Usa "butt on" in una frase
butt on frasi di esempio
butt on
1. She turned around suddenly once more and knew I had been focusing my attention on her butt once again
2. Now, he was actually moving, even if only slowly, toward the older man, waiting for the cruel laughter that would reveal that he was the butt once again
3. 43 midst which led them; And that ram began to butt on either side those dogs foxes and wild
4. "And keep your butt on the chair
5. Both Tighe and Tar stumbled, but quickly regained their composure, as Stu and Spock knocked the guns out of their hands with the rocks, followed by a large right hook to the chin of Tighe by Spock and a head butt on the bridge of Tars nose by Stu
6. Put pork butt on top of the pork skin
7. There is only one thing that can travel faster than the speed of light and that is scuttlebutt on a Starship
8. Scuttlebutt on the street has it the man that robbed you got 50 bucks fer your watch
9. “That’s strangely convenient,” Fletcher said as he threw his cigarette butt on the ground
10. rafters, or twirling her around on her butt on the floor, or
11. them sliding down the bunny-hill on their butt on the tails of their
12. and with a mischievous knowing wink as he drowned his cigar end and placed the butt on
13. It was a huge horse needle you got in your butt once a month, which was so painful that the prescription for it came with a shot site rotation chart
14. You might kick his butt once in something, but it would be the only time
15. Inspector Hottie, as Conklin is known around the Hall, offered me the chair across from Jacobi’s desk, then parked his cute butt on the credenza—and started to laugh