    10. I break away from the kiss and stare wide-eyed at Tobias

    11. That’s when states break away from the Union

    12. Caleb wriggles for a second, but he is not half as strong as Tobias and can’t break away

    13. These differences motivated the renegades to break away from the parent group

    14. Ladder: To rise or to decline; to become empowered to touch the heavens; provision to break away from captivity; provision to enter something

    15. We turned in as soon as we could politely break away

    16. But the Germans were starting to break away from French cultural as well as military dominance

    17. told me to break away while we were in the shadow of a hill and come back to tell you of it

    18. He tried to break away from me, but I was bigger and had a tight hold on him

    19. where segments began to shatter and break away

    20. I have been busy getting the affairs of the house in order and I have had a good think about my life and I thought that a break away would be good for me

    21. She tried to break away but her attacker was extremely strong and kept a tight grip on her

    22. thinking I could break away from a respectable life, and here I am falling in

    23. both the House and Senate to find the courage needed to break away from the extremes of

    24. I’ll deal with some of the ways to break away from this obsession, later, difficult as it may seem

    25. He could now see that following this, or any religious sect, was not the street to be traveled, and had to, at some point, break away from the teaching of father and mother

    26. Seeing that singularly tough opponent eject and the other MIG-17s break away and flee, probably for lack of fuel, Ingrid turned her YF-83A towards her airbase at once, mortally worried about her ground personnel

    27. been trained and encouraged by my professors to break away at least at

    28. Mark smiled gently on seeing the youngest children in their group break away at a run towards the nearby forest while screaming with joy, two adults after them

    29. Several yards away, Deacon sits on the ground holding Nadine as Nadine’s body trembles! Nadine painfully and tearfully holds and clutches her head and chest as she lays on the ground! She and Deacon watch Diane D as Diane D continues to try to break away from the men!

    30. Morrison, who was wearing leather gloves, didn’t try to take the pistols out of the frozen hands of the HSF agents, since he could well break away one or more of their fingers, instead ejecting their magazines and pulling their slides to eject the chambered rounds

    31. These kinds of people have managed to break away from their past so they can fully live and operate in the call of God for their lives

    32. It was difficult to break away from the Western way of looking at health and illness but he had done so, still utilizing the power of Western medicine when that seemed appropriate

    33. His penis pressed against her mound and suddenly he needed to break away

    34. wine glass was about to shatter in his fingers or his coffee cup break away from its handle

    35. I expressed my need to break away from my past mistake and to live an authentic life

    36. He was determined to hold the reins of government in this area of the world and to break away from Turkey, using whatever means possible

    37. Shaken by the intensity of passion the kiss had generated, Joel was the first to break away from their embrace

    38. “Dal! Break away! Do it now! I cannot hold the collective together without you!”

    39. Russia and then break away for their mysterious job

    40. Some horse owners put special “break away” halters on their horses to make it easier for them catch the horse in the field

    41. me break away from the misery I was in

    42. She loves you, and it's hard for her to break away,

    43. figured she could break away from him, but was sure he'd catch her easily

    44. in my umbilical area, but I could not break away from his probing look, and for several

    45. "Yeah, they were scared! They were terrified! They were all holding tightly onto Dana, having all their arms wrapped tightly around her body, trying to calm her down, but Dana kept trying to break away from them! While Dana was trying to break away from them, Landa quickly decided to go to the telephone to call up their mother, who was in town at the time

    46. "Oh she putted up a real violent struggle at first when we were trying to hold her down! We had a very rough time with Dana for a while! She is just too strong! As my family and I were trying to hold her down, she tried to pull and break away from us!" Christine gets eerie flashbacks of her family members holding Dana down on both sides of the bed and Dana fiercely lifting her back up off the bed! "When we finally got the handcuffs on her hands and the bedposts, she tried to pull and break the handcuffs from off the bedposts

    47. So why couldn't she break away from there embrace?

    48. When he finally did break away they were both breathing hard

    49. The close-packed hay did not once break away off her fork

    50. Again and again he strove to break away, but I as often headed him off

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