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    Usa "carbine" in una frase

    carbine frasi di esempio


    1. I knelt, tethered, at the end of my chain, straining to hear the sound of a carbine loosing its deathly payload

    2. I found the HMC (hand machine carbine, but it was really a machine pistol) heavy and useless for if any serious work needed to be done at greater than pistol range

    3. I could decide later if I needed the carbine

    4. The staff sergeant from the jeep that had hit the wire had produced his own carbine from somewhere, and was standing to Hornsby’s left

    5. 45’s and a carbine or an M1

    6. As the jet engine unwound and blade rotation slowed, Wolf Lochert jumped out holding his green beret on his head with one hand while reaching back with the other to get his battered mountain rucksack (left over from his days with the 10th SFG in Germany) and an M-2 Carbine (left over from his more recent days as an ARVN advisor in the Delta, where M-16s and ammo were hard to come by)

    7. He thought for a moment, then chose the old reliable M-2 carbine over the M-16, inserted a 20-round magazine in it, and strapped it across his back

    8. Wolf slung his carbine and pulled out his stiletto

    9. The VC started firing immediately as the Wolf dropped his stiletto and dove into the closest thicket trying frantically to unsling his carbine

    10. 30-caliber carbine and the

    11. With their two bodies, Pellew's carbine, the beacon, two handguns, and her submachine-gun, there was literally no wiggle room

    12. Summers didn't fire, knowing Pellew with his carbine was much more accurate than she would be with her one-handed submachine-gun

    13. He set down his carbine and dragged the first corpse behind a crate, leaving behind a mess of blood

    14. Calvin glanced up to where Pellew was pointing his carbine

    15. A silenced carbine whined from below

    16. Although curfew was strictly enforced at dusk, during daytime relatively few soldiers were on the streets, and then only with a carbine slung over their shoulders or sometimes even entirely without arms

    17. Cameron chose the M1 Carbine

    18. The M1 Carbine is a rifle that holds thirty rounds and fires semi auto

    19. She could not shoot him from where he was even with the carbine

    20. I knocked it out of his hand with the end of the carbine

    21. ‘’These weapons were produced by the Inland Manufacturing Division of General Motors and actually are evolved models of the original M1 carbine design intended initially for production, Major

    22. The carbine with fixed stock is the M2 carbine, while the one with the folding stock, meant for your pilots and aircrews, is the M2A1

    23. ‘’Indeed!’’ Said Buse as he examined the compact carbine

    24. He was surprised to see that she had with her a compact carbine with folding stock that she had extracted from her cockpit before coming down

    25. He then pointed the carbine slung across Ingrid’s chest

    26. ‘’The ground personnel of my air group is equipped with the M2 carbine, while my flying personnel have a folding stock variant designated M2A1

    27. Vandegrift then gave back the carbine to Ingrid

    28. The woman then took a prone position along the ridgeline and pointed her M2 carbine

    29. Angie Dickinson, staying near Bailey, made sure that one woman in two stayed with her and hurriedly distributed them along the firing line, then got on a prone position and started firing her own M2 carbine

    30. The last surviving Japanese of that attack wave was shot down less than five meters from the Marine positions, a burst of automatic fire from Dickinson’s M2 carbine hitting him in the guts

    31. Bailey and more than a few Marines looked jealously at Dickinson’s carbine as a relative calm fell on the knoll

    32. 30 caliber automatic carbine with folding stock, the standard long arm of the aircrews of the 99th Wing

    33. She had no time to grab her M2A2 carbine from its cockpit rack before having to jump out

    34. Seeing the turret hatches of that tank open in a hurry, Angie grabbed her M2A2 carbine

    35. Ingrid slipped over the edge of the hilltop on her belly, then started climbing down towards where the bodies of the Chinese command group lay, her carbine at the ready

    36. She covered less than ten meters before a moan of pain from nearby made her stop, her carbine pointed and with her heart beating hard

    37. She had a carbine slung from one shoulder and held in her right hand a sort of steel tube ending in a large cone

    38. She selected two M2A2 automatic carbines, along with full extra carbine magazines, and gave them to Martin and Lodge, who eagerly took them and checked them out

    39. As the gunner started opening fire with short, aimed bursts, Angie pointed her carbine at the remaining soldiers hiding behind the crates

    40. The French soldier that had stopped his jeep in front of the Majestic Hotel didn’t even have time to step out before Ingrid came out of the main entrance with a backpack, a kit bag and a carbine

    41. Taking her key set, Ingrid then ignored the protests of her driver and carried herself her personal kit, which consisted of an old army kit bag, one rigid suitcase, one backpack, one locked briefcase and her M2A1 carbine

    42. Satisfied, Ingrid picked back up her carbine and her locked briefcase and went out, joining up with Julia, who also had simply dropped her luggage in her suite

    43. Julia, like Ingrid, had her carbine and pistol with her, making Denise Bateman conscious of the fact that she had not brought her own carbine with her

    44. Bank noted with approbation the fact that Ingrid was armed with both a pistol and a carbine

    45. On her part, the cargo master of the YC-10, a technical sergeant in her mid thirties, grabbed her M1A2 carbine and slung it across her chest before getting up and going quickly to the control box of the rear cargo ramp

    46. Again taking the lead, Ingrid climbed as silently as she could the wooden staircase, her carbine at the ready, and slowly pushed open the door at the top of the stairs, to find herself in an hallway

    47. Denise then went to the lounge and, leaving the lights off, positioned herself with her carbine to one side of a window and started watching the dirt road and the jungle

    48. Grabbing his silenced FN 90 carbine, he listened carefully for a few seconds while hidden behind a pile

    49. He could see with his night vision goggles Erik, crouched in the opening of the hatch and waiting for him, his FN 90 carbine at the ready

    50. Fedukin gave the tone by arming his AKSU-74 assault carbine

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