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    Usa "cassette" in una frase

    cassette frasi di esempio


    1. My boss at the warehouse sold me his video cassette recorder

    2. I told a friend who informed me that sometimes Satanists would put cursed cassette tapes on the bridges over a freeway

    3. One day God led me to the bridge over that part of the freeway and sure enough there was a wad of cassette tape there

    4. Mason grabbed a tape, and slotted it in the cassette player

    5. The arrival of Caroline’s car broke their pleasant pastimes, especially as she walked by the car with a conniving grin, waving a mini cassette victoriously above her head

    6. He was strolling nonchalantly with a roll of linoleum under one arm and a ghetto blaster playing his cassette of, “The Message“ in his other hand

    7. Bruiser turned off his car and cassette deck and then Dustin started to chime in with Issac

    8. He loved Tom Hopkins, got all his books and cassette

    9. Marjie and I were watching a video cassette recording about crop circles, a subject entirely new to her

    10. To test the set I plugged it back in again and put in another video cassette which played perfectly

    11. and listen to the recordings he'd made by humming the tunes into a tiny cassette

    12. Olivia was fixated on this radio cassette

    13. She turned on the cassette player and fixed her earphones in

    14. off the cassette, removed the earphones, and prepared to give closer

    15. It was impossible luck, all of the things that had happened to Chris since that incident outside of Tonies Coffee Shop, when Chris had picked up a black cassette tape but denied all knowledge of it

    16. switch, his eye was caught by the black cassette tape in the machine

    17. Then his glance slid over to the dressing table where the black cassette lay in a pool of its own shadow

    18. Getting out of bed and crossing to the dresser, he looked down at the cassette

    19. He heard again the thud of impact, as he saw in his mind’s eye the body flying through the air and the ghostly hand materializing to press the EJECT button, sending the cassette tape spinning away from the accident towards him

    20. Didn’t you mention something to me about a tape cassette ages ago? You know, the same day that the girl landed head first on the footpath next to you as you were on your way over here

    21. As he was hit by the car, a cassette tape shot out of his ghetto blaster and landed at my feet

    22. Steve examined it closely, looking at the warnings and trying to find something unusual about the cassette tape

    23. He shook his head resignedly, he would have liked to examine the cassette tape further but didn’t want to upset his friend by being too insistent about it

    24. He purchased four CD’s and enough blank cassette tapes to tape them for the car

    25. He reached over and took the black tape cassette out of the player, turning it over and reinserting it so the ‘B’ Side was ready to play

    26. There, he ejected the black cassette tape, sat it on the dressing table and carried on with transferring his new CD’s to blank cassette tapes

    27. The music changed slightly and he remembered the song, it was one off the black cassette tape he had

    28. Isn’t it wonderfull?” She held up the black hole of a cassette tape sucking in light

    29. The black hole of the cassette lay in the tray

    30. He smiled and inserted the tape cassette back into the player and closed the drawer

    31. You showed me the cassette tape and tried to play it for me but I heard nothing on it

    32. The music was great and he recognized one of the tunes from the black cassette tape

    33. He removed the black cassette from the stereo and put it away in the cassette rack in Ruth’s entertainment centre

    34. With no conscious thought, he reached into his pocket and withdrew the tape cassette, partially inserting it into the car’s stereo tape machine

    35. The young man examined it and put the cassette into his pocket

    36. were on the cassette and in the first songs, we could start the ball rolling

    37. The living room had one chair and a bean bag, an old twenty one inch CRT colour television, a portable radio / cassette player resting on an old pine sideboard

    38. that had a cassette player and AM/FM radio

    39. An equivalent music device is the cassette or eight-track, each of which results in listening to every song in order or fast forwarding to get to the song you wish to hear

    40. Spending $500 on a set of cassette tapes and a few reports that cost $20 to

    41. How-to cassette tapes which are instructional

    42. It was on a favorite cassette that I no longer possess, and it goes,

    43. The never to be recovered cassette had some

    44. When my older brother was studying for the priesthood, the Friars had a release of some folk songs that they put together on cassette

    45. Cassettes and cassette decks survey today – I have three ways of playing cassettes in my home

    46. From the CD, there were half a dozen songs I recorded and still have on cassette, including If I Were A Musician, You Can’t Go Home, After The Lights Go Down Low, Oh, What A Night, Room With A View and the title tune, in which he does a beautiful duet with Dianne Reeves

    47. The vinyl disc and the reels of tapes that had great fidelity nevertheless were improved somewhat with the cassette and no

    48. Adam’s eyebrows shot towards the ceiling in anticipation as he glanced at the cassette in Nancy’s hand

    49. ‘I’ll tell you when to switch on the cassette

    50. He realised that he must have been gone for over an hour because the whole cassette had played through

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