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    Usa "bruiser" in una frase

    bruiser frasi di esempio


    1. Davie is a simple bruiser, none too bright, but neither is he malicious

    2. The bruiser machine haunted by the female ghost came over to her with a syringe

    3. Bruiser and I walked the rest of the way together

    4. Bruiser told me, “I saw you scampering past me while I was waiting at the stoplight a couple of minutes ago

    5. Bruiser smiled with a big laugh from his lungs, then motioned to me with his eyes as if he wanted me to carry something

    6. Then Bruiser said, “For real though dude, grab this linoleum for me

    7. ” I grabbed the linoleum and then Bruiser asked while wincing and wheezing; looking like he was in pain, “Can you grab the other one?”

    8. Bruiser laughed, “The other one of THEEZ NUTZ! … You’re too easy,” he said

    9. Dan Bruiser who was a few feet away from me raised his eyebrows in amazement and said, “Now dude! That is straight up strilla for rilla

    10. “House music is starting to spread like wild fire too,” Dan Bruiser interjected

    11. I told Bruiser and Blazin' who were listening intently, “He seems to be doing okay but I’m not sure; he definitely seems to be in high spirits and Bob told me that he would be breakin’ with us within three weeks - once he was done with all of his chemo treatments and such – so I guess so,” I said

    12. Blazin' quickly scampered over by Bruiser with an urgent look on his face and asked, “Hold what?”

    13. “You saw him breakin’ at the hospital?” Bruiser said with eye brows raised in surprise

    14. I told Bruiser about how we were both breakin’ in the hospitals “family room” and how we got scolded by Nurse Marvin, which really astonished Bruiser

    15. Bruiser responded, “I’ll say a prayer for Bob

    16. I went over and stood by Bruiser, who was chatting with Chi Girl and company, while I watched my comrades rock the floor

    17. Blazin’ suddenly swooped in on Bruiser and with a sparkle in his eyes and a tickle in his throat he said, “Yo Dan the Man Bruiser, the snack shop over there has some pizza

    18. Then, Dan Bruiser looked at me and said, “I know this cheap skate isn’t about to really buy me some pizza

    19. I exited the circle and rejoined Bruiser who asked me, “When did you learn that move? - that was strilla for Rilla!”

    20. When we pulled up to the drive thru window; Bruiser pulled out his cash and said, “My treat guys” and suddenly I thought about how I really wasn’t that hungry after all

    21. Bruiser offered an apology to the drive thru attendant, “Don’t pay any attention to old boy about that “THEEZ NUTZ” business – he’s a nut job

    22. He scrunched his face and said, “Ohh yeah man … we gave you the extra sauce alright, it was my pleasure,” and then he sniffed his nostrils again like a madman and then wiped his nose with his index finger as Bruiser drove away

    23. “He probably spat some hockers in the sauce on account of that Phil THEEZ NUTZ jokes and everything,” Bruiser said as he stared at Blazin' through his rear view mirror

    24. “I know … Bruiser was telling us about some of this stuff a couple of months ago,” I said

    25. Bruiser shouted back with wide eyes, “You wagered the whole crews shoes and fifty bucks each?!” He yelled it so loud, he hurt my ears this time

    26. A couple of NSR’s looked our way but I don’t think they could hear what was being said over the loud music, but they knew that Bruiser shouted something with animation which made them curious

    27. “Sup Bruiser? What izzzz doing?” I said as I got into his ride

    28. Bruiser pulled up to the Laundromat and I tried to see if they were there yet, but I could barely see inside the fogged up glass windows, except for the yellow cabinet of the Pac Man machine, a neon sign that was in the shape of a hanger, along with another neon sign that was flickering, “OPEN

    29. Bruiser turned off his car and cassette deck and then Dustin started to chime in with Issac

    30. Bruiser had no choice but to join in on the fun too

    31. Bruiser locked the doors on his car and the five of us started walking towards the indoor atrium where the shin dig was supposed to be taking place

    32. Bruiser started laughing and said, “If the nameplate is your bozak then you have nipples for nuts

    33. “Sup with that? You said it was a rock concert,” Bruiser said

    34. Bruiser started fooling around with the ACA cats and me, “Alright guys, get ready … I’m going to go over to those B-Boys,” he said while pointing to the guy that was holding the black boom box, “I’m going to tell them that you guys want to battle for pants

    35. Loser has to go home in their underwear,” Bruiser said as he stared at me with this mocking look in his eyes and winked

    36. Bruiser shook his head “no” but said, “Yes” then he shook his head “yes” and said “no” with a smart aleck wink and smile

    37. But they didn’t worry about me too much when I was hanging out with Bruiser anyway, on account they knew, I knew him from church

    38. I hopped in the Stang and Bruiser said, “Sup Mr

    39. Moments later, Miguel got into the ride and Bruiser said, “Miguel dude, that’s your mom?”

    40. Good old Bruiser helped me snap out of it when he messed with Fandango in my defense and said, “Hey yeah, cool, can I Tango dance with your mom? Your mom is smokin’ …

    41. Bruiser jumped in and said,” Yo guys there’s plenty of room back there

    42. Just don’t go grabbing any of the handles on the back seat when you get in or out … because … THERE ARE NO HANDLES in the back seat…” Bruiser said wheezing with laughter and then added, “and don’t go sitting on any poles

    43. Bruiser could tell everyone was pensive, nervous or just that something weird was going on inside our heads because he intentionally started clearing his throat

    44. Bruiser shouted, “It’s like a friggin’ morgue around here

    45. “What did you say about your mom?” Bruiser said to Gio with a wiseacre smile and then he reached into his trunk and pulled out a duffle bag and put the strap around his shoulder, then said to nobody in particular, “Let’s do this, let’s do this

    46. Bruiser was hanging around the DJ booth, chatting up the DJ booth entourage, which included the four poufy haired, smoky eye-shadowed Chicas I had told you about earlier

    47. Bruiser had this serious as a heart attack look on his face as he talked to the MC, DJ, lighting guy, and whoever else it was that was in the booth

    48. Bruiser, the MC, and the Hip Hop Breaker became engaged into a deep confab – most likely about our battle tonight

    49. As they both started following Bruiser with their eyes

    50. After Bruiser collected everyone’s fifty bucks and stepped outside of the huddle

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