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    Usa "breakers" in una frase

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    1. He was, anyway, the fittest and fastest of the assembled pre-season breakers, playing at centre with all of the modern power and grace required of a rugger boy

    2. Breakers sloshed back and forth, spray burst forth in several locations, tentacles knotted as the battle raged in the depths of the pool

    3. Closer to the shore, they could see a line of white breakers shining

    4. the breakers crashing on the rocks at the foot of the cliffs below

    5. Past the breakers, the bay was calm

    6. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them

    7. They would initiate 80% of all contacts in Rhodesia and you can read my (free) book: The Egg Breakers - Counter Terrorism in Sub Saharan Africa about the different techniques used during the counter-insurgency operations

    8. The disembarkation of the remaining divisions of the army proceeded slowly, and many of the men, especially of the 71st New York, stood in the surf for hours in the tropical sun, seizing the approaching boats and dragging them on shore through the breakers

    9. These events happened some years apart, but General Neethling’s forensic people traced the arc of the bullets by measuring their angle of penetration and duly arrested the law breakers who were found guilty by the court of a variety of offences

    10. What can they do if you refuse to play by their rules and carry on killing them on sight? Nothing for they lost the initiative! They cannot get to you (homeland USA) to attack you so they are reduced to slinking around in their third world countries fearing the reconnaissance satellites and drones and Egg Breakers

    11. Those very same locals may then just be willing to talk to the Egg Breakers about the strange fish in their midst

    12. Not at all for remember the Egg Breakers are still operating behind enemy lines

    13. They will not under most circumstances stand by their Egg Breakers or military even when things go wrong

    14. Legally long hair liberals will argue that all Egg Breakers are the same as a terrorist and it is state sponsored terrorism

    15. But to protect you I say the Egg Breakers must stick to intelligence gathering as far as possible and only be more active when Special Forces cannot do so for whatever reason

    16. What you did cannot be defended in law and thus once it get to the stage where the police gets involved the Egg Breakers are thrown to the wolves

    17. This means to me they will not be good Egg Breakers for they don't have the patience for intelligence gathering

    18. Yes you may assist with you Egg Breakers and should do so but never with conventional forces for we saw how that turned out

    19. Counter-terrorism is a police teqnique war done by the Egg Breakers and Special Forces with as much air support as needed

    20. * My free eBook The Egg Breakers - Counter Terrorism in Sub Saharan Africa deals a lot more with this aspect if interested

    21. Richard waded through the surf pushing, while Pepé, atop his little seat in the bow, guided to cut the breakers, and soon they were both paddling rhythmically beside the reef, paralleling the coast

    22. New circuit breakers needed to be installed in old transformers

    23. The Big Burger was still packed to the hilt with customers, spectators, and breakers, so it took a while for everyone involved in the contest to tortuously make their way through the dense crowd

    24. ” He told me that he wanted to “do some normal kid things, like carouse the malls for girls and breakers and stuff,” which I’m sure was the reason that we had been getting along famously ever since

    25. That’s what the mall was: girls and breakers, and … oh yeah … stores

    26. They weren’t even as interesting to watch as those five year old breakers were at the Big Burger contest

    27. Most of us breakers had taxed and stressed looks on our faces when we were breakin’, but not Isaac; he was as cool as a cucumber

    28. Moments later he scoffed, “Where are the pictures of the breakers?” But I didn’t say anything

    29. There was still another ten minutes left on the skate session, and after that, they were going to open up the hardwood rink floor to us breakers and dancers

    30. I don’t think they had spotted any of us, since we had moved away from the entrance a bit in anticipation of the rink floor opening up to us breakers and dancers

    31. They were wearing knit hats inside a rink that was plenty warm and they were donning tight tracks suits that screamed breakers

    32. So I confidently said to both of the cats from the Hip Hop Breakers crew, “We will be here, next week

    33. I exchanged verbal intercourse with the two girls for a bit while Blazin' and Slim Jim tried to squeeze through the packed crowd of skaters, breakers, housers, and bangers – I guess some of the rumors I had heard from my classmates at school yesterday had some truth

    34. By the way, I hope you and your crew can trounce those Hip Hop Breakers next week

    35. I learned that the Hip Hop Breakers were a bona fide break crew that had battled before – and they hung out at Chicagoland rink every weekend

    36. I was getting all swaggered out and pumping my fist, when I noticed that one of the Hip Hop Breakers was behind us a bit and was within ear shot of us, which sparked him into our conversation

    37. I told the guys that I had heard through the grapevine (some of Kelly’s friends) that those Hip Hop Breakers had been trying to drum up some break battles for the past couple of weeks but everyone had been afraid of their “thuggery” as Marie had put it

    38. And Isaac added, “Dude, the punkers have a mosh pit but now we can give your Uncles rock band a breakers pit

    39. It seemed like out of nowhere, our cypher had thickened up with breakers

    40. We breakers said our “au revoirs” to each other and gave our BRUGS, and then I found my uncle and threw him mad props about his band and all, and told him, “It was a stone gas to break to hard rock Uncle

    41. My uncle laughed and said, “I’ve had some wild rockers start a mosh pit before at my concerts but I’ve never had a bunch of breakers doing their thing and getting all excited like that before

    42. All of us breakers started heading over to the “Saturday night fever floor” where we had hung out last week which suddenly made me feel more relaxed

    43. The MC beckoned one of the Hip Hop Breakers over to the DJ booth and it wasn’t Angelo or Sylvester but I knew nonetheless that it was one of them

    44. Except mine, I was now feeling betrayed, freaked out, and pissed; not about Scott holding the money but about Kelly being the sister of Lenny of the Hip Hop Breakers

    45. “The Hip Hop Breakers are in that far corner

    46. He began to rock out a funky fresh top rock, with random up rock moves thrown into the mix but not aimed at any of the breakers in particular – he was just showing off some style

    47. Without pause, the Hip Hop Breakers made their debut in the battle

    48. All of the Hip Hop Breakers had their names inscribed in green cursive writing on their black sweatshirts

    49. The Hip Hop Breakers sent out their next boy who had to be practically pushed out into the middle of the break circle

    50. The Hip Hop Breakers started cheering their heads off as if they had just won the super bowl when in fact they didn’t even counter Mojo’s flares

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