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    Usa "cashmere" in una frase

    cashmere frasi di esempio


    1. Bush is dressed casually in jeans and a gray cloth jacket and cashmere sweater

    2. Nothing, although I now know fifty different ways to remove urine stains from cashmere

    3. Digging into his wool cashmere jacket he pulled out two pills and tossed them down his throat hoping it would take the pain away

    4. What they did jibe on, was the cashmere coat,

    5. Henrietta had on this black cashmere sweater that was crew neck

    6. "You know you haven't another pair of black cashmere stockings," said Una

    7. She had always been that way, and probably at birth her swaddling clothes had to be silk or cashmere

    8. He stands in white trousers with a Classic Van-Bailey Blue cashmere jersey, loosely styled in a way that gives him a pristine look

    9. Even the softness of the cashmere is not enough to tone down his harsh expression

    10. Cashmere sweaters had always fascinated Ken, but he had to concede that this one approached perfection

    11. and a luxury cashmere coat

    12. She loved the gift she was giving him, a soft, warm cashmere cardigan in robin’s egg blue

    13. chill, and I was glad of the comfort of my heavy cashmere topcoat

    14. Tadeo was sitting on a chair, facing the bed and drinking his second shot of whisky when the young man came out of the bathroom, dressed in faded jeans and a blue cashmere sweater

    15. ‘I’m not so sure about Him, but Julian certainly will,’ Len muttered, shaking his head in disbelief, his deep blue eyes wide open, staring with fascination at a smiling, young Julian, wearing faded jeans and an old, blue cashmere sweater

    16. " Blue cashmere, the color of

    17. I would have to guess the material was cashmere

    18. It was made out of a fuzzy thin cashmere

    19. It was topped by a cashmere sweater a shade

    20. Presently Lady Tara walked out from behind cashmere curtains near the altar

    21. It fitted in with his expensive shoes, his cashmere overcoat, exquisitely tasteful tie and jaunty, matching cashmere hat

    22. A caramel cashmere cloak with a hood finished it off

    23. She bought a Gothic prie-dieu, and in a month spent fourteen francs on lemons for polishing her nails; she wrote to Rouen for a blue cashmere gown; she chose one of Lheureux's finest scarves, and wore it knotted around her waist over her dressing-gown; and, with closed blinds and a book in her hand, she lay stretched out on a couch in this garb

    24. Yet Paul thought the girl looked so nice in her brown cashmere frock

    25. Now the leader of these horsemen was the Sultan of Cashmere, returning from

    26. the Sultan of Cashmere, convinced by her beauty and her distinguished air of the

    27. When the King of Cashmere had quitted her presence the evening before, he

    28. Days passed in this manner, till at last the Sultan of Cashmere decided to

    29. When the Sultan of Cashmere saw that the court doctors could do nothing

    30. flocked into Cashmere, but they naturally were not more successful than the rest

    31. day that she was to have been married to the Sultan of Cashmere

    32. rapture at finally discovering her in the palace at Cashmere

    33. by all present, "Sultan of Cashmere, when you wish to marry princesses who

    34. He, too, has modified himself into something elegantly human, with fawn leather pants and dark boots, a creamy cashmere sweater, a gold torque at his throat

    35. " It may be supposed, then, Franz did not wait for a repetition of this permission, but took off the handkerchief, and found himself in the presence of a man from thirty-eight to forty years of age, dressed in a Tunisian costume—that is to say, a red cap with a long blue silk tassel, a vest of black cloth embroidered with gold, pantaloons of deep red, large and full gaiters of the same color, embroidered with gold like the vest, and yellow slippers; he had a splendid cashmere round his waist, and a small sharp and crooked cangiar was passed through his girdle

    36. Her cap was embroidered with pearls, the pins in her hair were of gold and diamonds, her girdle was of Turkey silk, with large embroidered flowers, her bodice and skirt were of cashmere, her apron of Indian muslin, and the buttons of her corset were of jewels

    37. Certainly, in the eyes of an artist, the exact and strict costume of Teresa had a very different character from that of Carmela and her companions; and Teresa was frivolous and coquettish, and thus the embroidery and muslins, the cashmere waist-girdles, all dazzled her, and the reflection of sapphires and diamonds almost turned her giddy brain

    38. If a second traveller had passed, he would have seen a strange thing,—a shepherdess watching her flock, clad in a cashmere grown, with ear-rings and necklace of pearls, diamond pins, and buttons of sapphires, emeralds, and rubies

    39. There were caskets of diamonds, cashmere shawls, Valenciennes lace, English veilings, and in fact all the tempting things, the bare mention of which makes the hearts of young girls bound with joy, and which is called the "corbeille

    40. Then he put on a pair of jeans and a black cashmere polo neck and went in search of a bottle of Amarone, in case that was the kind of thing Blomkvist might enjoy

    41. Marshall had dressed down and was slumming in a cashmere sweater and slacks

    42. He looked at her again, and noticed that every piece of clothing, from the black high-heeled shoes to the checked blue cashmere shawl, was expensive and elegant

    43. She was loosely wrapped in a cashmere dressing-gown of gray-white,

    44. She was wearing jeans and a cashmere V-neck; she is one of those girls who look better in jeans than a dress

    45. He was wearing a blue cashmere sweater, sleeves pushed up

    46. As he wove through traffic, Conklin thought about Professor Judd, how he’d come in yesterday morning wearing a cashmere overcoat on top of his pajamas, how he’d bulled his way into the squad room, then demanded that Conklin listen to his dream

    47. She looked adorable, as always, wearing a soft blue cashmere sweater dress and rhinestone combs in her curly blond hair

    48. He’s in his late forties, tan and trim and dressed in the traveling uniform of the überclass—overly creased jeans, dress shirt, a cashmere blazer

    49. The only things for sale seem to be cashmere, coffee, and real estate

    50. The envelope disappeared inside the rich softness of cashmere

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