Usa "canary yellow" in una frase
canary yellow frasi di esempio
canary yellow
1. It was canary yellow, to him a bizarre colour choice but his dad declared that it was the finest colour for a racing car because everyone would see you coming and stare with wonder
2. color, this pot was almost canary yellow
3. When they were done, they were helped into another room and seated before a group of Japanese officers, who gaped at the shrunken, canary yellow men
4. The dun-colored exterior had been repainted a bright canary yellow and the rusted gas pump was covered with what appeared to be a massive tea cozy
5. If one succeeded in passing the porter, which was not easy,—which was even nearly impossible for every one, for there was an open sesame! which it was necessary to know,—if, the porter once passed, one entered a little vestibule on the right, on which opened a staircase shut in between two walls and so narrow that only one person could ascend it at a time, if one did not allow one's self to be alarmed by a daubing of canary yellow, with a dado of chocolate which clothed this staircase, if one ventured to ascend it, one crossed a first landing, then a second, and arrived on the first story at a corridor where the yellow wash and the chocolate-hued plinth pursued one with a peaceable persistency