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    Usa "capped" in una frase

    capped frasi di esempio


    1. Capped lancets with a glucose meter marked with the manufacturer's name

    2. In Danton’s wake a red capped guard hurried on, head bowed, taking two pigeon steps for every one that the committee chairman slammed down onto the unyielding flagstones as they swept past heavy browed doors set in frames of rough cut, foot square timbers

    3. his teeth capped, virgin snow in the heat haze,

    4. The boundary includes just over two hundred and fifty acres, much of it capped by the pyramid and the dome

    5. Snow- capped mountains with ascending alpine forests cast long shadows

    6. “I"m going to put one in your head if you don"t tell me why you capped the cop

    7. He snapped a couple of awesome photos of the sunset descending behind snow capped mountains

    8. Her teeth may have been capped and her lip sewn, but Herminia’s radiant smile lit the packed auditorium as brilliantly as ever

    9. Knowing he would need more fuel to cross the snow capped Alps, he turned left

    10. Shadowed by snow capped mountains was a street with a few houses and a gas station

    11. LP's recollection of the past was a photo of him looking up to snow capped mountains

    12. That would be where all the emphasis would be, if the overall amount spent were really capped by their promises…the focus would turn to specific spending plans

    13. The signing of the first treaty was capped with a feast

    14. The only difference is that in the case of Alaska the mountains are always capped with snow and not one human being lives in such attractive sites

    15. booze, capped it and hid it behind the bandages in his supply

    16. White capped waves fell across the beach, moving the shingle with a semi-musical sound

    17. To the north, Italy is capped by the east-west mountain chain called the Alps

    18. shows that sea to be capped at that point by a great mass of land, almost a peninsula

    19. We capped out at about an hour, and when

    20. Her Illusion showed a squat round tower with a domed roof, with four smaller half-towers capped by hemispheres attached equidistantly around the outside of the main tower

    21. His tendency to move on when he was through with you, or hoped you were through with him, was capped with, “Is that it!” If he received the hoped-for “Yes,” he would clap his hands together and move on to the next thing on his mind, to the next plane of existence, and whether you were standing there or not, you ceased to exist

    22. It was indeed an extinct volcano capped with a steel dome, situated beside a vast metropolis whose suburbs covered the lower half of it’s slopes on that side

    23. ‘Let us not pretend that we are old friends Bellack, you have supplied me with enough information to get me interested enough to attend your home, but I have not forgotten the past,’ croaked Anak as he scratched instinctively at the leather capped stump that used to be his left hand

    24. "Brucey-Bruce got his wig capped back”

    25. A dull headache capped her head

    26. "They the ones that capped Bruce, damn," Raymond said going to the rusty refrigerator and opening it

    27. Frances slithered hot-eyed from the bed, reached into a cupboard and produced a small whip, its thong capped with a shiny metal tip

    28. Her tiny half-circle of chin dissolved in concentric rings of fat into her neck, and massive breasts capped by distended nipples hung diagonally to each side of the gigantic belly whose navel was as large as a saucer

    29. He extracted the testicles, which he had severed and cauterised, through the slot he had lasered in the bottom of the back of the sac, dropping them both into a plastic container, which she capped and screwed closed

    30. Beyond and above that gleamed the walls of a greater keep, near the line where the snow began that capped Yimsha's pinnacle

    31. The narrow dusty roads, the picturesque red tiled roofs that capped blinding white stucco cottages fitting neatly onto steep hillsides, the tiny fields with centuries-old olive trees, their branches and trunks gnarled by time

    32. The distant mountain peaks, still catching the last light of day, were already capped with light snow heralding the coming winter

    33. In the distance was a mountain range, capped in white

    34. distant White Mountains, capped in a mantle of snow

    35. The canisters were about seven inches tall, red with grey writing in Nycarman Naasi, and with a capped top

    36. At sundown, while she was drifting through the shadows in the square, Aureliano, was going along the porch like a stranger, scarcely greeting Amaranta Úrsula and Gaston, who usually dined at that time, and shutting herself up in his room again, unable to read or write or even think because of the anxiety brought on by the laughter, the whispering, the preliminary frolics, and then the explosions of agonizing happiness that capped the nights in the house

    37. The root beer directions also said to keep the jug on its side and capped with a cork, if possible

    38. Now, I realised, it was my own peak which aped those snow capped hills and, recalled to my anxieties, I shook my white head and moved on

    39. I’d say have them serve 30 years & retire closer to 60-65yrs old and be capped at $30-40K for adequate care in their old age, not the “life of Riley” care starting at age 55

    40. Included in this action is the readjustment of pensions to be capped at $40K with longer service requirements for the civil servants

    41. If all works out as planned, you should see something similar to the following screenshot: You can see that the word count of the Preview column is limited to 15 words, where it is capped and appended with three periods (

    42. looked to be good, white teeth, that had maybe been capped long ago

    43. the building with a high ceiling capped by the dome atop the building

    44. A V of horizontal chicken-wire capped the join

    45. The Director of National Intelligence, who capped all the various national intelligence agencies in the United States, replied nearly at once

    46. ‘’This is all that your Pope could come up with, Cardinal Reggiani? A tired reiteration of lies and utter denial of reality and scientific facts, capped by an insulting ultimatum? Does he realize what this letter will cause?’’

    47. The full chute extended out beyond the holographic projector’s sphere of influence, but it was sufficient to slow his descent towards the snow capped mountain

    48. Of them, only the one I have identified has any claim to match the descriptions from de San Juan’s few surviving compatriots; ‘waters as clear as a diamond and as deep as the abyss,’” he starts to recite from memory, “‘hills green as emeralds capped with snow as pure as innocence…seven leagues from end-to-end and ringed with trees tall as a score of men’

    49. “Miniature Aegyptosaurus baharijensis,” Seven said and was about to add a description to that only she suddenly found herself thrown to the ground, her mouth capped by Garcia’s hand

    50. Blue skies capped the hole over the cave fortress that Afu had found

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