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    Usa "calcareous" in una frase

    calcareous frasi di esempio


    1. Behold now Sunbeam and don't forget – our love can die in all its physicality along with us, leaving only a henge of bones in the mist, a calcareous temple for the ants to explore

    2. from a calcareous skeleton

    3. As he searched for fossils and imprints in the calcareous streambed, he had the disconcerting impression that he was being watched

    4. It would not be true to say that Death smiled, because in any case His features were perforce frozen in a calcareous grin

    5. Thence he went along the verge of the upland overhanging the other Hintocks, and, turning to the right, plunged into the bracing calcareous region of Flintcomb-Ash, the address from which she had written to him in one of the letters, and which he supposed to be the place of sojourn referred to by her mother

    6. 59 The pick advances laboriously through the calcareous layers alternating with very slender threads of clay, and schistose beds in plates incrusted with oyster-shells, the contemporaries of the pre-Adamite oceans

    7. I believe I smelled the sea rocks and the kelp and the excitement of churning sea water, the sharpness of iodine and the under odor of washed and ground calcareous shells

    8. The gradation extends even to the manner in which ordinary spines and the pedicellariae, with their supporting calcareous rods, are articulated to the shell

    9. As this Helix has a thick calcareous operculum I removed it, and when it had formed a new membranous one, I again immersed it for fourteen days in sea-water, and again it recovered and crawled away

    10. Their young resemble those of many other Crustaceans in form; but when mature they are always attached to other objects, either directly or by means of a stalk, and their bodies are enclosed by a calcareous shell composed of several pieces, two of which can open to give issue to a bunch of curled, jointed tentacles, which represent the limbs

    11. Kain, for a collection of the calcareous incrustations of Wier's Cave, in Virginia

    12. It appears to have been formed in a chasm, in the common limestone of the country, by a calcareous deposition which resembles, exactly, in all its characters, the calcareous concretions which are found forming in the caves of the country

    13. Proceeding on through a narrower crevice in the rocks, we are soon introduced into other apartments, differing in shape and size from the first, but resembling it in the irregularity of its walls, floor, and covering, and in the calcareous incrustations and concretions, which, assuming a thousand fantastic shapes, and displaying a sparkling lustre, the more vivid as the light is stronger, give to this whole grotto the power of charming every beholder

    14. The imbedded substances are calcareous spar, quartz, chalcedony, analcime, prehnite, &c

    15. Some of the imbedded masses in this puddingstone are quite large, its cement is frequently calcareous, its aspect is singular, and it is very different from the puddingstone before described, On the opposite side of the river

    16. Imperfect, calcareous stalactites are found in this cave

    17. On this singular class of strata, reposes an extensive calcareous formation, occupying the northern and eastern part of the island, having subordinate to it, and at its lowest part, where it is in contact with the conglomerate, large beds and patches of chert, which contains also a vast variety of petrified woods, several of which are of the palm tribe, with silicified shells, chiefly cerithea; though at the Church-hill, at St

    18. The calcareous beds are principally of a friable marl, with blocks and layers of limestone irregularly included

    19. In this formation[20] are many fossil shells, both in the calcareous and siliceous state; and there appear to be some beds, wherein is a mixture of shells of marine, and others of a fresh water, or at least a terrestrial origin

    20. The under surface of the projecting stratum of calcareous stone, and the sides that supported it, were incrusted with a coating of clear, white saltpetre, that came off in flakes, from a quarter of an inch to an inch or more in thickness

    21. It is composed of pebbles, and fragments of silicious and calcareous stones of almost every size, from a grain, to several inches in diameter, strongly and perfectly cemented

    22. The vessels in which it is prepared for culinary use, soon become lined with a white calcareous crust

    23. Numerous veins of calcareous spar traverse it in different directions, and I am lately informed, that very beautiful examples of veins of greenstone of contemporaneous formation with the rock itself, have been discovered in the greenstone

    24. "A very considerable portion of the northern coast of Cornwall, is covered with a calcareous sand, consisting of minute particles of comminuted shells

    25. It is very much intersected by thin veins—(not thicker than a knife-blade)—of white crystallized calcareous spar

    26. The crystals, however, are octahedral, a fact which we believe is not mentioned of this species by authors, although this form is found in the calcareous tungsten

    27. Most of the quartz, except the white, yields a small portion of lime, and has been called calcareous quartz

    28. Its analysis has never been attempted by chemists; but the earthy sediment which is the result of its accumulated deposition, proves that it is a compound of earthy particles in a peculiar state of aggregation, and in which alumine appears to preponderate, rather than calcareous or silicious earths or oxides

    29. The calcareous tungsten occurs in octahedral crystals, but we have not before heard of this form in the ferruginous species, which generally affects the prismatic forms

    30. Like other caves, it contains a variety of calcareous concretions, and I obtained some fine specimens of brown spar, which I will take the first opportunity to send you

    31. The whole country is of secondary formation, chiefly calcareous and aluminous

    32. It is excavated in soft calcareous stone and its chambers and corridors are reached by a rock-cut staircase

    33. Carbonate of lime in calcareous substances, new instrument for estimating, J

    34. —, instrument for estimating the carbonate of lime in calcareous substances, xlv, 262

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