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    Usa "camouflaged" in una frase

    camouflaged frasi di esempio


    1. That accomplished, he climbed the ladder and crept up on the roof where he had stacked corrugated metal panels, which so matched the existing roof as to have been perfectly camouflaged laying as they were

    2. hands in the pockets of his camouflaged shirt, and pulled out two dart pistols—

    3. Is once again camouflaged

    4. And they grew, which not only effectively camouflaged my residence, but also provided it with a shield of sorts against the onslaughts of hurricanes, which I would learn were a fairly regular occurrence on the island

    5. The black slacks and turtleneck camouflaged her form as well as the dirt that covered every inch of her

    6. Then I saw him he was well camouflaged but I had spotted him moving his rifle up into the shooting position I rested the recticle on his temple saying to Elijah

    7. “They appear to be camouflaged, but I can sense them

    8. Studying the man, Terry saw that he was dressed in the same camouflaged outfit as the gunman back at the folly and carried a similar pistol in his hand

    9. A man in camouflaged fatigues stood in the doorway, his swarthy face glinting with a light sheen of sweat, his hard eyes locked on Terry, along with the gun he carried

    10. In the meantime we searched for a man in a SAP camouflaged jacket hoping none of the SAP COIN Instructors or Special Task Force members were around for they also wear the same camouflage jackets (but also the full uniform including trousers)

    11. With the years a camouflaged uniform and the brilliant Casspir anti-mine armoured vehicles were in service and this was totally unique to the SAP COIN Units

    12. We draw our kit on the first day which consisted of camouflaged overalls, old fashioned sail webbing (suitably appropriated from the Army just after the Korean War), a sleeping bag and an R1 (SLR) rifle without a strap and two magazines

    13. It was also standard procedure to turn you camouflaged hat inside out so that the day glow could clearly show the circling K Cars who you are

    14. ” The swathes of gauze encasing Herminia’s head so camouflaged her that at first glance, Beth thought she had slipped out, but the movement of nuzzling into her pillow for another forty winks gave her away

    15. If the beasts turned to flee in the wrong direction, they would need to cross the camouflaged trench, resulting in their fall and ultimate death

    16. They’ve been hidden on the iceberg all the time, camouflaged

    17. ‘The bad news is: I have obtained knowledge of twenty-five insect battleships camouflaged on the iceberg

    18. Such blind hatred camouflaged the reality—that at the time (before the surge) a lot of the frustration with the war was based on a desire to fight it more vigorously, not withdraw

    19. She moved her hip slightly and felt her sword, currently camouflaged, against her thigh

    20. As soon as she did as well, it disappeared, probably camouflaged

    21. On closer inspection, I notice a shoulder-width opening nestled between two buildings and camouflaged by the shadows

    22. The Wolf, dressed in the camouflaged fatigues known as Tiger suits, wearing his mashed and sweaty sun-faded green beret for the first time legally in eight months, was at the wheel of a jeep rumbling down a dusty road on Tan Son Nhut Air Base headed toward the O� Club to celebrate

    23. Both men folded and stuffed their green berets into a leg pocket, and put on floppy-brim�ed camouflaged jungle hats

    24. Smith at the wheel, they sped off in one of their "self-help" vehicles, a camouflaged M-151 jeep with a pedestal-mounted M2

    25. They were all dressed in black pajamas, soft floppy camouflaged hats, and wore black rubber sandals cut from old tires

    26. '" He looked out to see a camouflaged F-105 flying close formation on the right wing

    27. Everybody's helmet and shield and clothing were camouflaged with hanging bits of dry moss or spruce-branches or tufts of dry grass

    28. others, it must be camouflaged in a thousand different ways, so they can do

    29. The cart passing-point that had been selected for the ruse, had been so well camouflaged with the rock flake covered canvas that it had looked just like an extension of the rocky walls that lined the track

    30. that this was an illness, it was camouflaged by something else

    31. adulthood, in thousands of camouflaged forms

    32. At the end of each day the prisoner would be thrown back into his cell which was a bamboo cage in a hole dug into the earth and camouflaged from view

    33. that were camouflaged by red, white, and blue crepe banners

    34. pavilion—ghostly shapes camouflaged in the smoky air

    35. ” These moths tend to be small and inconspicuous, with a variety of camouflaged wing patterns

    36. Music and light drifting up through the opened dome had camouflaged my noise

    37. Camouflaged and hidden and that is how I will have to remain with

    38. She camouflaged the cave entrance anticipating we would come back to find her and Eric

    39. Tar, because of his military training as a sniper, knew that he could stay camouflaged and motionless for days and his gold coloured undergarment and backpack blended in perfectly against the statue

    40. The cave mouth had an electronic shutter camouflaged to look like rocks, fifty-foot from the entrance, designed to make the cave appear as a dead end

    41. Pon returned to his camouflaged spot and watched

    42. How the aura of success camouflaged my jewel-less crown from public view! Who knew what a burden that was on my guilty head? And Sneha chose to damn me further with a garland of guilt

    43. He saw the slots now, in the floor where the jaws had lain, perfectly camouflaged

    44. Just to be certain she stayed on the sidewalk that was camouflaged by the old trees that had been there since the beginning of Jack City

    45. The uniform had camouflaged his age and appearance

    46. The woman‘s reverie was interrupted as she stepped into a burrow camouflaged by the dense wiregrass and fell into the thick weeds

    47. The ancient looking tramp dressed in hand me down old army clothes of green khaki jacket, camouflaged trousers and with a huge rucksack on his back pushes the old wooden gate and feels the latch give a little

    48. Hundreds of camouflaged trucks start to fill the huge yard as military personnel and service and military robots climb out

    49. They would then proceed through the caves to a camouflaged exit some of which were a kilometer away from the decoy site

    50. Moving to their camouflaged observation post, Sebastian and Sean watched as the attack began in earnest

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