Usa "cancel" in una frase
cancel frasi di esempio
1. · To realize that in the long run good and bad things are bound to cancel out each other
2. Obelisk: A clear sign of honour and wealth; yet, if it is ancient, you will have to cancel a long-waited trip
3. to cancel out background noise
4. the two sound waves collide, they cancel each other
5. magnified intention can cancel out the “noise” of a
6. have the casting call or cancel the
7. Yes we know President Kennedy was shot today, no, we didn't cancel detention and you think we should have canceled detention because President
8. Now she really just wanted to hit the cancel button and swung for it
9. Was this 'Name, Rank, and Serial Number' time? Was the fact that his hand covered the cancel button the user interface's way of telling her the base had already been taken over? What should she tell him? What would it matter? He was in her living space, a subset of her data space
10. Am I suggesting here that you cancel your appointments with your psychologist, psychoanalyst, psychiatrist, or any other spy? No, No, No
11. Otherwise, you cancel out its effect in the universe
12. Cancel any subscriptions (including those through the Internet and
13. this week, the others being cancel ed due
14. cancel ed at any time
15. tickets, and I told him to cancel my parent one and book for the
16. Finally it was our turn we thought that they might have called the attack off but we should have known better because they didn’t know how to cancel an attack
17. He took it and held it for a second, to give her a chance to change her mind and take it back and cancel his responsibility at having to know what perhaps he didn't have to know
18. ” I knew that Helen was right as always then I told her that I would probably cancel the drink I was going to have with the lad’s tomorrow evening and that they would understand why
19. Given the chance, I probably could cancel out their Ivy League educations with my extensive knowledge of “Hit Sitcoms of the Seventies
20. He couldn’t cancel out all those earlier years of rich diets and lack of exercise
21. “Uh, huh,” said Pops, intent on the paper, which quite frankly Brubaker had asked him to cancel numerous times
22. In both Canada and Switzerland he was forced to cancel planned speeches for fear he could be detained or tried
23. I had made the necessary reservations to be present at that touching ceremony, but unforeseen circumstances forced me to cancel the trip and had to resign myself to a video
24. He was the first to propose nullification, that states could supposedly choose to cancel any national law
25. Does one cancel the other out? We are learning to create a symbiotic relationship…we still get the Hero, he still gets the Girl, but we both get to be in charge of something
26. 'You will cancel the dinner date for tonight, is that clear?'
27. He reached for the intercom to cancel the remainder of the day’s appointments, but he must have pushed the wrong button again, because all of the lights on the little monstrosity began flashing in unison
28. If everything isn’t finished legally with the club before then, and I doubt it will, he will cancel that power of attorney so fast your head will spin: game’s over, you lose
29. “The only way for two timelines to intersect is if there are two singularities…but if that happened, the two, and only two, timelines that intersect would cancel each other out…”
30. They will willingly endure their just punishment (or the resulting effects) of their sins in order to cancel their sins
31. an illness to apply and buy insurance and frequently they will cancel the insurance when their medical
32. As it turned out—luckily for me—Ben had to cancel anyhow, before I had to
33. thing i wanted to do! i wanted to cancel, so Janie and i could pray
34. The only positive aspect of her passing was that I was able to cancel her subscriptions to Leftist magazines and respond to the ACLU and Sierra Club that my Mother could no longer donate to their
35. The system will cancel the Virtual Coin, if nobody utilizes it, without causing damages the economy
36. Dump Reagan campaign when he tried to cancel their public funding
37. species, thus serving to cancel out one of the extinguished variety, in the name of
38. If he has other plans, cancel them
39. She had to cancel her trip to a local ATM, where she wanted to get some money to pay Angie back for the Obeah oil
40. And after everything, Manda had thought Sierra would cancel her party plans, but one of Sierra’s gifts was her amazing ability to put on a smile and get on with the show, no matter how awful she felt
41. Someone doesn’t want that reunion concert to happen and is willing to do anything to cancel it forever
42. records of what you will be receiving and when you need to cancel service or
