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    Usa "call it quits" in una frase

    call it quits frasi di esempio

    call it quits

    1. Whether you end up dating long term, or call it quits after one date, you’ll still be making the same decisions about your relationship that you would if had met offline

    2. “We'll call it quits for the day

    3. There were only a few more figures to total before she could call it quits for the night

    4. ‘Load up and let’s call it quits for today, boys

    5. he had planned to return to New Bedford and call it quits

    6. During the fight, specially trained bulls lock horns until one decides to call it quits and runs away

    7. Her face stiff, she said, "I'm sorry, girls—we'd better call it quits for today

    8. But, yet, how could he call it quits well before venturing into any? Wouldn’t that lead to a life of frustration? Better to have tried and failed than not to have tried at all, after all that was the conventional wisdom

    9. After my heart attack it was time to call it quits

    10. one more ‘episode’ before I’d call it quits

    11. twenty minutes of waiting we were ready to call it quits

    12. We waited a minute before deciding to call it quits; not

    13. possible that the landlord is ready to call it quits

    14. 'So what? Anyone but a total dimwit would know when to call it quits

    15. “When the kids are more street-smart than you, that’s when you know it’s time to call it quits

    16. Time to call it quits

    17. After a couple of hours practicing I decide to call it quits

    18. I’m sure it would have been just a matter of time before I was completely frustrated, out of money and ready to call it quits on a failed business startup

    19. On a particularly bad day, she was ready to call it quits

    20. Brent was my ex-boyfriend, and Aidan knew all about him since it was three years ago when I decided to call it quits with him

    21. She felt awkward, after what he had said earlier, when they decided to call it quits and go to sleep

    22. If they had, Daphne was ready to call it quits

    23. After half an hour of searching she was ready to call it quits and head back to the others

    24. Learning when to call it quits is as

    25. Whether Jerry Rice would call it quits

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