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    Usa "bump into" in una frase

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    bump into

    1. Of all the people to bump into! Alastair doesn’t go into detail but I gather Barrie was less than complimentary about me which really upset Alastair

    2. I climb the stairs, again, dreading/hoping against hope that I might bump into Dave

    3. ‘So what happened? I deduce from your tone that there is more to it than you just collecting an envelope from the receptionist! Did you bump into David Blake again?’

    4. Petr roll and bump into the side wall


    6. In order to descend, he would have to turn the slightest bump into a handhold

    7. I bet the first thing that’ll bump into your head, when I tell the

    8. He didn’t want to bump into Helez and her family yet

    9. Maybe we’ll bump into each other again

    10. sort-of have to be careful not to bump into it

    11. “Bloody hell Sam it’s good to see you I was wondering when I would bump into you and here you are

    12. pulled her arse towards him to feel his prick bump into the top of her

    13. “No like I say I never saw them again once they went and I didn’t bump into them either

    14. A few weeks, that would mean I might just bump into him somewhere

    15. ‘We always seem to bump into each other here,’ she said with a pleasant smile

    16. I wouldn’t want to bump into her,” Ethan said smiling ironically while Nicole seemed to ignore him

    17. I managed to bump into him at the grocery store

    18. think? She was sure to bump into her during a shopping trip and

    19. I went out of the boardroom only to bump into Ben; he held my shoulders to steady me

    20. I roll my eyes at her, and shake my head before walking outside, just to bump into Sean hanging up on a call

    21. It was not surprising that curious grays wanted to check out the toilet, but it made me a little anxious to think I might bump into one in the middle of the night

    22. I'm afraid every moment we'll bump into them!"

    23. walked towards the chamber, both making sure to bump into

    24. He yearned to accidentally bump into one of the magicians en route, he would make them pay for what they had done to his people

    25. a seemingly solid body that can bump into furniture? Where

    26. As the rabbits were about to kick the policeman, he jumped as high as the tallest boulder making the rabbits bump into each other

    27. He didn’t bump into Louise either, as she worked two floors higher up the building and rarely came down to his floor

    28. other than she hoped to bump into Tyrus later that evening

    29. and is Samuel aware that he may bump into himself?

    30. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined who I would bump into that night

    31. When they looked closer, the Zombie that didn’t have the arm would bump into the other and take the arm

    32. Then the other Zombie, seeing he did not have the arm would look around and find that the other Zombie had it and bump into it and take the arm


    34. One of them walking down towards Lezura, a lazhinian, deliberately steered off course to bump into Lezura

    35. “They asked us to keep it until the rains were over and I told them to put it there in the corner where nobody would bump into it, and there they put it, very carefully, and there it’s been ever since because they never came back for it

    36. What was she doing barefoot in Jeff’s office? And there hadn’t been anything in front of her chair to bump into!

    37. But at least now we could walk without having to bump into

    38. � Both Anderson and Lindsay quickly walked towards the infirmary as soon as they were let go, only to nearly bump into six more prisoners heading the same way

    39. The idea was to hit 80 before ramping a speed bump into the headlights lining

    40. The variations in the plane’s movements were making them bump into each other, adding more sensuality and passion to their already burning hot love making

    41. They meandered their way through the street trying not to bump into

    42. He moved towards her, careful not to bump into any of the creatures

    43. They suddenly bump into one another

    44. Fred took a step backwards and felt his heel bump into the

    45. collisionable hours, which is how often people bump into each other on the street, inspiring novel conversations, serendipity and innovation

    46. It’s only a matter of time before we bump into them

    47. " He went out into the dining room, expecting to feel the table bump into his leg

    48. While covering the constituency, I would often bump into someone from Delhi

    49. Surely some featureless young thing could be willing and that’s no choice of a wife any way; but a lucky guy could bump into a desirable dame in the blind alleys of the Cupid and that’s a rarity anyway; as for affairs, they were seldom, even for the well-heeled in their prime, but as life is meant to be lived, he resolved, one had to go about it regardless and how to make the best of time was the essence of existence

    50. smiled when someone would ask her a question, or bump into her

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