43. I had the presence of mind to rush back the next day before the tailor had started on the alterations and cancel the purchase, getting a refund on my Visa card
44. when we were planning to use that fertilizer- and forgot to cancel
45. “Now, I have to cancel the busses,” she added
46. Cutting a little here and there will mostly do the trick – cancel that newspaper subscription for the papers that just land in the recycle box or garbage anyway
47. And to answer the question I can see on your face, it is easier to cancel the weight on a body by Levitation and then Move it, than to lift the weight with Movement while also using that spell to direct your motion
48. “Should we cancel some of the plans to have so many reinforce your vows? It is an unknown, a danger, and since you love me already and we have Father’s latest invention, we might not need so much
49. “Whatever plans you have for tonight, cancel them
50. By the time I came around, he was still able to cancel out some
1. you in a very tiny box that is difficult to escape and cancels out who you
2. This however does not in any way cancels the words of our Messiah
3. meets evil, it inevitably cancels itself out and to anyone who ever knew Gloria, the munchfest would have been satisfying viewing
4. Salazar acknowledged that the new plan cancels five potential lease sales that had been scheduled to go forward in the next two years
5. A great circle of Healers put their minds together and came up with a spell that cancels one resonance of my vocal cavity, and eliminates the effort of remembering which sibilants to vocalize
6. cancels, first in the child and then in the adult, any ability to listen to
7. Dualities become superfluous at the superposed event horizon (the ‘full-void’) and cancels out in the empty-void
8. dog catcher, the one just cancels out the other
9. CRITer that cancels out or absorbs the shock-wave
10. Other assassination attempts prior to Dallas include Chicago September, ’63: JFK cancels under advice
11. Resent being the strongest energy cancels out sympathy and negatively lowers your overall vibration
12. This perceptional ability cancels out competition
13. This directive, signed by the Under Secretary for the Air Force and by the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, suspends or cancels many of the aircraft projects actually in development or testing, apart from accelerating other projects
14. A clause used in leases and mortgages that cancels a specified
15. Unless she cancels
16. “So we do this: keep up a few hits here and there until he cancels elections
17. Love cancels negative one by one
18. Absence of mind cancels man
19. “This starts the teleportation and the other cancels it
20. "In science positive cancels out the negative, so I'm hoping that counts as the same for a witches energy
21. later cancels or forgives the debt, you may have to include the
22. his fist and cancels out the readings as he looks over at
23. If there was a pulling, and the word orbit cancels such an idea, then there has to be some sort of
24. If there was a pulling, then the orbit cancels out such an idea completely
25. Motive of torture cancels out the reality felt HIS MIND RAZOR-BACKED - HIS VULGARITY A WORSHIP
26. Perhaps the charge they throw off cancels out her sexuality, or at least dampens the full effect of it
27. In this switcheroo, a company cancels existing (and typically worthless) stock options for employees and executives, then replaces them with new ones at advantageous prices
28. A mistake that most investors make, myself included, is chasing the price of a stock because the feeling of missing out on buying cancels out all rational thinking
29. One cancels the other
30. One Cancels Other (OCO)
31. A one cancels other (OCO) order allows you to place two orders, with the execution of one of those orders triggering the cancellation of the other order
32. Specify both orders at the outset together as a one cancels other (OCO) pair; in which case the successful execution of either order will cause the other order to be deactivated
33. In the UK, spread betting platforms mostly have a reasonably sophisticated selection of order facilities including stop orders both to enter and exit, and the extremely useful OCO (One Cancels Other) orders and contingent orders (which usually only get placed if a new trade is entered)
34. He cancels them, saving $60/month and increasing his chances of getting a girlfriend
35. If that customer cancels the contract, there will be a big hit to the company’s earnings
36. This closes out all open positions and cancels all orders with the click of a mouse
37. They call GTC orders “good till close,” because any time the stock gets close to the client’s target, the client calls up and cancels the order “because it looks like it will go even higher
38. And so it does and so it will until some other accident cancels it